Before the Storm

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You yawned, stretching after practicing your mini show once more. It was fairly late, and you should probably get some sleep if you were going to wake up at Tsukasa-o'clock in the morning.

"I don't know how Rui does this!" Emu shook her head with a troubled look. She'd been the director for you and Nene after the two of you had tried it and found it was no walk in the park.

"Maybe we should just invite him to take over," Nene shrugged.

"Stop messing around, we can't possibly do that!" You yelped.

"Good god, Y/n, how are you ever going to sing to him if you can't even face him?" Nene deadpanned.

"Well... haven't you guys picked up on the effect singing has on me?"

The two shook their heads, walking over to listen.

"My old friends were aware of it early on. They said it brought me courage. Hehe, Yuuki once said I could wield excalibur and slay a dragon as long as I sang my way through it."

"Woah, really?" Emu smiled in amazement.

"She sounds like a DND player..."

"Personally, I think singing has gotta be the only chance I have, at this point. I mean, could you see me surviving doing this in person?"

"No... I guess not..." Emu thought.

"Exactly. And as for this show and our lackluster directing, I think it's going pretty well. We'll just have to get some more practice in."

"Sounds good. We can start again after tomorrow, because I am NOT doing two shows in a day," Nene huffed and crossed her arms.

"Let's gooooooo, team!" Emu cheered. You and Nene tilted your heads at her in confusion.

"No Wonderhoi?"

"Not just the three of us! We need the rest of Wondershow for that. Oh, we should have a team name!"

Nene yawned, then placed her hand on Emu's shoulder. "Another time. Let's just all go home and get some rest for now. I can barely stand being anywhere but my bed right now."

"Oh, and I still have to go over to Tsukasa's. Hopefully he isn't upset about it being so late."

"Yeah. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Nene sighed, making for the exit, Emu waved quickly to you, then ran after her.

"Nene, need me to carry you?"

"What? Could you even do that?"


You sighed fondly and took your seat at the piano. "One last rehearsal couldn't hurt. Just until Tsukasa gets here."

You texted him, asking to meet at Phoenix Wonderland, then placed your hands on the keys and started playing.

There was an occasional pause and restart where you messed up a note or lyric, but eventually you stopped, realizing it'd been a while that you'd been playing your music. Tsukasa had texted you back, what, 15 minutes ago? It shouldn't take that long to simply grab your phone and a pair of earbuds.

"Y/n-san!~" Tsukasa's voice suddenly called, making you jump. You turned to the entrance where he was running towards the stage. "That was a lovely song!"

"Oh... you heard that?"

"Mhm! I must say, your voice is as perfect as ever! Though..." he placed a hand on his chin, "I don't recall Super Nova ever singing a song like that."

You giggled. "That's because it's for you, you big dummy."

Tsukasa felt his heart beat out of his chest at your words. That sweet song, for him? This was a confession?!

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now