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Rui felt even more dreadful at home than he had expected to. He was able to tell it was from not eating. Missing supper the past two nights, lunch yesterday, and having barely any breakfast all 3 mornings, he knew exactly why he was jittery and dizzy. Regardless, he still felt nauseous, and his appetite was still nonexistent. He was sure his hunger would be awakened if you were to cook something for him, but to go knocking on your door when you were avoiding him... he was fine being like this as long as you were recovering.

He tried not to remind himself how he still felt about you. It wasn't going to happen, and if he let himself dwell on it anymore, he'd eventually find himself trying to make you love him back, and he didn't want to know how much more that'd make you hate him.

Meanwhile, at your house, you heard a car pull in out front. Knowing your mom would've called ahead of time, that meant it was your dad. You would normally go downstairs to meet him at the door, but you couldn't find the strength to get out of bed. You found yourself repeatedly listening to a music box Emu and Nene had given you. It was from a few seconds of Miracle Painting. You recognized Rui's part in the middle of it.

Next to where you normally kept it sat a pile of different plushies and other things Rui had gotten you. Looking at it made you wonder if you'd actually led him on, or if he just genuinely loved you and you were overreacting. Of course, that meant you probably didn't return his feelings, which you continued to feel guilty about.

"Kiddoooo, I'm home!" Your dad called up the stairs. You called back weakly, and his quick footsteps up the stairs followed. He knocked on the door, and you sat your music box aside to give Lucky some attention while you told him it was open.

"You alright, Sweetheart?"

"I guess."

He sighed, then came over and sat at the edge of your bed, scratching Lucky behind the ear. "Something happen at school?"

"Sorta. It happened here, but I guess it kinda bled out into other places.

"Oh, is it about that new Sekai your mother was telling me about?"

You nodded.

"Don't tell me they dissolved too."

"No," you laughed lightly. "Just a rough spot with me and one of the members."

"That boyfriend of yours I was hoping to meet?"

"Yeah... just a friend though. Hopefully still that way."

"Oh, you broke up?"

"We were never dating," you shook your head in exasperation. "What kinda stuff has mom been telling you?"

"Drama, as usual. So, what happened with you two?"

"He said he loved me..."

"Oh. Huh." He leaned back, crossing his arms. He then nodded. "Seems like I'm gonna have to look out for this Ruu."

"It's Rui."

"Oh, I thought that was just your mom saying it weird. That's really his name?"


"Well, you don't like him back?"

You were going to agree with him, but paused. You weren't actually sure. You'd gotten so caught up in your guilt in using him that you didn't think too much about that. The thought had crossed your mind shallowly a few times, but didn't actually consider anything. Mostly assumed the feelings weren't mutual and let it add to your guilt.

"...I don't know."

Your dad then grabbed your shoulders and shook you. "And you rejected him?!"

You pushed on his chest to stop him, huffing. "Yeah, but if things turn out wrong, I guess I could always confess to him and hope he stills feels like that. It's not like I'm stubborn about going back on my word."

"You got that from me," your dad smiled, despite it not exactly being a compliment. "Is that it? Is there anything else?"

"I dunno... I rejected him because it felt like I was using him and leading him on. Truth be told, we've kissed before..." you chuckled, "a lot."

Your dad paused. "You what?"

"No doubt that's gonna stop now, but... the fact that I really didn't want a relationship and still did all that... I think you can understand why I feel so guilty."

"'Didn't'? As in things have changed?"

"Don't... don't ask things like that. I'm all confused and I'm not supposed to let emotions lead in stuff like this," you shook your head, hands holding either side of it.

"Well, that just doesn't make any sense. After all, you stopped wanting a relationship because of what Isago did to you, because he hurt you. That was emotional, and that's what led you to that choice. If this boy makes you consider the opposite because of how he makes you feel, you should let that make a choice too."

"I wanna, I really do, but I don't feel... rational right now. I need a break first."

"I can get that. Wanna get ice cream?"

You smiled, nodding, and he brought you in for a hug before you both went out to his car.

"Does Lucky get some too?"

"Oh, I suppose. Did you ask her what flavor?"

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now