A Not-so Lovely Recognition

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When the parade began, you and Rui had a pretty good view from the picnic table, where you still ate the bit of your dinner you had left. Meanwhile, Rui was down at least ten pieces of candy, and eating one more that he said would be his last. You had yet to see if that'd be true.

It was the usual parade for you, and you watched in mild boredom, until you saw a sight that made your heart stop.

In between floats, you could see on the other side. There sat six girls, talking happily. You recognized two of them. The long navy hair that laid over one's shoulder in a low ponytail, and the fluffy white that cupped the other's face. It was Hina and Kazuni, with the rest of their Sekai. Suddenly, your supper didn't quite seem to agree with you.

You hid behind Rui, making it so that they would see him instead of you, and hoped it wasn't too late. Meanwhile, you watched the halves of the parade, one running into Rui's head and the other half running out, with your new view.

After a few moments, Rui turned to look at you, only for his expression to turn to one of concern at your frightened face.

"Y/n? What's wrong."

"Um... on the other side... there's..." you pointed still trying to hide behind him as he turned to look. "Hina and Kazuni. They're here with their new Sekai."

Rui turned back to you, confused. "What's scaring you about that?"

"I wouldn't mind going over and talking if it was just them. The rest of their group doesn't... really... like me..."

Rui made a quiet O with his lips, looking back at the girls, then back to you. "Why's that?"

"They think I mistreated Super Nova by stealing all the spotlight. I guess that may have been a problem, but that isn't what tore us apart," you sighed, setting your fork down in the empty boat that held your dinner moments ago.

"What... did tear you apart?"

"We just..." you sighed. "We grew up... I guess. Suddenly, it wasn't fun to be around each other anymore. Kisane kept getting irritated with us and skipping practices, Kazuni started lacking with the choreo, Yuuki started procrastinating on costumes, Hina stopped bringing us supper... it just started going downhill until we boiled over, I guess."

Rui started to regret asking his question, seeing your saddened face. He regretted it even more when he realized you had been trying to hide behind him, and your old friends had now spotted you, since he had moved. The two you knew began to walk over in between the floats.

"Y/n! Hey, how've you been?" Kazuni asked, sitting down next to Rui as Hina came to sit next to you.

"Uh, I'm good. H-how're you two?"

"Great! Second Chaser has another performance next week. We could get you in for free if you want!" Hina chimed in. You laughed awkwardly.

"Uh, I'll have to see. I don't think Mom will be home."

"Awe, c'mon~ You always say that," she frowned. Kazuni seemed to only just now notice the man she was sitting next to, and her eyes went wide when she saw who he was.

"Ah, are you Rui Kamishiro?! From Wonderlands x Showtime?!"

"Aha, yes, I am," he answered bashfully. Hina tilted her head.


"That small Sekai that I took Misaki to see a few weeks ago. He's one of the members!"

"Oh, cool! I'm Hina Shikazome!" She reached across the table to shake Rui's hand, smiling. Kazuni introduced herself too.

It was great to be around your old friends, even if they were a hint overbearing nowadays, but the happiness seemed to be ruined by the glares being sent to you from across the parade.

Rui seemed to notice how uncomfortable you had become, now having both of your friends' focus that you had been trying to avoid.

"This is all very great, but I think Y/n and I should go. We had some more plans for later," he excused the two of you, Kazuni frowning and Hina looking skeptical.

"Well, before you two go anywhere, can we borrow Y/n for a sec? We'll make it quick," Hina asked. Rui looked to you to see if you seemed fine with it, and agreed when he saw you nod.

The two pulled you away to the shade behind one of the booths, out of sight and earshot of Rui.

"You'd better be careful, Y/n. You never know who could turn out to be another Isago."

"Oh, please! Rui's an absolute dreamboat!" Kazuni sighed. "You really think he'd be that type of guy?"

"Yes, I do. Isago was dreamboat too, in your book. Aren't you glad you let Y/n go after him instead? Ah, no offense, darling."

"It's... fine."

The two went back and forth for a moment.

"Guys!" You stopped them. "I don't even like him."

They both went quiet, before Kazuni's brows furrowed. "What do you mean you don't like him?"

"I just... I don't feel that way about him. Sure he's nice, and I guess it's not like I think he isn't a little pretty, but we just met last week. I haven't felt that way about him."

"Oh. Okay. That's fair."

"Don't start anytime soon," Kazuni huffed, crossing her arms. She then laughed, waving a hand. "I'm kidding."

"I think, y'know... as long as he isn't like Isago... I think you two would make a nice couple. Just something to think about."

"If I ever do start to feel that way, maybe I'll act on it." You giggled. When you looked at your friends, your smile faded. They weren't even looking at you.

"Did he get you that plushie?"

"We won it at a stand, actually," you crossed your arms. "And my eyes are over here."

Hina was the only one to actually look you in the eyes now. Kazuni made her way over to your side, placing a hand on the animal's head.

"Ahhh, it's so soft!" She squealed.

"Really? Lemme feel!"

So, moments later, you walked out from behind the booth with your two old friends nuzzling into the plushie on your back while trying to keep up with you.

"I take it they like your prize?"

"I don't know how to get rid of them."

"Do they like candy?"

Their heads immediately perked up at that, and the two of you shared a laugh as you led the girls to your table, Rui giving them both their favorite flavor of lollipops and patting them on the head.

"Alright, head back to your friends now."

Soon after, when the parade ended and the sun began to set, you left the picnic table, walking further into the carnival.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now