This one had to be short I'm sorry

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"Oh, Tsukasa! And you brought a tour group with you too! Perfect timing, I was hoping I could join in!"

"Y/n-san!" Tsukasa cheered, though his voice was almost drowned out by the voices of the children behind him.

You hopped down from the stage and came to stand next to Tsukasa. "Well, kiddos, I hope you're all enjoying the park so far! How many of you are here for the first time?" You raised your hand slightly as demonstration, watching as three or four smaller hands raised. "Aha, well, you're sure to enjoy it here! And the show is most definitely a good one, don't miss it!"

Your now prettied face felt like a shield. One to protect you from judgement and those that don't like you the way everyone else does. You gave those kids your best Y/n, leader of Super Nova 23. Not the Y/n who'd lost her old friends, and once cried endlessly at the sight of stars. No, kids weren't meant to see that.

You followed along the tour, but as noon rolled around, the kids were drug away to lunch by their parents, leaving you and Tsukasa. Sure enough, you also felt a bit hungry.

"Let's get some food, yeah?" You nudged him.

"Yes, let's!" He spoke boisterously, as if the kids were still there to watch. "We'll have to be quick, though. The dress rehearsal starts soon."

"Oh, right, right! Let's go, then!"

As you rushed to what had become your favorite food stand, you suddenly got a familiar feeling. The adrenaline-like rush just before a show. It'd been so long, but suddenly were full of energy.

Tsukasa was mesmerized, seeing how ecstatic you suddenly were. He followed you with a flutter in his chest, feeling your contagious excitement himself. Even as you wholfed down your food, your excitement left him speechless for once. And then, as you rushed the two of you to the stage to meet up with your friends, he felt the spotlights shining down on him, and time stood still.

He stood there, for what felt like an eternity for being on just a few seconds. He suddenly realized a silly dream of his was about to come true. He was about to share a stage with THE Y/n L/n. Something he had tricked himself into thinking could happen, but threw away, thinking it was foolish.

Meanwhile, you cheered with Nene, Emu, Miku and the others. When you laid eyes on Rui, you approached him, gave him a determined look, and held out a fist.

"Let's do this."

He looked you over for just a moment, before he smiled, a true genuine smile, and his fist met yours. "Yeah."



Next chapter finna be short too but at least I'll get it out faster

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