Dazed and Confused

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You were a bit confused by the sudden lack of noise. You let off Rui's shoulder, running your fingers over where you'd bit to try and soothe any pain as you lifted your head to look at Rui. Your eyes widened at the sight. Eyes closed, face beat-red, and lips slightly parted, he was... asleep? No, he passed out.

"Wha- Rui?!" You nearly shrieked. His blush was waning in his slumber, but there was no response. He was out cold. Well, you could've said that, but he was roasting. You realized that probably had something to do with him passing out.

Quickly, you rushed over to your fan and turned it on its high setting, then opened your window to let the cold night air in. It'd take a while for that to cool down your room though, you realized, so you rushed downstairs to your freezer and grabbed an ice pack. You came back up and sat it on Rui's forehead. While you were doing this, your eyes wondered down his chest. He was still in his uniform. That couldn't be helping.

You spent a good 5 minutes hesitating, but eventually decided it was necessary. You slid his tie off and sat it on your nightstand, then started pulling up on his sweater. Mind racing with embarrassment, you struggled slightly to get it off of him, but eventually it was over. You sat it with his tie and crawled into the space next to him. You rested your hand on his arm, which was still fairly hot. You were sure the exposure to the cooling air would help, so you rolled up his sleeves.

Lucky seemed as concerned as you, tilting her head at Rui and sniffing at his cheek. She seemed to notice how it smelled like you. You reached out to scratch at her ears and she got up to walk closer to you, stepping onto Rui. You huffed and snatched her off of him.

"Show some respect, you!" You scolded quietly, and she meowed dismissively as you continued to spoil her. Meanwhile, you looked at Rui, still passed out but noticeably breathing, thank goodness. "How long do you think he'll be out?" You asked your feline friend, who let out another quick mew.

"...rest of the n...t, you think?"

Rui came to hearing bits of this sentence and the small meow that followed. Something cold sat on his head, and cool air flowed over him. It was refreshing.

What happened?

"I hope he's alright."

He tried to say he was fine. He wasn't quite sure what came out of his mouth instead, everything was still in a daze, but you didn't respond. He pried his eyes open to see you staring at him, red-faced.

"Are you alright?"

"Hm, uh, yeah," you responded quickly, looking back at Lucky.

"What happened?"

"You're asking me? I'm not the one that passed out."

"Ah, that's fair," he sat up, pulling your ice pack from his forehead. The motion made his head throb, and he held it with a wince. You sat Lucky to the side and placed your hand on his. It was warm. Much warmer than his.

"You okay? Something wrong?"

"Just a migraine," he shook his head lightly, avoiding strong motions. Lucky crawled up his leg to reach his face, sniffing at his nose. He let out a short chuckle and pet her, which she leaned into.

"Do you need anything? Food, water, meds?"

"No, I'm fi-" he paused, really thinking before he answered. "Actually, yeah."

"All of the above?" You tilted your head, climbing off the bed. He nodded, and you watched as he reached a hand up to his neck, then froze. With a chuckle at his reddening face, you left to go downstairs.

You grabbed some water, some headache meds, and your bag of goldfish, and rushed back upstairs. Once in your room, your heart melted at the sight of Rui laying with Lucky on his chest, purring and nuzzling into him as he pet her. You brought the things in your arms over to your friend, dumping them onto the bed.

"Thanks for helping me out after I passed out," he smiled as you handed him the headache pills and water. As he took them, you opened the goldfish and fed one to Lucky.

"It's nothing. You would've done the same for me, after all." You nudged the bag of goldfish to him, and he reached in for a handful. "Any idea why you passed out in the first place? I thought it was the heat. Honestly, it was too hot in here anyway."

The fan by your window still whirred at its highest setting, blowing cool air around the room. "Sounds reasonable."

"Speaking of which, are you feeling better now? It isn't still too hot, or too cold now?"

"No, no, it's nice. I'm still pretty warm, but I'm cooling off."

"That's good." The three of you (yes, Lucky must be included) continued munching on goldfish. You wondered to yourself why you were so hungry. Then, it hit you. You hadn't had supper.

Which meant Lucky hadn't had supper.

"Oh my gosh! Lucky, c'mere!" You gasped and grabbed your cat, who protested as you carried her to her bowl. You gave her more food than usual as an apology. She seemed appeased.

"We forgot supper, Rui."

"Ah, that might explain why I'm still dizzy," he smiled, despite how he just barely swayed where we sat. You saw this and immediately felt guilty.

"I'm so sorry! What do you want? I can go cook something quick!"

He looked over at your clock, then shook his head. "It's already 10, I don't see why we'd go and do that."

"But your blood sugar's probably low," you spoke as you placed a concerned hand on his forehead to feel its heat and held his face with the other. "Hold your hand out flat." He did as you said and you saw how his hand shook. Yep, he definitely hadn't eaten enough.

"C'mon, let's go get some good food," you helped him up, holding him steady in case he lost balance.

"Y/n, I'm fine, we can wait til breakfast..."

"No, no, I insist!"

"...then I take it you're hungry too?"

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now