Turning over a new Bayleef!

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Before starting this chapter, i wanted to say a few things:

Thanks for the continued support! i might not have thousands of views, but a few hundred is worth millions to me! <3

In this chapter, instead of the usual format of writing, i've decided to try another format of Fanfic writing that i've read elsewhere. Also, unlike usual, i won't be heavily reliant on pictures to explain a particular moment. 

Please leave feedback down in the comments section about whether this format is better or the previous one! Happy reading! 


[Pallet Town, Kanto Region. 10AM, Kantos Standard Time]

Writer's POV

Ash, Serena and Pikachu just had their breakfast at Ash's house and learned that Ash has a chance to compete in the Indigo league once more. They are now headed towards Professor Oak's Lab so the Professor can take a look at what's wrong with Serena's Braixen.

(In thoughts) "I can't believe it! I actually have a chance to compete in the Indigo league once more! this is so great! i wonder what six Pokemon i should take with me for the competition.. I have so many powerful Pokemon that i have collected throughout all of my adventures. to be able to have them all at my disposal sure feels like having an enormous power.." Ash kept thinking on and on as he and Serena walked together on their way to Professor Oak's Lab. Serena looked at Ash who was lost in his thoughts. (In Thoughts) "Ash sure looks adorable when he's thinking so hard about something. Makes me wonder what he actually is thinking about. Knowing Ash, he's most likely thinking about meeting his Pokemon or going to the Indigo league" Serena thought as she looked at Ash. She didn't want to bother him at all so the pair just quietly made their way to Professor Oak's Lab without a single sentence.

Ash's POV

"Pika Pi!" (We're here!) Pikachu said as he jumped right off of My shoulders and ran into Professor Oak's Lab. It was an elegant two-story high building with white walls, a bunch of windows and a red colored rooftop with a slanted angle. Pikachu sure seemed to be excited to meet all of his old friends as he basically rushed in without me. Before I could enter the Lab, the doors broke open and my cute green Bayleef came rushing towards me as she always does. "Bayyleef!" (You're back!) Bayleef said with a bright smile of joy as she came hurtling towards me and tackled Me to the ground. She always loved to do that every time she got the chance. It was weird why she did that, but my old buddy Brock thinks that she does that just to show how much she likes me as her trainer. It hurt at first when she started doing it right after evolving from a cute little Chikorita, but soon i got used to it after knowing how much it meant to her to do that, so I didn't even mind such behavior anymore. Seeing all of this happening, Serena thought I was getting attacked by a wild Pokemon since she had no idea that I had a Bayleef that loved to tackle me as a way of showing affection.

"Pancham! Quick! use Dark Pulse and get that Pokemon away from Ash! " Serena said as she quickly threw her Pancham's Pokeball, commanding him to attack the 'wild' Bayleef! Pancham came out of his Pokeball and as instructed by his trainer, quickly smacked his two small hands as he formed a small dark ball which was the very glimpse of the upcoming attack. Pancham's Dark Pulse was a strong one and managed to launch Bayleef off of me and straight into the outer white wall of Professor Oak's Lab, cracking it in the process and burying her with rubble that fell. It looked like Bayleef got a direct hit. "Stop, Serena! That's MY Bayleef!" I said as quickly as possible but it was already too late. Bayleef had already taken a hit from Pancham's powerful dark pulse.

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