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I'm head over heels for this man please make him real

Guess I'll post the sequel as an apology 🤷‍♀️


Rui sighed happily as he cuddled up next to you. The room was warm, the blankets were soft and clean-smelling, and Rui's arms had never felt so snug, wrapped around you. You were ready for just about the best sleep of your life.

Within the next few minutes, you could feel yourself absolutely relax and start to drift off... until a whiney squeak and a nudge woke you back up.

You were confused for a moment, wondering if you'd just had one of those weird, half-awake dreams. Once you were finally starting to relax again, the same thing happened, ruling out the dream idea. That left only one thing in the room that could make a noise like that.


And again, a nudge and a squeak. You tilted your head towards Rui's. His eyes were closed and looked relaxed, but he had a big smile on his face.

"Rui, what're you doing?" You half-laughed. His eyes opened a fraction to look at you, but closed as he gave you his noise again and another light shove.

"Is something wrong, Sweetheart? Or... something right..?"

His face nuzzled into your shoulder with yet another squeak. He squeezed you tight to him.

"I love you too, Darling," you sighed, giving him a light squeeze in return. But in response, you got a more insistent nudge and squeak.

"Rui, what is it?" You were genuinely confused now.

He made the same noise and movement again, curling up closer to you and stuffing his face further against you.

As his odd sounds and shoving continued, he somehow ended up curled into you while laying on top of you, squishing you in the process. Having had enough of your unanswered questions about his mannerisms, you grabbed his face and lifted it up to look at yours. He had the same happily closed eyes and grin from before.

"Rui, answer me," you whined.

His eyes flicked open to look at you before he leaned in and started kissing all over your face. You wrinkled your nose playfully. Once he'd made it across your face, he settled on your lips for a few moments. It seemed that was going to have to suffice as your answer, because immediately after, another whiney squeak left him, and he nuzzled against your cheek.

"Ruiiii, what's with the noise?!"

"Love you," he mumbled, barely audible.

"Ah, is that it?"

He shook his head. "Love you so much."


"I can't express it in words, so..."

"Oh, I see. Well, then..." After a moment, you nuzzled against him, giving a squeak of your own. There was a pause, then a rougher nuzzle from him and a louder squeak. You laughed, feeling him curl himself around you.

You squeezed him tight to you, letting out one more squeak. "Cut that out; you're gonna make my heart explode," he sighed. You chuckled, kissing him softly on the shoulder.

"Goodnight, Ruru."

"Goodnight, Y/n/n."

"Since when did you start calling me that?" You chuckled.

"Tsukasa calls you it all the time and it gets stuck in my head. And it just kinda rolls off the tongue."


You continued a short convo until the two of you could barely keep your eyes open. Then, with one more squeeze and squeak, Rui went quiet, and you fell asleep in his arms.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now