Not Progress (but kinda progress)

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This our man girlies ^^Also have this early because I feel like it 😈

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This our man girlies ^^
Also have this early because I feel like it 😈

"That hoodie of yours looks cute on her," your mom commented, and Rui nodded in agreeance. "So what did you two do that has her avoiding me?"

Rui was silent. What was he supposed to say? 'Yeah I decided to leave a bunch of hickies on her neck just for the hell of it'? His excuses were pretty nonexistent, but he was able to pull one from his mind.

"She's just a little embarrassed about wearing my hoodie around you. Something like that's more of a couple thing, after all."

That made something in Rui's chest warm. You and him... a couple. Just like in your dream.

Your mom shook her head. "My, you're both terrible at hiding it. Jeez, my last day seeing my daughter for the next month and this is how it's gonna be?" There was that playfulness in her eye that scared Rui.

She was definitely going to find out.

That wasn't exactly the best time for you to come running down the stairs, grabbing a snack for breakfast and slinging your backpack over your shoulder. Your mother stopped you just as you were about to reach the door, grabbing the loop of your bag and pulling you back.

"C'mere," was all she said, before her hands were patting you down like airport security. "Where are the bruises, Darling? You gotta have at least one, or else you didn't have any fun."


She eventually sighed, not finding anything that made you wince, and stood back up to look you in the face. She grabbed you by the cheeks again, looking you in the eyes, and you thought that somehow, you'd gotten away with it. Until she tilted your head to the side and moved your collar. Her eyes gleamed at the sight.

"Ah, those are some nice hickies." She let go of your face, seeing how hot it was when you turned back to her. "Just how gentle were you with her, Rui?"

"Clearly not gentle enough."

"Hahaha! C'mere!" She pulled you into her chest, grabbing Rui by the tie and pulling him over as well. She gave him a quick peck on the forehead, ruffling his hair. "Welcome to the family, pal!"

"Moooom, we gotta get to school," you mumbled into her clothes.

"Calm down! The bus isn't even supposed to come through for another 7 minutes!"

"We're actually walking," Rui corrected, and your mom made an 'O' with her lips, nodding.

"It's about time. Get going, kid." She kissed the top of your head and let go of you. "Maybe you should have this fine, young neck-sucker escort you there every morning!"

You scolded her for being so vulgar and left as quickly as you could, Rui close behind you. As you ate your breakfast and walked down the street to see your other friends, something clicked in your mind. Friends...

Oh god, were you and Rui still friends?

You choked on a piece of your food at that, Rui asking if you were okay. You waved your hand at him. Eventually you stopped coughing and sighed.

"You alright?"


"What was that all about?"

You held your hands and snack to your chest, looking down. "Does what happened earlier effect like... our relationship? Or anything?"

"Only if you want it to," Rui responded casually. You wished that maybe he'd have more of his own opinion on the matter. "We can stay friends. And I mean friends-friends. Not the kind that leave marks on each other's necks often. Or, well... we could take it further."

You hugged yourself at the thought of something like that happening again, feeling the same excited tremble as when it had been happening. To imagine it going any farther... that tremble turned into one of fear.

You can think you trust someone. Love them for a year, and then have them take the whole mile and leave when you lend an inch of yourself to them.

But... in a way... this was that inch. Your neck. The fact that he stopped there... the fact that if you hadn't wanted to continue, he wouldn't have gone that far in the first place. That was something you wondered if you could trust.

"Are you alright? I don't mean to overwhelm you with all of this."

"No, you're fine. I'm overthinking."

To think about Isago again... as if he was anywhere near comparable to Rui...

"Are you struggling for an answer? You know you don't have to give one."


"Oh. Well, I didn't exactly phrase it as a question, did I?" He laughed. "I'm asking if you want this sort of thing to continue. Labels don't have to matter. Just as long as you aren't uncomfortable or anything."

Oddly enough, you found somewhere in yourself that you wouldn't hate for something like this morning to play out again. With some time of course. It was overwhelming enough as it is.

"Friends," you spoke bluntly.


You shook your head. "No, just... 'friends'."

There was surprise written all over Rui's face. Sure, this was you saying you didn't want to be a couple, but he could understand it. You were pretty overwhelmed, and he was too. Perhaps it was something of a punishment for not being able to control himself. But the fact that you were saying you didn't mind it. The fact that you were okay with it happening again...

"Are you sure?"

You nodded with little hesitation. "Yeah."

"Ok then," he smiled. "I'll try not to overwhelm you like this morning. That was my fault."

"How was that your fault? It was my dream."

"The only reason I knew what happened in that dream is by coming onto you," Rui looked away, cheeks dusted red. You let out a small laugh.

"True, I suppose."

"And just so you know, I don't plan on going any further than that. Not by much, at least."

"Why not?"

Those two words alone were enough to make Rui's heart leap out of his chest. He felt its beating pick up and his breathing become a little more shallow. His face grew pretty red too. You mentally slapped yourself at the sight.

"Oh, wait, sorry. That really wasn't the best question to ask. Guess I have to start worrying about you getting overwhelmed too, hehe." You apologized bashfully, and his heart then decided to stop rattling in the cage of his ribs.

"It's fine, I'm prone to overthinking a bit myself too," he sighed, reassuring you. "But... to answer your question... because I want you to be okay." He sounded like he wanted to say more, but couldn't quite piece together his next sentence. The care was enough to warm your chest, though.

"Thank you."

"Of course, Y/n."

You both were soon two houses away from the school, watching as Tsukasa and Nene searched the people climbing off your bus. You were nowhere to be seen.

"First Rui's late and now Y/n doesn't get off the bus? Something's gotta be wrong," Tsukasa determined as he pulled his phone from his pocket. Before he could try calling Rui, though, your voice sounded from down the sidewalk.

"Tsukasa! Nene!"

The two in question turned to look down the sidewalk, seeing you and Rui waving while walking side-by-side. Tsukasa smiled and waved back, but he couldn't help the heat of jealousy bubbling inside of him.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now