Just Maybe...

211 7 15

"Wow, I think this show's almost ready!" Emu cheered. You turned to Nene, a smile growing onto your face as she nodded.

"I mean, this isn't anything extravagant, but..." you chuckled excitedly to yourself, "I'm glad we can almost call it quits!"

The three of you gave each other a high-five before each making your own way home. The house was empty, as usual, save for your trusty companion and suspected guardian angel, Lucky. The moment you had returned home, it didn't take long for her meowing self to trot to you and start brushing against your legs. You picked her up into your arms, seeing how appreciative she was that you were back. At least you wouldn't be spending the night completely alone. Though, yet another aspect factored into that when your phone went off.

Yo how's the loverboy situation?? 😏

Dont get me started

That great huh?
You tryna call?



You'd barely read her last message before her contact appeared on your screen as an incoming call. You picked up and were immediately met with:

"Okay, so what's the deal?" She them gasped. "Don't tell me he got a girlfriend!"

"No, he just..." you ran a hand down your face, sighing. "He's too pretty man. I don't know if I can do this." You chuckled.

"Bruh." You could tell she was shaking her head, making you start to snicker. "Okay, but pretty how?"

"Like, you were at the show, right?"

"Yeah, had to leave right after or else I would've came and found you. Awe, man, then I could've seen how pretty was in person." She sighed.

"Nah, we would've been cleaned up by then. Here, wait..." You got onto Tiktok and quickly made for the search bar, typing in "Wondershow ft Y/n". You began scrolling through the videos, finding an array of edits despite only just having the show. You tapped onto one in particular that was a fantastic of Rui. You watched it at least 3 times, recalling just how breathtaking he is.

"Did you die?" Yuuki suddenly asked, making you jump.

"JEEZUS, yeah, I'm fine, holy shit." You copied the link and texted it to Yuuki.

"Here, found a close-up fancam."

"Ight, bet." You waited as she watched it, hearing a gasp from the other end of the phone. "GYATT DAYUMM"

"I know, right?!"

"He's single right?" She giggled.


"You think I got a shot?"


"Y/N!" The two of you laughed. "Okay, I don't know how I would ever sing a love song in front of that guy, he's like..."


"Yeah, that's a word."

She went quiet for a moment, before several texts came through from her, all zoom-ed in pictures of Rui from the video.

"Girl, stooooop!"

She began hysterically giggling over the phone, causing you to start laughing as well. A good hour of phone chatter later, the two of you bid goodnight and hung up.

And while you laid in bed, waiting for sleep to come claim you, you started thinking. About Rui, of course. Maybe he wouldn't accept your feelings, but... you deserved that. You can't say you'd be able to be happy about it, but you could accept it. It was his choice, after all. After what you had done, it would be well-earned.


"Nene, I don't know how much longer I can do this..." Rui groaned, the familiar pit of numbness and melancholy lingering in his chest. 

"Just hold out a bit longer, okay? I'm sure you'll feel better really soon."

"You keep saying that..." he mumbled. Over his phone, he could hear the faint clicking of buttons on Nene's switch, coupled with the low-volume sounds of whatever game she was playing.

"I'm sure she misses the way you both used to be just as much as you do."

"No, she doesn't. She thinks she manipulated me, and now she's some horrible person for making me love her." He waved his hands around, despite the fact that no one was there to watch. He sighed, leaning back on his couch. 

"Listen, she'll come back around. She probably feels terrible for what she did."

He sighed. He just wanted you back. He wished he was on the phone with you, not that Nene wasn't a good chatting partner.

"Did you die?"

Rui pouted, whining, "Yeah, I'm dead."

"Wanna fall asleep on call? I'll be sure to eavesdrop if you start talking in your sleep."

Rui chuckled. Who else could bring a smile to his face when you wouldn't? "Yeah, thanks."

"Wanna talk about something else, or are you going to sleep?"

"I... no. I don't have anything else to talk about..." Truth be told, he didn't want to stop talking about you. He didn't want to stop thinking about you. Your costumes were gorgeous in a way that made him almost ask to hold you today. And the way you did your face? His heart had to be roasted to a crisp.

He'd had these thoughts earlier, in his dressing room. Working hard on his eyeliner to make himself presentable for the stage. His mind had wandered much too far, before he had even seen the final result. He'd ran his mind's eyes through your silky soft hair, down the intricacies of your costume, and to your bedazzling eyes, lined with shades of your trademark color and long, fluttering lashes.

And then, when he realized he was taking forever just staring at his mirror with eyeliner in his hand, not drawing with it whatsoever, he cursed himself, punching his makeup desk. He froze for a moment afterward, hoping that wasn't too loud. Then, he quickly finished his face and pulled his whimsical self out of the depths of his mind and heart, ready to be the Rui the fans loved.

"Do you really think she'll come around?" Rui asked, cringing at his own meek voice. What did it matter? He'd only be getting his hopes up.

"I'm certain."


"Yes, really. Now go to sleep."

"Heh, you first. It's already past midnight."

"Once I hear you snoring instead of messing with nuts and bolts, I'll pass right out."

Rui chuckled, then snuggled into his couch, pulling his blanket over himself. "Goodnight, Nene."

"Night, Dumdum."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now