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"Happy birthday to youuu~!"

You and the others closed your song, Emu cheering for Rui to make a wish and blow out his candles. He did so, still trying to fight the smile that was tugging at his lips. You couldn't tell what face he was making. One of humiliation or appreciation. Regardless, he blew out the candles on his cake and everyone cheered.

"It's party time!!" Emu and Rin cheered, grabbing huge bottles of soda and pouring everyone a cup. Miku came to cut the cake, giving the first slice to Rui. Luka scooped ice cream for everyone who wanted some, and soon everyone was feasting. You sat next to your boyfriend, taking a bite of the cake. You'd admit, you, Emu, and Nene had done a good job on it.

You playfully flicked the party hat on Rui's head, giggling. He turned to you and gave a light peck to your cheek.

"Are you having a nice birthday?"

"Yes... this is all very sweet of you guys..."

"What, is this their first time having a party for you?"

"No, but it's not like I'll ever get used to it." He took another bite of the cake, nodding. "The cake's good."

"I can't help but think so myself. Nene's mom sure has some good recipes."

"Have you tried her cookies?"


"Make sure you get one next time she makes them. They'll make you feel like you leveled up."

"Video game food, huh? Sounds fitting for Nene's mom."

Rui chuckled, taking another bite of the delicious cake, which he had almost gone already.

"What should we do for the afterparty?"


"Yeah. You're staying over tonight, right? At least, you are now," you smiled. "I figured we could stay up late eating junk food and playing video games, maybe binge watching some anime... anything else you have in mind?"

"I wouldn't mind that. Or... maybe supper..."

"You haven't had supper?" You deadpanned, looking at how his plate was already empty of the cake and ice cream it had once held.

"It slipped my mind... I'll help you cook it, of course. Your choice too."

"No, no, I won't stand for that! It's not my birthday. Whatever you want for supper,  it's yours. As long as it's actual, decent food, that is."

"I have a feeling this will be enough sweetness for me tonight," he looked down at his plate. "So... maybe some kind of chicken?"

"We'll see. I think I have some."

You soon finished your food as well, deciding you weren't going to grab seconds, now that you'd be eating after. Once the others had gotten their fill, Emu jumped up, exclaiming it was time for party games. Rui sighed where he sat next to you, but the odd smile on his lips made it hard to tell just why.

"C'mon, c'mon, let's play Marco Polo!"

"Fine, we can," Rui called. "But I'm not being Marco."

Several of the surrounding people made a saddened noise, but none protested. Instead, they all pointed to you.

"M-me? Awe, c'mon, why?" You looked over, finding Rui's smile was now much more genuine, and amused. "Fine, I'll do it."

At that, Miku ran over with the blindfold, tying it over your eyes. "Can you see anything?" She asked, to which you shook your head. Pitch black.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now