INB4 The Ultra Recon Squad!

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[The outer Solar System, the Kuiper Belt.]

A small spaceship approached the Solar System, and parked at the edge of the Kuiper Belt. The spaceship was primarily white in color, with Teal Green accents around it.

Inside the Spaceship's empty cockpit, a small red light blinked on a large circular control panel that spanned around the front of the cockpit. A moderate beeping noise also got audible in sync to the blinking red light.

Suddenly, a computer voice started talking the voice came from speakers located around the whole cockpit.

Computer voice (Feminine): "URS ship has reached the destination: Solar System. Autopilot: Off. Initializing awakening of primary hibernating crew. *beep*"

*a few moments later*

Opposite of the control panel, a silver steel door was located at the edge of the cockpit. The door automatically slid open at high speed, making a mechanical noise as a person walked through it and entered.

 The door automatically slid open at high speed, making a mechanical noise as a person walked through it and entered

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The person took a few steps forwards and stopped in the middle of the empty cockpit. His face exhibited signs of sleepiness, and he stretched his body as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep.

"*Yawn* Ahh---- Nothin' like a hibernating session to freshen up." The person said to himself, as he yawned and stretched a bit with his arms raised high up in the air.

Computer voice: "Welcome back, Agent Dulse. I presume you slept well during your journey to this system."

"Yeah yeah whatever, Dearie." The Person, named 'Dulse' said to the integrated AI system named 'Dearie'.

Dearie: "Would you like a caffeinated drink, Agent Dulse?"

"Get me some decent coffee." Agent Dulse said to Dearie, the voice-controlled AI embedded in the spaceship.

Dearie: "A classical choice, Agent Dulse. One cup of Cappuccino Coffee coming up."

Agent Dulse walked ahead and sat down on the rightmost of the four Teal Green-colored chairs present right in front of the control panel. A small panel popped out from the side of Agent Dulse's chair, with a large cup of Coffee and a small energy bar placed on it.

Agent Dulse pressed a small blue button in front of him, before leaning back on the chair and opening up the energy bar, and taking a sip from the cup of coffee right next to him.

Dearie: "*Beep* URS ship scanning mode initiated."

"Scan for that thing our ancestors dropped over a 1000 years ago--- Codename--- uh--- Necrozma--- did this star kill it or nah?" Agent Dulse said to Dearie, before taking a bite out of his energy bar.

Dearie: "Command acknowledged. Initiating complete scan for traces of Codename Necrozma in Star dubbed 'The Sun' by local intelligent lifeforms."

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