Till Death Do Us Part

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A few weeks later. Over at a pier in southern Kanto.

It was night time. A large ship was docket, and crates of something were being offloaded from it. The men and women that were at work wore completely black clothing, which didn't reflect at all.

In the shadows, something moved. Suddenly, two green eyes appeared. It was Ash, hiding.

"A continuous stream of cargo coming into Kanto--" Ash thought, looking at the whole place using the power of his God's Eye. "The company that's bringing this cargo say that there's nothing illegal going on, but Serena knows a liar when she hears him speak." He thought.

Ash looked around the whole place, as workers tirelessly offloaded cargo crates, using forklifts to get the crates on to some trucks that were ready to launch away if needed. Ash used the power of God's Eye to look inside the crates, and instantly saw weapons and ammunition. "Bingo." He said, before taking out his PokeGear. He pressed a button on it. "Confirmed sight of illegal weapons. Let's do this quick, and do it loud. I wanna be back home before dinnertime." He said, before putting the PokeGear away.

A response came from the PokeGear. "Roger dat." Meowth's voice replied.

Ash looked at his shoulder, where Pikachu was sitting firmly. "You ready to do this, buddy?" He asked.

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu replied.


At a corner in the pier, where the hidden offloading was taking place.


Flames and dark smoke followed the explosion, rising high up in the air. Suddenly, a large number of the people began running into their trucks, while a remainder portion pulled out weapons and got ready to kill anyone on sight. It was obvious; They were all Team Rocket Grunts.

One Grunt slowly walked around, and suddenly spotted Ash in the shadows, due to the glow from his green eyes.

"Who's there?!" The Grunt yelled, pointing his gun at Ash. Pikachu quickly took cover behind Ash's head, peeking a bit.


"Kyur-RREEEH!" Kyurem roared, emerging from the God Stone. He stood in between Ash and the Grunt.

"Surrender now." Ash said, as his eyes glowed intensely. His clothing changed to Silver Steel colour, and so did the colour on Kyurem's body. Both Ash and Kyurem had converted into the Steel Type.


"AAAHHH!" The Grunt yelled, emptying the magazine of his pistol into Ash and Kyurem. He stopped when he ran out of bullets.

Ash yawned. "Are you done yet?" He asked, before dusting off the bullets from his body. None of them managed to lay a single scratch on either Ash or Kyurem.

"What the heck are you?!" The Grunt exclaimed, taking a few steps back.

Kyurem squinted his eyes. "Master--- Can I eat this one?" He asked.

"No, Kyurem---" Ash replied. "We need him alive for interrogation." He added. "Besides, you might get food poisoning after eating this scum."


*Truck Horn*

A pickup truck came speeding from the side, and rammed straight into the Grunt, launching him away. The Truck instantly hit the brakes and stopped in front of Ash and Kyurem, before the door opened.

Meowth emerged from the passenger door's window and looked at the Grunt in the distance, lying on the ground and not moving. "One twerpy grunt down!" He exclaimed. "Let's find the others, Jimmy!" He added, looking inside the truck which was being driven by James. Jessie popped her head out as well. "Pedal to the metal, James! They'll get away!" She yelled.

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