i feel like shit so im writing a comfort oneshot fight me

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Headcanon that Rui can't draw large-scale art but he's good at cute little doodles

There's no backstory to this I just want comfort

"Y/n~" A knock sounded on your bedroom door, and you quickly panicked and scrambled to wipe your face.

"Ah-! J-just a second!"

"You sound flustered, Dear. Did I catch you at a bad time, perhaps?"

Yes. Undoubtedly yes.

He waited in your silence, listening to the miscellaneous noises muffled by your door. The sound of you frantically grabbing tissues, Lucky meowing loudly in concern, and you crawling into your bed and hiding under your blanket when you realized no amount of tear-wiping would lessen how red your eyes were - all of it sounded like a tornado of jumbled, incomprehensible noise where Rui stood. That is, until it abruptly stopped.

"Come in."

He immediately knew something was wrong. Your voice was nasily. Were you sick again?

He did as you let, opening the door and cautiously entering. He walked over to the you-shaped lump laying under the cover of a blanket.

"Darling, are you okay?"


"No you're not."

You felt the hot tears welling up again, the knot in your throat rising again. Stop. Stop, please, I don't want to cry anymore. I want to stop thinking about it.

"I won't ask why. I'll just pretend you're sick. How's that sound?"


"Good. Do you want to come out?"

Not with how dreadful you were sure you looked. No doubt your hair was now a static mess, blotches of eyeliner trailed down your cheeks, and puffy red eyelids. You shook your head.

"That's okay." His hand gently rested on your arm. "Anything you need? Food, drink... tissues? I can turn on your favorite streamer for you."


"The last one?"


You could quietly hear him pick up your remote and turn on your TV. You recognized the voice of your favorite streamer through the speakers. A random video, but you recognized it.

"Anything else?"

You shook your head.

"Not even cuddles?"

You hesitated, then nodded. Your lover chuckled, wrapping his arms around you as best he could with your blanket covering you. You snuggled into him, and he relaxed into your warmth.

"Why don't I heat up some chicken noodle soup later, hm?"

"Don't burn it."

He chuckled. "I won't."

You stayed like that for a while, TV playing through a few videos before you started to sweat in the rising heat under your blanket. You were feeling better, so you sat up, and shifted it off of you. Rui looked at you, and it was clear your hair was a mess from how his eyes skimmed around the edges of your head. He looked to your eyes quickly, then smiled.

"There you are, Lovely."

You wrung the blanket in your hands, words not wanting to escape you anymore.

"Are you feeling better?" You nodded. "I'm glad. How about that soup, then?" He made to get up, but you grabbed his arm quickly. "Ah, you want me to stay?"

He came back, embracing you tenderly. An idea popped into his head, and he pulled away for only a moment. From somewhere in your room, he grabbed a notebook and a pen and brought them to you.

"How about we sing that little fantasy song you like?" You shook your head. "Hm? What if I just sing it?" You seemed indifferent, so he smiled, and started drawing.

"There will come a soldier, who carries a mighty sword. He will tear your city down..." he drew what he said as he sang, then looked at you. You looked away bashfully.

"...oh lei, oh lai, oh lord."

He chuckled, then continued his quarter-sized doodle. "Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lord. He will tear your city down,"

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lord."

"Oh, I remember this next verse! Will you sing it with me?"


"There will come a poet, whose weapon is his word. He will slay you with his tongue, oh lei, oh lai, oh lord."

You continued your shy singing, listening to his pen trail against the paper underneath.

"Do you remember the next verse?"


"How does it go?"

"There will come a ruler whose brow is laid in thorn, smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei, oh lai, oh lord."

"Ah, yes, I recall it being an odd one." He continued his scribbles, singing a bit more of the chorus with you. He then set his pen down and lifted the notebook. At the top was you, Rui, and Tsukasa as the knight, dragon, and king, all holding hands happily.

"I don't know if the dragon quite fits as a poet."

"She looks like a poem. Such dazzling grace matched with such a perfect face-"

"Okay, Shakespeare."

You both laughed fondly, then Rui set the notebook aside and reached for you, pulling you close.

"I love you, my Darling."

"I love you too."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now