Big News

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[Me: ooh yaya let's get to all the fluffy falling in love stuff already 🤩

Also me: *adds extremely in-depth and really long Tsukasa rival arc*]

"So, everyone, I have some really exciting news!" Tsukasa began the debrief of the day's practice.

"Ohh, what is it?" Emu bounced in anticipation.

"If Tsukasa's this excited, I'm sure it's good!" Miku commented.

"Thanks to Rui, Y/n will be preforming with us in one of our future shows!"

The group cheered happily, Emu even rushed over to hug you so tight you could barely breathe. She apologized when you gasped after she let go.

"The only question is which," he turned to Rui, who rested a hand on his chin thoughtfully.

"If we put her in our upcoming one, we'll have to devote a good amount of these next meetings to teaching her the choreo and lyrics. I'm not sure how fast of a learner you are, Y/n, but is that alright with you?"

You were surprised to be preforming again so soon, pausing to think. "Um... when is this preformance?"

"Not for 5 months. It's March 25th."

"Mhm. I think I can learn everything I need to by then. Let's do it!"

The group cheered once more. But you noticed quickly how Rui stopped with a troubled look on his face.

"What's the matter?" You walked over quietly.

"It's just that... well... none of our songs are adapted for you. I may have to completely change placements to fix that."

"Ah, that's not good." You too thought into this problem, until Miku came over and tapped the two of you.

"I wouldn't mind Y/n having my spot in Becoming Potatoes for the show. After all, the audience has already seen me in that one plenty of times."

"Are you sure, Miko? You really don't have to do that for me!"

"No, no, it's fine, really. And also it's Miku."

"Oh, sorry."

Rui chuckled happily, then brought everyone back to hear what was going to happen.

"Miku offered Y/n her spot in Becoming Potatoes, so why don't we practice that one for a good bit today? Afterwards, we can take some time at the end to practice Ego Rock again."

Everyone agreed and you were excited when everyone got to their places (including you, thanks to Rui and Miku). Miku came in front of you, handing you a cane.

"Here, you'll need this. Just follow my lead, okay?"

You nodded, holding your hands over the cane and standing the way everyone else did. Len called from the rafters up above to make sure everyone was ready, and when they were, the music began.

You followed Miku as closely as you could, leaning back and forth and swinging your cane when she did. You were definitely a bit lagged, and you knew absolutely none of the words, but it was shaping up into something possible. When the song ended, everyone turned to where you were, standing behind Miku, and clapped. It sent an embarrassed heat shooting up into your face as you thanked them.

"You were amazing, Y/n! This can't be your first time!" Emu squealed.

"Did Rui already teach you some of this song?" Tsukasa feigned anger, placing his hands on his hips with a huff.

"Oh, no. This is just sorta how Kazuni taught us stuff. She'd learn most of the choreo herself and then have us follow her."

"Ah, really?" Once again, Tsukasa showed just how he'd scramble for any crumb of Super Nova knowledge you'd give him, starry-eyed.

"Anyway, now that you have an idea of how this one works, how about we separate into groups. Tsukasa, Nene, Emu, the three of you can do some more practice on anything you think you need to work on. Miku and I will be helping Y/n with memorizing the moves."

As the groups separated, Emu didn't wait to come up next to Tsukasa with a teasing smile. "So, how's your crush on Y/n?"

Tsukasa felt how his chest heated, looking at you from where he stood. Your warm eyes, your soft hair... you looked stunning, everywhere you went.

He sighed. "You guys are right."

"Ahh, really?!" Emu bounced. "Are you gonna ask her out? The two of you would be perfect together!"

"I-I don't know! We still barely know each other!"

"We gave you her number, dummy. Call her," Nene spoke up. Emu nodded her head vigorously.

"Or go talk to her after practice is over!"

"I..." Tsukasa, glancing at you again and recalling how he promised he'd be more bold, decided he would do that. He'd talk to you, call you, anything he needed to do to be sure his confession to you would be perfect.

Goodness, there was a thought. Confession. It seemed about as far away as marriage.

"I will, yeah. Maybe I'll invite her over sometime too."

"Y/n, could you come over to my house whenever practice is over?"

You turned to Rui from where you were trying to adjust your footing with Miku.

"Hm? Why?"

"For a sleepover! Why else?"

"Oh, uh, I'll have to see with my mom, but she'll probably be fine with it."

"Ah, wait, nevermind."

You paused. "Nevermind?"

"I'm sure you probably noticed, but I don't exactly have anywhere for you to sleep," he laughed nervously. You recalled how his room didn't have much of a bed. Just that red couch.

"Ah, well, I guess that couch you have would work. Or you could just come over to my house."

"You'd be alright with that?"

"Yeah. And like I said earlier, my mom will probably be cool with it too. The problem is whether or not you'll be okay with my mom."

"Oh come now, she can't be too bad."

"You'll just have to see. Oh, and are you allergic to cats?"

"You have a cat?" His eyes widened and within them, you could see his excitement.

"Yeah. She's grey with a couple white spots. Her name's Lucky."

"Awe, she sounds just adorable!" Miku cooed.

"Now I wanna come over even more!"

"Alright, then I'll talk to my mom when we're done here. For now, let's get back to work!"

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now