another oneshot for the lovelies

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Playing with the thought of if Y/n was a vocaloid (and instead of Tsukasa's idol you're Rui's huehuehue)

You sat at the edge of the Wonderstage, aimlessly playing with the soft ears of a plushy you'd befriended. You waited. Tsukasa, Nene, Emu, and Rui would be here soon, after they got off school. You always had a good time when they were around. Tsukasa's boisterous acting, Emu's cheeriness, Nene's cuteness, and of course, Rui's charm.

On the topic of the lilac-haired boy, you'd noticed when you first met how he took an interest in you. His eyes were always faintly starry when he looked at you, and there were all those times you'd praised him for his hard work and he'd gushed and thanked you, then disappeared too quickly to be a coincidence. You intended to find where it was he ran off to all those times. You'd just have to fuel his ego a little today.

While in your head, the four kids you'd been waiting for arrived, waking you. Your plushy friend hopped away and you hopped off the stages edge to greet them.

"Heya, guys!" You waved happily. Emu waved back vigorously, squealing your name, the other three waved back slightly less enthusiastically, and Rui had that beautiful galaxy in his eyes again. As they dispersed to go where they needed to, Rui came to you, as always.

"How's the park been?"

"As if it's changed since yesterday. It's perfectly fine. And the cotton candy is still yummy, hehe."

"I'm glad." He tilted his head and looked at you with adoration. Then, Tsukasa stood in the center of that stage.

"Alright, everybody! Gather 'round so I can say the agenda!"

You and Rui hopped up onto the stage and gathered with the others by Tsukasa. He started explaining the songs, then pointed to Rui.

"Rui finished our new stage lights, so now we can finally start on our new song. What colors are they again?"

"Red, purple, blue, green, yellow, pink, and teal."

"Woah, really?! That many?" Emu asked incredulously.

"Good job, Rui. We can always count on you, can't we?"

"Hah, thank you Y/n-san!" He spoke warmly, clearly flattered. As his face slowly reddened, you didn't fail to notice him receding out of your peripheral vision. You'd stopped focusing on Tsukasa's plan and more on following him with your eyes as much as you could. Even as he checked to make sure no one was looking, he failed to see that you'd watched him sneak away backstage.

You took a similar approach, slowly backing out of the circle until you were far enough into the shadows to follow him. You watched him as he went all the way to his dressing room, not bothering to close the door behind him. You heard his voice, low and hushed, so you got closer, standing just outside the doorway where he couldn't see you.

"Ah, no good. My face is too red," he sighed. "My, I'm pretty weak. All she has to do is compliment me and she turns me into a tomato. C'mon now, calm down."

You couldn't help but think he was adorable like this. He wasn't one to get flustered often. You saw how he teased Tsukasa. How could you have this sort of effect on him?

You started hearing confused murmurs from the stage. Seems the others had noticed your absence. You knocked on the doorframe to Rui's room, seeing him flinch where he was standing in front of his mirror. He turned to you, face still plenty red.

"Aha, Y/n! Do you need me?"

"The others are looking for you," you pointed towards the stage.

"Oh, right. Sorry I disappeared like that."

"It's cool, I don't have a problem with it," you waved your hand smiling. You then narrowed your eyes at him. "And, for the record, that color suits you," you pointed to your cheek.

Rui, in response, immediately reddened again. He turned quickly back to his mirror, trying to wipe the pink off his cheeks with his palms. You chuckled lightly, then made your way back to the stage.

"Oh, Y/n. Where's Rui?" Nene asked as soon as she saw you.

"Just messing with something backstage. He'll be out in a moment."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now