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"Hey, sweetie! How was your first week?" You're mom's loving voice came over the speaker of your phone as you stirred the food you were cooking.

"Pretty well, actually. A few people recognized me on the first day and showed me around. A couple have been asking for autographs during lunch. And this morning a made a new-" you paused, "... acquaintance, I guess?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"He was really nice and asked to hang out, but I don't really know that much about him."

"Well, you should ask some questions when you talk to him again." She suddenly seemed to have a realization in the short moments she was silent. "Wait, he?"

"Um... yeah. He's a he."

"That's lovely darling! Another boyfriend!" She cooed over the phone. You cringed.

"Ew, no! I just met him, stop jumping like that!"

She chuckled lovingly. "Ok, ok, but please be careful, Y/n. I don't want this boy turning out to be another Isago."

"I don't either, trust me."

Isago had been the very reason you had had to move. A good 3 months after the group had disbanded, he decided to leak your address on the internet. You and your parents regretted brushing it off after all the weird things that happened the following month. You all knew you had to move as soon as your father had spotted someone outside your window one morning.

That was just the last thing he had done too. The rest was before the implosion.

"So, did you find out when you're going to hang out with him, or was that just one of those things you say to be polite and don't actually mean."

"No, I got his number and I texted him a bit ago. He just said he'd be busy to ight and might take a while to respond."

"Sure, sure."

You chuckled with a shake of your head at your mother's sarcasm.

"Have you been eating well? Sleeping well?"

"Yep. I'm cooking supper right now, and I plan on going to bed at 9-ish."

"Good, good, glad to hear it."

"Have you been eating and sleeping?"


"What do you mean, eh?" You chastised through the phone. "You better be doing both of those things. I want you to be there for Christmas again."

"I'm not gonna die, Y/n."

"Famous last words."

You and your mom shared nice, lighthearted conversations pretty often, and this was no exception. Soon, your phone buzzed, and you looked to see a message from Rui.

"Ooooh, is that your loverboy?"

"Stop itttttt," you whined, setting down your spoon and grabbing your phone to read what it said.

So, what're your thoughts for tomorrow? I don't have any plans, so anytime works.

Me neither. Aside from a bit of work I have to do, but that won't take all day. Got anytime that you prefer?

You thought to yourself for a bit before responding.

Well how about 2ish? We could go to the park by the school. The weather's supposed to be nice.

"What're you texting him?" Your mother whispered through the phone, startling you a bit. You forgot about her.

"Just seeing when we'll meet up tomorrow."

"Make him take you out to dinner," she spoke maliciously through the phone, making you laugh.

"No, mom, he's nice! I don't wanna bust his wallet!"

"You're no funnnn."

Another buzz.

Sounds lovely :)

"Did he say yes?"

"Stop being nosey."

• • •

The start of the next day was boring, to say the least. You slept in until 10, which thankfully cut a couple hours of boredom, but not quite enough. You spent the time up until meeting up with Rui watching TV, tiktok, and eating lunch. Soon, 1:30 rolled around, and you started getting ready.

You got to the school a bit earlier than you expected. You weren't surprised when Rui wasn't at the park yet. You sat on one of the benches for a few moments, busying yourself with your phone.

"Y/n!" You heard after a while. You looked to where the voice came from and saw Rui walking down the sidewalk to you, waving as he smiled. You waved back stood, waiting for him to reach you.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting."

"No, it's fine. I was pretty early anyway," you played with a strand of hair and looked around, humming. "Do you just wanna walk around? We might see some animals."

"Sure, sounds great."

The two of you started walking down the path, entering deeper into the sunlit park.

"So, we talked a lot about me yesterday. Would you mind at all if I got to know you?"

"Not at all, fire away."

You thought for a bit about what you would ask him. You wanted to steer clear of the shallow questions. What's your favorite color? Favorite food? Animal? Shape? Number? No, you wanted something more in depth.

"So, uh, you said you were pretty busy yesterday?"

"Mhm. This may come as a shock to you, but I'm actually a part of a Sekai myself."

"Oh, really?" You turned to him in intrigue. "I never would've guessed! What's it called?"

"It's Wonderlands x Showtime. You probably haven't heard of us, we're still pretty new."

"Yeah, I don't think I have. Do you guys do live preformances?"

"Mhm. Our last one was pretty successful too. We only had a fourth of our tickets left over the day of."

"Well, that's a pretty good turnout for a starting Sekai. How long have you guys been singing?"

"Hm, a few months. Maybe... four-ish?"

"Wow, that's great! I wish SN23 had done that well our starting year."

"Your Sekai had some trouble?"

"Hehe, yeah." You chucked, thinking back to the struggles you had as a group of middle-schoolers, trying to make it big. "We started out singing some pretty childish songs. People thought they were annoying. Well, the amount of people that actually heard them. I'd say only a handful liked my first duet before we started getting popular. It's much bigger now, though."

"And what was this first duet?"

"It was with my friend Yuuki. She wrote it, we sang it. It was called 'Hey, hey, hey.' Pretty basic name, really."

"Maybe at first, yeah. What was it about?"

"I guess it was sorta about the struggle of holding up a conversation over the phone. The verses are a bunch of random topics and an occasional 'hey, hey, hey, are you listening to me?'"

"Well, I think that could make a good song. Do you remember the melody, off the top of your head?"

"Yeah, of course I do! I may be awful with names, but I never forget a song I've sung."

You pulled your phone out of your pocket and opened your music app. Rui made a confused noise from tour side.

"As much as I'd love to sing it again, I think it'd be a little better if I played the real deal for you."

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