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You woke up still tightly tucked into Rui's arms. Despite this, you could tell he was awake. His regular breathing and how hard he had his head shoved into your shoulder told you that. As you usually did, you slid your hand up his back to his hair, tugging lightly and hearing him huff, then squeeze your waist.




"What is it?"

"Y/nnn. Y/n, Y/n, Y/n..."

You sighed at his cooing, playing with his hair as he rambled on. He pushed against you, pushing you from laying on your side down to your back, snuggling in on top of you. You'd come to see that that was his way of feeling closer to you.

"Rui," you said warmly in response. It grounded him, and a goofy laugh sounded from his chest. He lifted his head, grinning from ear to ear.



"Heheheee," he laughed once more, head falling back into your chest as his hands, still holding you tightly, gently massaged your sides. Goodness, it was clearly too early for him to be awake.

"Go back to sleep, doofus."

"You firsttt," he playfully answered, voice wavering with silliness. Thank goodness it was a weekend, you knew you'd have trouble leaving his arms right now.

"Fine. Just get some rest, dummy."

"You're so meannnn."

"Call me a dummy and we'll be even, then."

He shifted to look at you, eyes serious and lacking the same goofiness from moments prior. He smiled, looking at you with adoration.

"I could never."

Face just barely heating, you shoved his head back down with a sigh. "Stoppit. I'm not smart, why not call me a dummy?"

"Because you are smart. And pretty and a princess. My princess. I'll always worship you."

Your face started boiling, and you tugged at his hair once again in hopes that he'd end there. It made his breath hitch for a second, then he chuckled, saying he'd stop. That tactic always worked on him.

"If I'm your princess, what are you? A prince?"

He shook his head, then shifted to shove his head back into your shoulder. You played with his hair a bit longer, until you felt him gently kitten licking a part of your shoulder. It made you exhale sharply when he started to nibble on the spot. It didn't help how his hands almost kneaded into you like a cat, going back and forth and squeezing your sides. You hummed blissfully at the feeling, though it made your chest flutter and fluster.

His face rose from that spot on your shoulder and littered your cheek with kisses, which you scrunched your face at. Once he seemed to have gotten his fill, he lifted his head up to look at you. He smiled warmly, and almost triumphantly in a way.

"Is it time to get up yet?"

You picked up your phone, looking at the time. 8:30. Why the hell were you up this early on a Saturday?

"Nope." You rolled Rui back over, nuzzling against his shoulder. He let out a small chuckle, patting your head. Soon enough, you were out like a light.

When you woke up, you frowned at an empty bed. At least, you thought it was empty, until you heard fighting sounds. You sat up, seeing Rui and Lucky sitting at the edge of your bed, staring at a game playing on your TV.

You crawled over to lay in between them, and Rui waved warmly at you. You turned to Lucky. Sure enough, a controller was sitting in front of her, and the game was set to 2 player.

"She's playing?"

"Yeah, watch!" Rui reached over to your cat's paw and pushed one of the buttons on her controller with it. It healed his character, and he continued fighting.


"I made her a support character so she didn't have to fight. And she even pressed it herself once!"



You watched the two - really just Rui - continue playing. Somehow, he managed to win, then closed the game and turned to you, smiling as he always was.

"Did you sleep we-?"

Lucky whined, stepping on her controller again. Rui turned to her with a frown.

"No, we're done playing."

She meowed angrily again. You reached out for her, grabbing her and laying her down in your arms. "C'mere, brat." She calmed down at that, nuzzling into your cheek.

"Shall I go make us something to eat?" Rui asked. You looked at him in confusion.

"You can cook?" He looked away at that, smile going nervous. Oh. He was going to 'make' cereal.

"Let me handle it," you sighed as you shifted to lay your head on his thigh. He did what you normally would, sliding his hand through your hair as you lay there.

"Can't really handle it like this," he hummed. You sat up, removing his hand.

"Yeah, you're right."

The two of you went downstairs. Rui helped you make some eggs and bacon and ate them with you, finding them delicious. You went to the livingroom to watch some TV together and cuddle some more.

"What're we gonna do today?"

You shrugged. "Dunno. We could always go hang out at Phoenix Wonderland."

"We could." Rui was a bit reluctant. It seemed so... overkill for just a quick hangout. And frankly, practice seemed more fun than rides right now. But then, he had an idea.

Practice. Not with everyone, but just you. Dancing across the stage with the person he loved most in the world, without the fame or script. No one to watch. The intimacy of it was all it took to sway him.

"Yeah, why don't we?"

You turned to him, smiled, and agreed. You turned off the TV and ran off, saying you were gonna change. He stayed in the quiet of your livingroom, save for a few creaks from the above floorboards of your room, until you returned, excited.

"I'll have to change too," Rui informed, standing. "So we can go to my place quick."

You faltered. It was January, the middle of winter with snow covering your lawn, and you were in jean shorts and a t-shirt. "Does... does it have to be we?"

He seemed to remember at that, scratching his neck with a laugh. "Ah. Right. I'll go grab some clothes then and come back."

"Come quick, or I'll get sad," you pouted as you went back to sitting on your couch. He left, promising he'd be as quick as possible, and as soon as the door was closed you swore you could hear the sound of his running footsteps. You chuckled to yourself and turned on your phone to pass the time.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now