Beyond The Cave of Mirrors! (Part 2)

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As a lot of you requested, I'll be making the next chapter (The 1st Anniversary chapter) a completely Amourshipping based chapter. (With Ash-Greninja epicness ;)

Just in case you're edging for the Ash vs Jimmy Indigo Elite Champion battle... I'm just cooking up ideas to make the Ash vs Jimmy battle more interesting, that's why I keep delaying it. Its better to have a good interesting battle with unexpected twists & turns rather than a rushed one-dimensional one where the Pokemon just attack and dodge till either one faints. (And also to avoid the times when you guys complain "Oh! Rock & water field like the Kalos league battle? How original! -_-")


Over at Lucifer's hideout. Unknown Location. ???-Local time.

Lucifer emerged from the shadows, holding Sir Aaron's staff in his left hand. He looked at Giovanni in front of him, sitting on a chair beside a table. A single focused light shone on the table from above.

"I see that your mission was a success---" Giovanni said, looking at the staff in Lucifer's hand. 

"Not entirely, Sherlock. Jupiter couldn't snag away the gloves like she was supposed to." Lucifer replied, as he walked up to the table and pressed a button underneath it. Suddenly, the middle part of the rectangular table went down and came back up, with a holder on it for the staff. Lucifer leaned a bit forwards and placed the staff horizontally in the holder before getting seated. 

"What's the next move?" Giovanni asked Lucifer. "And when will I serve any purpose in this prison of yours?" 

"Patience--- Giovanni boy." Lucifer said, as he leaned back on his seat and placed both his feet on the table. "Oh, and I managed to get you a gift." He added, as he went for his pocket and took out a Pokeball from it. He instantly tossed the Pokeball towards Giovanni.

Giovanni raised his right hand and caught the Pokeball in his hand. "What's this?" He asked Lucifer.

"See for yourself." Lucifer replied, before closing his eyes and relaxing a bit. Giovanni pressed the button on the Pokeball he'd just gotten.


"Purr---Eow!" Persian exclaimed as it came out of Giovanni's Pokeball, and stood in front of it, facing him.

"Ah!" Giovanni said with widened eyes. "P-Persian!" He exclaimed, as he quickly raised his hand towards the Classy Cat Pokemon.

"Weeow--!" Persian exclaimed as she meowed, stepping closer to Giovanni. She instantly started rubbing her head against Giovanni's knees as a display of affection. 

Giovanni instantly shifted his sights towards Lucifer. "Wh-Where did you find her?" He asked Lucifer.

"Eh-- just a snitch working for me in the International Police. The mole found your Persian in the lockup and decided it needed to be free with its trainer too." Lucifer said, with his eyes still closed.

"Thank you--- Lord Lucifer---" Giovanni said, as he suddenly bowed his head a bit.

"Good boy." Lucifer replied, before opening his eyes. "But now that dickhead Ash is traveling dimensions. That fucker--- I can sense it." He added, getting serious. "He might find any weakness of mine if he manages to stumble across my dimension---" 

"How do we stop him then?" Giovanni asked, completely serious as he continued to pet his Persian gently.

"We don't." Lucifer replied.

"What?" Giovanni said, surprised. "But why? Isn't it going to hurt us in the long run?" He asked.

"Yeah. It will. Probably." Lucifer replied. "But I've been banished from the dimension he went to--- Can't travel there even if I could." He added.

The Unbreakable Bond: A Pokemon XYZ continuation (Amourshipping)Where stories live. Discover now