The Speed Challenge

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Note: B/W sketch fanart credits to Twitter: @amazake_suki


Narrator: "As Ash makes his way to Pallet town, Serena has just arrived in his house in a purely coincidental case. We join Serena as she visits Delia."

[Pallet Town, at Ash's house before he arrived]

Serena was sitting in the main hall, on a couch. Delia came and placed a tray on the tea table in front of Serena. The tray had two cups filled with herbal tea. There was a flatscreen TV in the distance, with a news channel running but with the volume muted.

Delia picked up one cup and sat down on the couch opposite to Serena.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Ketchum" Serena said, as she picked up the cup in front of her.

"I've said it many times--- just call me Delia, Serena." Delia replied.

"O-Okay, Delia--" Serena replied.

"It's so nice of you to keep dropping by whenever you get the chance---" Delia said. "It's the first time It's happened that I don't miss my little boy so much when he's off on a journey. It feels like I have a daughter now." She added.

"Th-Thank you for having me, Delia---" Serena said, with her head lowered a bit as she looked into her cup. Her cheeks lit up as she thought about Ash. She then raised her head back up, and took a sip.

"I don't see Mr. Mime anywhere" Serena asked, looking around.

"Oh, Mimey's at the Professor's House. The Professor has been a little sick lately so Mimey's been taking care of him" Delia replied.

"Oh--- I hope he get's well soon" Serena said.

"So how's the shooting for that film going? You're staying here for tonight, right?" Delia asked.

"I'm actually on a break currently---" Serena replied. "I just made up a bunch of excuses so the contractors gave me a little over a week to rest." She added.

"Oh my--- It means you're staying, right? You never stay overnight!" Delia said.

"I-I--- don't know---" Serena was saying, when Delia quickly got up on her feet. 

"Fine--- I understand. Come on, Serena. I wanted to show you something ever since the last time you came." Delia said, as she placed her cup on the table. She then walked towards the hallways, and upstairs.

"Huh?" Serena said, as she placed her cup on the table, got up, and followed Delia upstairs.

The two went inside Ash's room. Delia sat down on Ash's bed, while Serena looked at the shelf filled with Ash's achievements. 

All of Ash's badges, Frontier Symbols, etc were placed on the shelf, along with the Orange Islands trophy, and the Indigo League trophy that Ash recently achieved. Two P1 Grand Prix belts that belonged to Primeape and Hawlucha were hanging on the same wall that had the shelf.

(In Serena's thoughts) "All of these badges--- and Trophies--- They represent each and every series of battles Ash has won in all of these years" Serena said to herself. 

Serena's sights set on the box that contained Ash's Kalos Badges. (In Serena's thoughts) "Every badge that Ash got in Kalos--- each of them has their own unique story--- I wonder if it's the same with the rest of them---" Serena said to herself, looking at the other boxes that had badges from the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova Region. She could also see at a smaller box right next to the Orange Island League trophy that had the four badges from the Orange Archipelago.

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