The Implosion of the Universe

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"Do you know what you want?"

Your mother rolled down her window as she pulled up to the Dairy Queen drive-thru. You thought for a moment before giving her your favorite order, and she spoke it to the clearly sleep-deprived voice coming over the speaker, followed by her own order.

You grabbed her purse for her as she pulled up to the first window, which she thanked you for. She grabbed the money she needed and paid, pulling up to the next window to wait for your ice cream.

"So, you excited?"

"I guess."

Even without looking at her, you could tell she was frowning.

"You're still a bit shooken up, huh?"

"Yeah. I mean, I'm glad we're out of there and all, but... why'd this have to happen so close to school time?"

"Yes, I know, honey. But this is better. So much more than I could explain. I'm sure you understand."

"Yeah." You sighed, and answered her question. "I'm just nervous about school, mostly."

Your mom grabbed your orders from the worker, who had finally finished them, handing yours to you and sitting hers in the cup holder. She pulled out of the drive-thru and started home.

"I get that, yeah. New school, new strangers... no friends. It's always an experience. I had to deal with it once."

"I want the others back," I mumbled. A familiar wave of despair overcame you. Your old group-mates had gotten you through everything. Who was gonna get you through this? It wasn't looking promising now.

"I know, honey, I know. Trust me, you'll find new friends. No matter how long it takes, it'll get better."

"You say that, but..."

Your mom had all but exhausted her attempts at convincing you that there could be friends as good as the ones from your Sekai. But really, no one could ever replace them. She didn't know that as well as you did.

You picked at your ice cream, a brain freeze being enough to distract you for the time being.

Once you got home, ice cream gone and hands plenty cold, you were quick to get into your room and spend a little time on the internet. Unfortunately, there were a few things you had to do before then, and your mom knew that, stopping you at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey! Don't forget to get your things ready for tomorrow!"

You sighed, wanting to just escape reality for a moment, but rounded the corner nonetheless and made your way into the living room. Next to the couch sat a Walmart bag of things you had bought for school. Pencils, pens, notebooks, etc. Pretty uninteresting stuff. You put everything into the new bag you had bought and took it to the door so it'd be easy to get in the morning.

"And your outfit?"

"I still need to get the tags off it."

"Ok. Make sure you do that."

You hummed and stepped up the first few steps to your room. Unfortunately, you were stopped once again.


"Yeah mom?" You turned around to your mom, smiling sadly at you.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

She pulled you into her arms and held you for a moment before letting you go disappear for the night.

Once softly wrapped in a blanket and laying in your bed, you didn't hesitate to open tik tok and begin scrolling.

The downside to tik tok, however, was something you had faced before. Within moments of being on the app, another reminder of your old group was thrown at you.

It was a girl making a shocked face and shaking her camera, overlayed with one of your songs. Across the top were words that you didn't find familiar, but the idea was fascinating, among other things.

"ur telling me the sn23 fans are calling their split up the implosion of the universe?? THATS SO COOL????"

You hadn't heard of that before. Since it happened, everyone had just been calling it the Super Nova split-up (reminiscent of the Sekai name, Super Nova 23).

In a spike of curiosity, you tapped on #supernova23, just to see what was happening. To your surprise, there was a lot of universal implosion talk. Alongside it all were old fancams, animations, and other things you had seen back when the group was still together.

While scrolling, you were stopped by a group of warm voices you had once grown to adore speaking through your phone. You recall the exact date the words had been said.

"Thank you all so much for coming!" The group shouts, and the crowd cheers.

"Three whole years, this is crazy! All you fans that have been here from the start, thank you, so so much!" Spoke one of your old friends, Yuuki.

"As you know, this is our last show..." the next girl choked up mid-sentence, and you watched as Yuuki came to her aid, patting her gently on the back. "We're just so glad you sold it out so quickly!"

"We owe everything we have to you guys. It makes us wish we could keep performing for you." Kisane spoke up next, waving to her loyal fans among everyone else. A different breed of people, really.

"Thank you all, once again for all the support! We've had our ups and downs, our drama and our peace, and we appreciate everyone of you for sticking it out with us for so long!"

Finally, the very girl you had seen in the mirror this morning (a bit more glammed up in the video) was given the mic and wiped the river of tears from her face.

"We'll miss you all so much!"

As you watched yourself give everything to keep from bawling your eyes out on stage, you felt hot tears pool in your eyes, and with a frustrated huff, wiped them off.

The lights faded, signaling the beginning of the show, and the video ended. There, in the caption, was the show's new name.

The Implosion of the Universe.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now