Promise Ring

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Headcanons for Rui getting you a promise ring on your 1 year anniversary.


• It was a silvery ring with a heart engraved in it. It had it's imperfections, but it just looked like a somewhat beat-up ring you'd find at the average high-quality jewelry store. So naturally, you were surprised when Rui claimed to have made it himself, stating he had to buy a new tool just to do the heart.

• When he gave it to you, had had one request: "You have to wear it on your left ring finger." And who were you to reject that? It fit perfectly, and he had to admit to measuring your finger without your knowledge.

• He plays with it on your finger. Anytime he holds your hand or cuddles you, he's sliding the silvery circle back and forth.

•  Constantly asks if you like it, and you have to wonder if he's asking because he wants to make another, or if he's just not convinced you're telling the truth.

•  Requests that you keep it on at all times, even odd ones. Times where you normally wouldn't wear anything (take that as you will). If he sees you going to slide it off, he sits up and goes, "No, keep it on."
   • On that same note, he asked you once if that made you uncomfortable. "I'm not being overly possessive, am I?"

"No, no, Sweetheart it's fine. I don't see why you'd need to be possessive in the first place, I'm already yours!" You showed off the ring to him and he felt his insides melt. Immediately suffocated you with cuddles.

• "Do you want a ring too?" You once asked, but he shook his head. "No, rings aren't really my thing. Unless it's a wedding ring, that is," he purred, and you could feel yourself grinning. You wanted to marry this man so bad.

• If he ever kisses one of your hands, he makes sure it's the left so he can kiss the ring. He feels it adds a little more love to it, and hopes you can feel that love wrapped around your finger when he's not around.

• Of course, several people asked about your supposed engagement ring, starting with your mother, who at first stated she was surprised Rui had gotten the money for it so quickly. You had to correct her, then Emu and Tsukasa, and then several strangers, friends, acquaintances, and otherwise. Even a few fans online after you posted a picture with the ring in frame.

You never took the ring off from the moment Rui gave it to you, until a particularly warm day that made your hands sweaty. Just to make sure the oils wouldn't rust the metal, you took it off to wash it and your hands. But upon further inspection, you found an engraving on the inside face of the ring too.

"I love you so much, Darling ♡"

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