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Tuesday went by how any Tuesday normally did, the normal classes and seeing your friends occasionally. Aside from Rui giving Tsukasa something of a cold shoulder, like the day the meteor shower happened, everything was normal up until you rode the bus home with Tsukasa. Once through his front door, you were greeted by Saki from the livingroom.

"Welcome back, Y/n-san!"

You gave her a quick wave and followed Tsukasa up to his room to put your bag.

"You don't mind sleeping in my room, right? I figured it'd be better if you had a bed than a couch."

"Yeah, I'm fine with it. Thank you."

"It's nothing, for the dragon queen herself!" He spoke dramatically. You rolled your eyes, but went with the bit.

"Surely you know dragons prefer dark caves and nests of endless wealth. If you wish these sleeping quarters to be fit for the likes of me, I expect there to be a pile of gold and shimmering valuables here by the time I return."

"As you wish, your highness. I'd pull every last coin from the kingdom's treasury for you."

"I'm assured you would. After all, you know what'll happen if you don't." You murmured darkly. Tsukasa didn't respond, though. When you turned to him, you saw him red-faced and spaced out. "Tsukasa?"

"Ah, yes?" He snapped out, a slight stutter in his voice.

"Are you okay? Your face is red."

It only reddened more at you pointing it out, and he covered his face with his forearm. "I'm fine! N-no need to worry!"

"Hm, okay." You looked at your phone quick, and a text from Rui stared back at you. 'I miss you :('

You typed back, then turned to Tsukasa. "What're we doing, Mr. knight?"


I'll be yours again tomorrow, stop whining
(i miss you too)

Rui couldn't help but smile. It was like you already knew his plan, phrasing it like that. This could only go well, you clearly liked him back.

He hadn't been lying when he said he missed you. In a way, he felt incomplete. He paced around his room, hands in his pockets as if taking a nice stroll. He looked at every corner as if he'd never seen it before. Every once in a while, he wondered if there was a bot he could be working on, but each glance at his desk made him feel empty off all motivation. When supper came around, he felt worse, appetite completely gone. His mom had offered to microwave it for him and bring it to his room, since it'd long grown cold, but he declined.

When it was the time you usually began to grow tired and drag him to bed, he found he was fully awake, sitting at the end of his bed staring around his floor. What was he doing? There were so many better things he could be doing, and yet he was locked in this I-spy game he'd never loose at. He'd already texted you goodnight, eagerly hoping for a response, but nothing. No closure.

In a moment of quick genius, he remembered a song from a month or so ago. You'd been playing games with him a while back and had been craving some music. You asked if he ever listened to any english songs, which he explained was not often. At that, you pulled up one of your playlists full of songs by the same singer. A certain... John... Strober? Be couldn't quite remember. When he said he enjoyed the music, though, you offered him your Spotify password so he could check out all your playlists. That's where he found himself now, signing into your account on his phone.

With a bit of skimming, he found the singer. Jack Stauber. Yeah, that sounded right. He scrolled through the songs, reading the names with familiarity. The one he had stuck in his head was one you'd never finished. He recognized it as 'The Ballad of Hamantha.' A girl who wanted to be a star, but hadn't been given the chance; a familiar story. You'd ended at the doctor calling the girl, since the two of you had to go to bed. He'd asked what happened, but you said you didn't want to spoil it, simply telling him it was a tragedy.

He found it, and went to tap on it. His finger clumsily hit the song under it. How long had be been trembling?

The next song came on. 'Dead Weight.' He was going to go back to the song he'd meant to choose, but the words that came from his phone paused him. It wasn't bad. Maybe he'd listen to this one first. After all, in a way, Hamantha reminded him of Tsukasa. Despite his mixed feelings about his friend as of late, the thought of Tsukasa living a tragedy wasn't exactly sweet.

He found right off the bat, he oddly resonated with this song. The lyrics, in a way, seemed to fit his situation. Expectations and 'kissing the girl,' as cliche as that was. It was hard to understand at times, and it didn't help that english wasn't his first language, but... he could get what the singer meant. He empathized. He knew when it said 'but I fall so good.' He really had fallen hard.

He listened to the song, glad it was somehow able to bring a smile back to his face. Yeah, tomorrow. He wouldn't be stuck in this 'Dead Weight' song then. He'd be somewhere further. Maybe this guy had a song like that? Even if he wanted to look, he didn't dare leave such a nice song as the one he was currently listening to before it had ended.

But he hadn't had the chance to look after it had ended either. By the time the song was closing out, his eyes were gently closed and his breathing was long, yet stable. He had been lulled to sleep, dreaming of his tomorrow's love.

An hour or so later, you texted him back. Nearly midnight. 'Goodnight! <3'

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now