[S2E08] Team Ultra: Origin

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Many years ago, at a court trial. Ultra Megalopolis, Auraini Prime.

Many judges sat on their respective seats, with spotlights piercing the dark courtroom. The spotlights were focused on the person that was facing trial. They all wore white robes with teal-colored accents.

The Man facing trial was tall and athletic, and wore a white uniform with golden accents; the uniform of Team Ultra. His armor was cracked at spots, and clothing torn at others. Some patches of blood stained the clear white uniform. He was in some special handcuffs made to restrict the powers of Aura.

One of the people in the courtroom held a piece of paper as they read off of it. "Zhi Auraini. You are charged with 97 counts of organized terrorism, treason, and acting with the intent to overthrow the authority of the Auraini Authoritarian Party and its rule over Auraini Prime. How do you plead?"

The defendant; Zhi Auraini, had his head lowered. "If fighting for what is right, means being guilty... then yes, I am guilty!" He yelled, raising his head and voice.

Everyone went silent.

The person spoke again, looking down at Zhi. "I believe we've all seen and heard enough." They said. "You have engaged in many illegal activities, for which you will face the consequences."

"What is right, is not always legal." Zhi said. "I will always choose what is right."

Moments later, the main judge smacked their little gavel. "Zhi Auraini. You are found guilty for all of your 97 counts of crimes. As such, the court sentences you to death by hanging until dead."

Soon at a dark and large execution chamber, Zhi was brought up to his position as the executioner put the noose around his neck.

Many captured members of Team Ultra were present, all with handcuffs as they saw their leader being put up for execution. Among the captured were women and children, and among the children, was the young Rhi.

Zhi looked at everyone, and noted that his son Rhi was watching everything. He quickly put on a brave face as he faced everyone.

"Fear not!" Zhi yelled. "This is but a small price to pay for freedom! Keep fighting, till the day we achieve democracy on Auraini Prime! Team Ultra will keep striving for that day!"

The executioner put a black bag over Zhi's face, covering it completely. "Shut up, terrorist. Die in hell!" He said to Zhi, before reaching for the lever.

Everyone watched in horror as the leader of Team Ultra; Zhi Auraini was executed.


"AAH!" Rhi screamed, waking up. It was the present time, on Earth. He looked around his minimal small room, which was empty.

Rhi kept breathing heavily for a few moments, before calming down. "It was another nightmare... of that day." He thought.

He lied back on his bed again. He started thinking of his past few weeks. He kept thinking of the bomb he detonated, and almost hurt Zossie.

"Was fanaticism the right way?" He thought, when Team Ultra sent the notice claiming responsibility for the bomb. He then thought of all the news articles and reports online about the attack, and then thought of that one thing he was taught a long time ago.

"All publicity is good publicity."

Rhi kept thinking about things, when suddenly someone knocked the door to his room. He got up and opened the door, revealing a member of Team Ultra standing.

"There's a new report from Galar." The member said. "You should join us."


Moments later, Rhi was present at a meeting table where other members of Team Ultra were present. They all had various stars on their shoulders hinting at a senior rank.

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