The King in... ourple :000

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My brain randomly decided to remind me that Estir from Sucker for Love lowkey slays and now I'm suddenly obsessed with her version of The King in Yellow so...

"So, I was thinking, for a new performance we could do-" Tsukasa started, but you were quick to interrupt him.

"I'm sure your idea is lovely, but an idea had already been brought to light. We simply need approval."

"We? As in, you and...?"

"Rui, of course."

"Ah, right. And what is this idea?"

You cleared your throat, recalling the short paragraph you'd memorized.

"Comes a grand idea wise to follow,
Lest our troupe be gilt in sorrow,
So gather now fair ladies and fellows,
For I present to you, the King in Yellow!"

You stepped aside motioning to the curtains leading off-stage. There, entered Rui, covered head-to-toe in yellow and gold. A suit, a mask, even a crown. He walked proudly to your side, handing you a mask similar to his, which you put on happily.

"Put on thine masks and dine thy feast,
Come morrow, we take on this beast,
Perish those whose greed fulfilled,
And all else then who hunger still."

You wanted to swoon at how good he was at this. Everyone else clapped happily, clearly amused.

"Just lovely!" Luka chimed.

"Mhm! What's it called?" Emu tilted her head.

"The King in Yellow. Didn't I say that?" You placed your hands on your hips.

"Ohhh, I just thought that's what you were calling Rui."

"I don't intentionally flatter him that much."

"As enjoyable as this is, I still think the outfit would work better for Tsukasa. His hair would match the ensemble," Rui commented, tugging at his blazer.

"R-really?!" Tsukasa perked up.

"I suppose you're right. I'm not sure if Tsukasa would enjoy the ending that way, though."

"Why not?"

"The King kills the Host at the end. Or in this scenario, Hostess."

He seemed confused for a moment, then realized you were talking about yourself. "Oh, nonono, I couldn't!"

"That's what I thought," you chuckled, then turned to Rui. "Guess we'll just have to bleach your hair."

His eyes widened, then he slowly stepped back, shaking his head. You chuckled, stepping towards him. "C'mon, it won't be so bad."

"Nuh-uh, don't touch my hair."

"You don't wanna be a blondie?" You cooed, grabbing his hand and tugging him towards you. You put your other hand on the top of his head, scratching at his hair. He slowly melted into it.

"I guess it wouldn't be so terrible," he finally muttered. You gave a proud hum.

"I was only joking. Now, go change, we have work to do."

"You come help me?" He looked at you playfully, and you shook your head with a huff.

"No games. Go."

He frowned, then sulked back to his dressing room. Meanwhile, you turned back to the rest of your group.

"Anyway, the version I read only has two roles, aside from audience, so that was mostly a bit. Back to your idea, Tsukasa."

The others frowned.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now