Uneasy Tensions

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"So you guys are walking every morning now?" Tsukasa asked as you and the other three entered the school. You nodded along with Rui.

"Yeah, I was going to start walking earlier in the year, but I got lazy." The four of you walked to your lockers and made your rounds around the school. While dropping your things off at your desk, however, Tsukasa gave you a confused look.

"Is something wrong?"

"There's something on your neck," he pointed out. Your hand shot up to cover the marks, wincing slightly at a blunt pain. Seems they'd turned into bruises.

"Ah, it's nothing. Probably just dirt."

"Oh, do you need any help washing it off?"

"N-no, that's alright. I'll probably just clean it off at home so I don't get my uniform wet or muddy, heheh."

"Hm, good idea."

Now that Tsukasa was convinced, you finished setting your things up at your desk, however, your eyes met with Nene's wide ones. Ah, seems she knew it wasn't dirt. You gave her an uneasy smile and led everyone out to continue the rounds.

You noticed fairly easily how Nene and Rui hung back and were quiet behind you and Tsukasa. You thought you heard them whispering, but Tsukasa's voice rambling on about something random was enough to keep you from hearing.

"Is that what it think it is?" Nene whispered to Rui. He smiled nervously.


"Was that you?" She raised her eyebrows.


"When did you even see her? She was with Tsukasa on Monday and she was with her mom yesterday..."

"I saw her both nights. She came over after Tsukasa's and I stayed over with her last night."

"So when was it?" She crossed her arms.

"Yesterday morning..."


Rui gave an uneasy nod. Nene sighed.

"What if this complicates things between you? How're you ever gonna confess if she thinks you just want her so you can do that over and over?"

"We talked about that. I think we'll be fine. And for the record, those marks were all that I did, I swear."

"You're digging your own grave, Rui," she sighed. Then, Tsukasa and you stopped and turned around. Oh, it was almost time for class.

"I'll be breaking off here. Farewell, troupe mates!"

"Bye, Tsukasa!" You waved happily as he entered his class. You turned to Nene. "We'll walk to your class next, right?"

"Yeah. Let's go." She then fixed Rui with a glare. "Don't let Tsukasa find out."

The three of you soon became two, and you walked happily and care-free with Rui to class. Meanwhile, your lilac-haired friend was much more stressed. You noticed this, and gave him a concerned look.

"Are you alright? You've been really quiet."

"Mhm. Fine."

You stopped and stood in front of him, crossing your arms. He looked up at the clock.

"Y/n, we only have two minutes to get there."

"Then I guess you'd better get talking."

Rui sighed, knowing he'd have to be pretty convincing to get out of this before you were late. "What happened yesterday..."


"I guess I'm just a bit anxious about it. I realized after Tsukasa pointed it out."

"The marks?"

"Themselves, no. Just... what we did."

You tilted your head. He was starting to look as jittery as you had yesterday. "Hey, it's alright. Don't take it so seriously. If you wanna tone it down, we can. Or even just stop."

'Don't take it so seriously.' Yeah. Exactly what he wanted to hear. So this was just fooling around to you?

"No, that's fine, it's not like that. I just need to calm down."

"Glad we could come to that. Now let's go, the bell's gonna ring in like, 5 seconds," you tugged him along to class quickly, entering just before the bell.

After your few morning classes, you met with your friends up on the rooftop for lunch. You were usually the first one up there, since your class was closest, followed by Nene, then Tsukasa, then Rui. You quietly ate the sandwich your mom had made you, a bit sad that you only had enough for this week's lunches before you had to go back to your own half-decent cooking. Nene sat at your side and started eating with you.

"So, are you having any trouble in your classes?" She asked. You hadn't caught up with her much.

"No, not really. You?"

"Nm-mm," she shook her head. She then finished the bite she had and turned to you. "Wanna come over again on Friday? Emu's gonna be there."

"Sure. And I wouldn't mind coming over if you get lonely while Emu isn't there either," you chuckled as she gave you a shy smile. Soon after, Tsukasa made his grand entrance to your spot.

"Hi Y/n, Nene! How have your mornings been?"

"Nothing special."

"Oh, Y/n that dirt is still on your neck," he pointed out. You flinched away at a blunt pain that came when he tried to brush it off. He paused, eyes a fraction wider.

"Sorry, are you alright?"

"Fine, yes," you sighed, tugging your collar up over the top of the mark.

"Are you sure? That looked like it hurt," your blonde friend worried. He moved closer to you, asking if he could look with a gentle look in his eyes. It made you anxious.

Just then, as if an angel had sent him, Rui came through the door to the roof, carrying his lunch.

"Hey you guys. Ah... Tsukasa, don't you think you're invading Y/n's space a bit?"

"Oh, aha, sorry!" He jumped back and apologizing. You shook your head and continued eating as Rui came to sit on the other side of Tsukasa.

"So, Rui, how has your morning been?"

"School-wise, pretty ordinary, but..." he gave you a quick glance. "It's been somewhat eventful."

"Really? Mine too! Y'see, we had a pop quiz in my english class, and I think I did fairly well on it. Thanks to you, of course!"

"Hm, it's no problem Tsukasa. I'm glad I could help get your grade up."

As the two next to you rambled on, you and Nene ate fairly quietly, aside from bits of conversation that weren't necessarily shallow, but not something that kept a long focus. Eventually, Tsukasa snapped his fingers, turning to the two of you.

"That's right! Y/n! I have something in mind for our upcoming show I wanted your help with!"

"Ah, really? What is it?"

"You'll see," he smiled playfully, "at practice tonight. We can spend some time focusing on it."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now