Pokemon The Fan-fiction Movie: Zeraora And The Destiny Of Spark

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Disclaimer: I do not take credit for any fanart shown unless explicitly stated i.e. if it has my twitter tag @AwesomeAsimHD on it.
Wattpad is getting super glitchy rn so report if there's any wrong part or anything


Me in 2017: "Damn. This chapter is 5,000 words! Guess I got carried away."

Me in 2018: "Hmm... This chapter is over 71,000 words. I think I should add a few dialogue in this scene so its a lot better now for the reader."

Yep. The chapter you're reading right now is over 71,000 words.


Lucifer stood still in a dark, empty room. A bright white light focused on him from above, as he read from a book he was holding in his hand. There were four Team Rocket Grunts standing around him. The Grunts had Black/Gold-colored Samurai Armor parts in their hands, which they continued to tie onto Lucifer's body as he read through his book in complete concentration. The Armor had decorations that resembled Giratina's body accents.

Agent Phyco of the Ultra Recon Squad approached Lucifer from the front, with his arms crossed behind his back. "I see preparations are underway---" He said to Lucifer in a civil manner.

"You bet, Phyco---" Lucifer replied. "This is gonna be one hell of an adventure---" 

Phyco took out a small black glove, which had a violet colored Aura Crystal fitted on it, along with patterns of Aura. "Your arm, Lord Lucifer." He said.

Lucifer stuck his left arm in front of him, while holding his book in his right arm. Phyco stepped forwards and put the black glove on Lucifer's left hand. "Remember, Lord Lucifer---" He said. "You have a limited times you can use the powers before this Aura Crystal gets drained of power. Use it wisely, as it is capable of falling apart once pushed to its limit."

Lucifer took his eyes off of his book, and looked at Phyco. "You don't have to tell that to me." He said, as his eyes glowed with a faint red Aura. 

"Just making sure." Phyco said, grinning widely while curling up his handlebar moustache.

Lucifer shifted his sights back towards his book, and began reading out loud. "In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again---" Lucifer said, reading through the book. He then shut the book close and put it in a small brown bag strapped to his body. "Let's see what Alice does." He said, pointing his left hand towards the dark emptiness, crating a portal through space-time.


Narrator: "Over 1000 years ago, before Sir Aaron became a Knight---"

The bright midday sun shined over the Cameran Stadium, as a 16-year old Squire swung his sword at a 21-year old Squire, creating sparks at the time of impact between the two blades. The two Squires wore full Knight armor on their body, and had shining helmets over their heads that concealed their identities.

The spot was packed with people, that cheered on for the two Squires. At the highest balcony-like point of the Palace's stadium, The King of the Cameran Empire sat on his decorated chair, and looked at the sword-fight before him. He was accompanied by his 16-year old Daughter: Princess Rin. 

"Swing it, Aaron! Yeah!" Princess Rin exclaimed, swinging her fists around while looking at the two Squires battling it out in the battlefield. She stood next to the stone guard rails a few feet in front of her Father; The King. 

The King rubbed his beard while looking at the battling Squires. "Hmm---" He said, before raising his right arm a bit, calling forth a Dame standing a few feet behind him who was also witnessing the battle.

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