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Hi I'm back with more Rui being a scrimbly wittle scrunk because ion want yall to starve :)


Rui definitely isn't just immune to getting flustered. In fact, it's quite easy to do that to him. Well, as long as it's you. He can be all flirty and overwhelm you with sweet and loving words to make your face red, but you could do the same to him. Albeit probably not as well. Somehow when you speak the way he does, it doesn't sound right. It's probably just his personal charm.

Either way, Rui just doesn't want to embarrass himself. He doesn't want you to think of him the way everyone else does: weird. But sometimes he can't help how worked up he gets. You like his favorite anime? Get ready for him to ramble about it. You're good at a similar subject as him in school? You're constantly invited to study with him. And heaven forbid you know anything about robotics. At that point he's asking you to marry him.

Sometimes he'll step out of that zone though, because he realizes not everyone can be as passionate as he is about those things.

"Ah, sorry for rambling."

"No, no, keep going! I wanna hear more!"

"You... do?"

And that's when he's red-faced. You care, and you're not listening out of politeness or pretending to do so while you're really just bored. You genuinely care. He wonders if you're as passionate about cuddling. He knows he likes that a lot. And maybe you're not great with words, but do you like it when he says sweet things to you? He keeps trying to think of ways he can make you feel the way you make him feel. He wants you to be on cloud nine with him, share the experience the way you share his interests.

"S-so..." he'll stutter, noticing he's gone over every bit of his interest, now somehow out of things to say about it. "Do you have anything else to say about it?"

And then you pull up new ideas he hadn't thought of. A plot hole in his favorite anime, a math equation that's something of a paradox, a bothersome experience with a loose bolt of some kind... and he'll suddenly have even more to talk about.

Thank God you listen.

He can get awkward with little romantic acts you do. Or even things that aren't particularly romantic. In a way, that's how you know he likes it. The way he stutters sometimes and how his voice is quieter. It shows how you've affected him, surprised him and filling him with love. So much so, he's practically frozen in indecision.

He should thank you. But that's as far as he gets. What next? A hug? A kiss? Goodness, this was so thoughtful, how does he repay it?

"Earth to Rui!" You wave your hand in front of his face.

"Ah, oh, th-thank you!" He jumps, just barely.

"You said that already," you laugh.

"I did?" He'll then huff and do exactly as he had thought. Gently hug you, kiss the top of hour head, and thank you a third time.

He likes knowing he can reassure you anytime something bad happens. He'll normally hug you close and pull your face either into his shoulder or his chest. It doesn't matter how many tears are falling to drench his shirt, because he has others. He only has one you. He should keep her happy.

He can tell how much you need him when your hands clench the fabric covering his back. And he's proud of himself when you grow quieter the longer he holds you. That's how it should be. Him being there to keep you happy and help when you're not. It's good he's decent at it.

I feel like Rui would be the kind of person to eat weird snacks at odd times. But hey, when you're working on a fleet of drones for 5 hours, maybe it's more efficient to eat 3 still frozen pancakes you grabbed from the freezer. He'd say it was.

You bought him a mini fridge for his room so he could keep good, cold food for himself. He ended up filling it with snacks that were meant to be cooked but were mostly eaten raw by him. You guessed you should've bought a microwave too. And why not a set of silverware while you're at it?

Rui's the type to like dogs but LOVE cats. He'll pet and coo at either, but definitely not in the same way. You wouldn't see him picking up and spinning around a puppy, telling it he loves it most, but you would with Lucky.

He doesn't particularly enjoy horror-based entertainment. He prefers comedy or action. But really, he's some kind of horror cliche genius, always knowing who the killer is halfway through. When you ask how he knows, he'll give you several reasons, though you can't make much sense of half of them.

Rui's very interested in the sea. He finds it fascinating and mysterious. He'll constantly show you pictures of odd fish found in the ocean's depths. Sometimes these fish will be a bit creepy, though.

"Look, look. It's called a goblin shark. Isn't it cool?" He'll show you his phone, displaying a fearsome fish. (I suggest you don't look up what a goblin shark is if you have any kind of aquatic fears/triggers)


"It's mouth will literally launch out of its face to catch stuff!"

"Ahaha... wow."


Just like before, if I come across any more genius headcanons, I'll add to this :3

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