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You walked down the familiar streets of Phoenix Wonderland, partly wishing you were holding your friend's (or rather, 'friend's') hand. Said man walked next to you, looking gorgeous in the waning sunlight the same way he had the night of your first kiss.

"Rui, are you alright?" Emu tilted her head, looking at her friend. Most wouldn't have noticed anything was wrong. He was smiling, genuinely smiling, and acting completely normal. Emu had just happened to pick up on his occasional wincing.

"Yes, of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You seem like you're in pain," she frowned. He felt his hand instinctively slide up to his neck, feeling the heated sting under his hand.

"I suppose I'm a little sore."

"From what?" Nene asked.

"...just overtime. Y'know, with Fixer."

"Really? But you're never sore from preforming!" Tsukasa spoke incredulously, eyes wide and concerned.

Nene seemed to realize something at that. She looked at Rui in surprise, cheeks dusted pink. He waved her off, hoping no one else would come to that conclusion.

"If overtime's having a toll on you, maybe you should take breaks," Emu suggested. Rui shook his head.

"No, no, I'll be fine."

You soon joined in, saying, "Remember his past. All those one-man shows. No way he'd get tired out that easily."

"Another part of his past..." Nene mumbled, implying the marks you'd left on each others necks, several times. Rui nudged her with a reddening face.

"Oh, cotton candy!" Emu suddenly interjected. She grabbed Tsukasa's arm and pointed, bouncing in place. Her finger aimed for a stand that indeed had a large sign saying 'Cotton Candy.' Almost perfectly mirroring her actions, you grabbed Rui's arm.

"Ah, c'mon, let's go get some!"

So, the five of you rushed across the path to the stand. You made sure to shove Rui away so he wouldn't pay for you like every other time. You bought one for both of you, as well as Tsukasa. He was surprised when you pulled him out of line to hand it to him.

"Here, 'Kasa!"

He paused, eyes wide. Then, he smiled one of the biggest smiles you'd ever seen on him. "Y/n! You shouldn't have!"

"Buuuut, I did. So that's your problem now!" You dropped the bag into his hands with a laugh and waved before rejoining Rui at his side.

Over all this time, somehow, Tsukasa had learned to stop being jealous of the two of you. He'd come to realize, with no particular evidence or anything, that he really didn't have to worry about Rui stealing you away. After all, if he had wanted to, wouldn't he have done so already? There was no way he lacked the courage, the way a certain blonde did. Now, he was just glad Rui had another friend as close as he was.

"Whose house?" You whispered, pulling a pinch of your favorite candy out of its bag.

"Yours, of course. I wanna sleep well."


Later, near the main gates of the park, while everyone was saying goodbyes, Tsukasa came up to you.

"Y/n, d... do you wanna spend the night at my house?" He asked quickly, face dusted red and muscles tensed. You felt indecision rise in your chest. It'd been a while since you'd spent time with Tsukasa, but you didn't want to leave Rui hanging either. Plus, this would probably just make him handsier the next day.

"Uhm... I'll have to see. I know I can tomorrow if you're willing to wait." You didn't know that. You'd have to tell Rui and hope he didn't convince you otherwise with that voice of his.

"Of course I can wait! No rush! I just wanna see you again!"

You smiled. "Same here."

"Y/n!~ It's time to go home!"

Goodness, even Rui's voice was getting handsier.

"Does he walk you home or something?" Tsukasa tilted his head. You laughed nervously.

"Uh-yeah! See ya, Tsukasa!"

"Bye, Y/n-san!"

You ran to Rui, who quickly walked out of the others' eye-shot with you. You found yourself in the shadows behind a food booth, pressed against a wall between the caging arms of Rui.

"Rui, really, can't this wait until we get home? Think of all the plushies you're gonna scar for life."

"Just what do you think I'm gonna do to you?" He asked playfully, dark expression changing to his usual smile. "Out in public like this, I'd have to be a maniac!"

"Not far from one," you rolled your eyes. Your head bumped back into the wall behind you as rough lips found yours. He remained for a moment, then pulled away, dark expression returning.

"Now, now, be nice. After making me jealous as much as you have... I could deserve a bit of the little kindness you seem to have."

"I'm not heartless," you sighed sadly. Rui chuckled adoringly, dark facade fading once more. He pulled his hands off the wall, releasing you aside from the one that lingered on your cheek. He placed another chaste kiss to your lips, then slid his hand into yours.

"Home now, yeah?"

"Mhm," you nodded sheepishly. Your hand was tugged, pulling you towards Rui. He hugged you quietly for a moment.

"Sorry. Lost my cool again."

"It's fine. I don't mind."

He smiled. "Thanks. You're really not heartless, y'know. I was just..."

"I know."

He held you for another moment, then let go and continued walking. You did as you always would, walking to the main entrance before returning home. It was like a checkpoint in a game for you. You felt lost when you didn't leave and arrive from there. Soon, you were home again.

"Cuddlesss," Rui groaned, wrapping his arms around you from behind and stuffing his face in your shoulder. It was one of his favorite things to do at this point. You patted his head softly.

"But I'm not tired yet."

He whined, squeezing you. He was starting to remind you of a certain fluffy brat up in your room. You sighed, then pried his arms off your waist and walked away. He gave you sad eyes as you left.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now