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The rest of the day played out the way it usually did. Class, lunch, more class, home, dinner, then bed. Aside from your mom taking you out to eat before she had to leave again the next day, everything was normal.

Except that morning, which didn't seem to leave your head.

Ever since everything happened at Rui's, you felt a sharp warmth somewhere in your chest. It never seemed to cease, sometimes causing your mind to wonder back to the scene. Being so preoccupied, it wasn't exactly the most productive day. And when you got home that afternoon, you found a part of you really just wanted to see Rui again. The other part never wanted to look him in the eyes again for fear that you'd both spiral out of control, but that wasn't actually a rational part of your brain.

"Y/nnnnn! How's my little vixen doing, Love?"

You sighed, not bothering to deny your mother anymore. At this point, you were just digging your grave deeper.

"Good. You?"

"My, I've never heard a less enthusiastic 'good' in my life. Cheer up, Darling, what's wrong?" She came over, bringing you into her arms and running her hand down your hair. "Does your neck hurt at all?"

Your mother's tone towards the marks was no longer teasing as she held your head to the side to look at them. You felt her run her finger down them lightly, feeling how they were hot as a sunburn.

"No, it's fine."

"Rui's a lovely kid. To think he'd be such a pain in the neck, hm?" She joked, even managing to make you laugh a little. She tilted your head back up and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "So, what has you so down?"

"I can't stop thinking about... w-what Rui did... and..." Your mother's eyes were concerned, looking down into yours, and you realized how this was sounding. "I mean... I'm not saying he did anything wrong... but I just can't stop thinking about it."

"Ah, that's normal, Darling. After all, you enjoyed it didn't you?"

"What if it happens again?" You sighed, stuffing your face into her shoulder. She let out a warm laugh.

"Then you'll enjoy it again, won't you?" Your arms tightened around her waist. "Just take a breather. Give it a couple days, you'll get over it."

With a long exhale, you pulled away. You did feel a bit better. "Thanks."

"Of course, Sweetheart. Now, get ready for dinner. Rui'll be here soon."

You stopped dead in your tracks at the mention of his name, turning back to your mom. "What?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you? Fufu, must've slipped my mind!" She laughed. "I may have invited him. After all, I know barely anything about him!"

You sighed. Guess seeing Rui wasn't something you'd be able to avoid doing very well.

"Now go on and get dressed up real nice! You never know if he'll show up in... oh, I dunno... a suit?" She grinned at you.

"Wha... are you saying you told him to wear a suit?!"

"Well, this is your first date, isn't it? Seems fitting. I'll be dressed up too, so make sure you outshine me, 'k Hun?"

You groaned as you walked upstairs to your room. Most of your nice clothing was all your old show costumes, but you did have some dresses. You sorted through them, finding one you didn't wear all that often and slipping it on. You looked at yourself in your mirror, shying away at the sight.

Normally, you enjoyed looking as good as you did right now. It gave you confidence and maybe even some courage. But now, you were just scared. Imagining all the compliments, looks... all from Rui. Picturing in your mind, you didn't think you could survive being flustered like that. Not without reaching your melting point.

At the same time, you imagined not dressing up. Wearing something casual, or comfy, and the lack of all those compliments. How underwhelming it would be, and how Rui would feel awkward so overdressed. Suddenly, you felt you had to look nice.

With all these conflicting feelings flowing through you, you continued to get ready. You picked out some shoes, earrings, put on a tiny bit of makeup, and considered putting on perfume. You sprayed it on, thinking 'what was the worst that could happen?'

He could always leave more marks on your neck. That was a possibility. And with such a sweet scent surrounding you, what if he really wouldn't be able to stop if you asked him to? Not to mention, you had the entire other side of your neck that was untouche-

"Y/n! Your boyfriend's at the door!" Your mom called from downstairs. Seems she was already done getting ready.

Well, of course she was. Goodness knows how long you'd been curled up in the corner of your room, drowning in your thoughts.

You got up and rushed down the stairs, your mom immediately seeing you and dramatically pretending to wipe a tear from her eye at how pretty you looked. With only minor hesitation, you opened the door.

Rui and his outfit were quite the spectacle. As your mom had said, he was wearing something of a suit. Parts of his bangs were pulled back, and it almost looked as if this was a completely different man. And from where you were you could smell the faintest bit of cologne coming off of him. As you stared at how gorgeous he looked, you realized he was doing the same.

"So are you two gonna kiss or what?" Your mom chimed in, and it took everything you had not to tell her to shut up, face growing red.

Rui shook his head and looked at you with a smile. He pulled his hand out from behind his back and held out a rose to you. "I brought this for you. I would've brought you a whole bouquet, but that seems like more of a couple thing, hehe"

"Oop," you heard your mom say from behind you, covering her mouth with her fingertips. "You mean to tell me my daughter's just fooling around?" She leaned down next to you, cooing into your ear. You groaned for her to stop, turning away. She didn't seem to have a problem with it that morning...

"Well, the reservation's for 15 minutes from now, so we should get going. Come along, come along!" She shooed the two of you out the door, locking it behind you as you led Rui to your car.

"You look nice," he complimented, and you pulled a strand of hair behind your ear, looking away.

"Thanks. Not nearly as nice as you look, though."

"Now, now, I can't be the one making the stars jealous."

You looked up at the darkening sky, the one that had made you cry in Rui's arms close to a month ago. Somehow, they didn't make that sad pit in your stomach appear anymore.

They were beautiful.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now