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[Imma be real honest with yall, I know basically nothing about the wxs storyline so I'm making my own version of it 🤩]

As Rui explained the several eccentric robots sitting backstage, you curiously examined them. You looked at their lights, their joints, their circuits, and were more than surprised at how well-built they were. You could hardly believe Rui would be able to build something like them.

Then, Emu and Tsukasa led you to the dressing rooms (you were sure Emu was just there to speak for Tsukasa), which you found to be pretty nice. From there, you went to the costumes, seeing how they were as colorful as the park.

"Ooh, why don't we suit-up for practice today? Y'know, since Y/n's here and all," Rin asked from off to the side. Len was quick to agree, and the others chimed in happily as well.

"This is all very exciting," you laughed warmly in anticipation, whilst the members grabbed their outfits and made their way to their dressing rooms. As Rui walked to his, passing you, he stopped to smile.

"This shouldn't take too long."

"Ok. I'm excited to see everything!"

You waited outside the rooms for a moment, taking in the vibrant decorations of the area. It was only a few moments until one of the doors opened, grabbing your attention. Emu walked out, and you clapped at how much her costume matched her. She thanked you bouncing over to the spot next to you to wait for the others.

The next to walk out was Rui. You had to admit, you were a bit stunned by his outfit. Sure, it matched everything else. It seemed to show a side of him that you didn't normally see. The paint splotches and patterns all seemed to show a bit of his creative chaos.

"Thoughts?" He asked, twirling around to show you the full extent of what he was wearing. You clapped for him too, nodding.

"I love it. Just... one thing..." you noticed his gloves, walking over and grabbing one of his hands, holding it up in front of your face. "How can you stand to wear these things?" You cringed.

"Aha, what do you mean?" He laughed awkwardly. You grabbed the bottom seam, halfway up his palm, and gave it a gentle tug. Yep, it was the full way on.

"It doesn't even touch your wrist! Isn't that uncomfortable?"

"No, no really," he looked at his other hand, inspecting the glove.

"Well, I guess if you don't mind it..." you lowered his hand. "I mean, it's a design choice, of course. As long as it feels alright."

Then, Rin walked out of her room, wearing a costume that seemed to follow a completely different theme. You tilted your head in confusion. Before she could say anything, Len also walked out, outfit a complete other theme as well.

"It's for the different shows," Rin answered your questioning gaze. "We don't preform in all of them."

Soon after, Nene too walked out of her room, looking a bit shy in her dress. You gave her a warm smile.

"I used to have a dress like that for one of my shows," you commented. She looked down at her costume, then smiled to herself.

After a bit of awkward waiting, Tsukasa came out of his room dramatically, though you were sure you could see a bead of sweat on his cheek.

He gave a loud laugh, then a hasty "Let's go," quickly leaving the area. You chuckled at his behavior and followed the others, until you were stopped by Rui.

"Real quick, what's your favorite animal?" He whispered. You told him it was the same as the plushie from the carnival, and you watched as a proud smile appeared on his face.

"I thought so. Wait here for a moment, please." Then he ran off, back towards where he kept his robots. You heard some clatter and something metallic hit the ground and tumble a ways. Then, a moment later, Rui reappeared, carrying a smaller stuffed animal, the same one.

"I don't know if you want another one, but I saw this and it made me think of you." He held it out to you, and you took it with a red face, holding it close.

"Uh, thank you," you spoke, avoiding eye contact as you looked at the tiny animal.

"Of course! Now, we should get going."

You followed him out to the stage, seeing the others grouped in the center in their various costumes. Tsukasa spoke to them about what they were doing.

"So, since Kaito and Miku can't be here tonight, we won't be able to any of their songs. But, thankfully, we will be able to practice Showtime Ruler and Ego Rock, which is what we really need for the next show."

It was a bit nostalgic, reminding you of how Kazuni used to explain the practice itinerary. How Hina would promise a good meal if everyone did well, and how you'd always rush to get the props Yuuki had made and set them up.

"I'll let Rui lead from here. He is the director, after all," Tsukasa motioned to your friend, and you were surprised to hear he had such a title.

"Yes, so, just like Tsukasa said, we'll be going over those two songs, as well as brainstorming new song ideas for the future. The first part is more important though, so we can devote the most time to that today."

"I was hoping we could do Becoming Potatoes again," Emu mumbled in disappointment. Nene reassured her that there was always next time.

"Is everyone ready, then?"

Without entirely realizing, you nodded along with the others, though they didn't notice from where you still stood, off at the far side of the stage.

As the group dispersed, Rui caught a glimpse of you and recalled he had brought you. He walked over quickly.

"You get a front row seat, dear Y/n," he purred, holding his hand out to the rows of seats in front of the stage. "Take your pick. The show'll start soon!"

So you excitedly thanked him and hurried to the seating area, picking one smack dab at the middle of the stage. From there, you waited for the show, holding your plushie close enough you were basically strangling it.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now