The God Stone

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"What does it mean to have power?" Ash's voice lingered in the darkness, in the void of space and time. "What does it mean to be weak?" He pondered again.

"One thinks they are powerful, when they can defeat someone." He thought. "But can it not be possible, that their opponent is weak?" He continued. "If everyone is powerful, does it mean nobody is powerful? If everyone is weak, does it mean that nobody is weak?"

Ash had his eyes closed, seated in the dark cabin of the private jet. Pikachu was in his lap, and Serena by his side. Both were asleep as well. To the other side of him, isolated, was Lillie. She was awake. She couldn't sleep. She had regained a parent that she had previously thought was gone forever. Her mind wanted rest, but her concerned, excited, yet confused soul firmly refused the request.

Lillie sighed, before taking a sip of water from the bottle she was holding. She continued to stare out the jet's window, into the dark, cloudy surroundings as the bright sun set on the blue horizon. She had her concerns, the biggest one: What if her father never gets his memories back? What would happen if that were the case? Would she tell her mother eventually, or keep this secret tied inside of her? The thoughts suffocated her, as if she were a patient of Asthma, and in need of her inhaler that was simply not present.

Her PokeGear beeped.

She took out her pearly white device, and looked at its screen. She saw a new message. From Clemont. She was briefly baffled by how her phone had any signal at all, thousands of feet in the air, but then she noticed the Wi-Fi was connected, with its signal coming from the plane. She dropped that thought, and quickly opened Clemont's message.

It was a sincere apology. Truth be told, sincere wasn't a big enough word to describe the emotions Clemont expressed in his message, apologizing to Lillie, for asking her to be his Girlfriend. She replied with the conventional and expected words: "It's okay."

But was it okay for Lillie? She wished to express her feelings, but stopped for the sake of creating more drama than there already was in her life. After so many years of being 'raised' by a single widowed mother, she suddenly had a father, that was alive.

She began to wonder. "What does it mean to be alive?". Her Father died years ago, but was still alive. He doesn't have any memory of his life with his wife, his two children. None of it. It felt as if he really did die, and was now reborn, with a new life. Did his lack of memory make him less than alive, in the eyes of those that shared the bond of love with him?


The thought of that specific four-letter word gave her hope. Her Father may not have his memories. He may not know anything about his own family. But love never needed memories. The love a parent has for their children is unconditional, and sometimes, it can drive parents to great extremes. "And sometimes, love can drive parents insane as well." She thought, as the image of her own mother came to mind, and all that she had done in the past when she operated the Aether Foundation, and was in close collaboration with Team Skull.

She turned her head and looked at Ash, a few feet away from her, leaned back on his seat and in deep sleep. He had drool dripping from the edge of his lips. She smiled, and eased up. The tension on her face vanished, and a bit of relief followed. There was no reason to be tense about the situation. Ash was here. Ash would make things right. She got up from her seat and stepped right next to Ash. She raised her hand a bit, in order to clean the drool off of Ash's lips- but then, her sights focused on Serena on the other side of Ash, who was also in deep sleep. She looked at Serena, and then lowered her hand.

"He's already taken." She said to herself, in her thoughts. She considered herself stupid, for rejecting a guy mere hours ago, and now having her insides turning upside down for another one, who was already taken. But it was what she felt. She walked back to her seat, internally ridding herself of the thoughts that had just crossed her mind earlier. She silently closed her eyes, dozing off.

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