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Later that night, after the meteor shower, your mom came to pick you up and bring you home. There, she basically smothered you, making a dramatic scene of how tomorrow was her last night with you before she left again. As per the usual, you rolled your eyes and went to bed.

Once there, you got on your phone, only to find that Rui still hadn't responded to your text earlier. You were hesitant to call him, as much as you wanted to. Maybe you were being a nuisance? With how he'd been acting earlier, maybe it was best you didn't.

But then, there was a thought. With how he was acting, maybe he was upset and needed to talk it out with someone? You were right there, plenty free for him to vent to. And if you were being a nuisance, he could just not answer, right?

So you called. And he picked up.

"Hey, what'd you think of the shower?" You asked gently. You still weren't sure how everything was going to go.

"It was nice." You could hear how disinterested he was.

"Is everything alright?"

You could hear him exhale in frustration on the other end of the phone, along with some sort of metallic sound. Aside from that, no answer.

"Y'know you can tell me," you tried. The thought of being a nuisance was starting to return.

"I'm just... a little frustrated. Machining and all." Even as truthful as it sounded, it didn't seem right.

"That all? Nothing else you need to talk about?"

"Yeah. Nothing else."

You frowned. There was definitely something else.

"Can I come over?"

"Hm?" Rui asked in surprise.

"Would your mom be okay with it? If I came over for the night?"

"I'm sure she would," suddenly the warm smile to Rui's voice was back. "Would yours?"

"She'll be dramatic about it, but yeah." You started packing your bag as you spoke to him.

"Hm, alright then. I'll see you in a bit."

"Don't hang up," you said quickly.


"'Cause then I'll be lonely," you whined. Rui chuckled.

"Fine, fine."

As you looked around your room, your eyes caught on a sleeping bag of yours, packed up in the corner of the room. In a quick second of genius, you grabbed it, and stuffed it in your bag. You then zipped it up and ran out of your room (not without petting Lucky goodbye, of course).

"Ok, I'll be there soon. See ya," you spoke quickly before hanging up the phone, not waiting to hear what he said next.

"Mom!" You called as you reached the bottom of the stairs. "I'm gonna spend the night at Rui's if that's alright."

"You'd rather spend time with your boyfriend than your dearest mother?" She whined loudly, nearly sounding like an opera. Suddenly, you recalled the entire reason you'd been with Tsukasa that night in the first place. The whole deal with you and Rui... and love.

"Not-... not my boyfriend, Mom. I'll see you in the morning when I come to drop my stuff off."

"Oh, fine, fine. Kiss him goodnight for me and stuff," she sighed, waving her hand from over the couch in the livingroom.

"Whatever. See ya."

With that, you started the hesitant walk to Rui's. You could always just tell him your mom said no. But... the way he'd seemed so much happier when you asked if you could come over...

Before you could worry about turning back, you were at his garage door, knocking on the cold metal. It opened within a second, and in the blink of an eye, you were being hugged.

"Ah, Rui-"

He simply laughed happily, then pulled away, looking at you for a moment before pulling you inside, insisting you'd get a cold if you stayed out too long.

His room was much cleaner than the last time you'd been there. There were actually places to walk that weren't just little paths between piles of miscellaneous items. And while Rui's desk was messier than ever, everything else was pretty cozy.

"I see you've done some cleaning," you commented as Rui quickly went back to his desk to sort things out.

"I missed you too!" he answered nonchalantly. A few moments passed by with you in confusion, before he paused and turned to you.

"Wait, what just...? What did you say?"

"I said it looked cleaner in here."

"And what did I say?"

"'I missed you too'?" You tilted your head, brows furrowed.

His face reddened. "Oh, aha, sorry. Yes, I did do some cleaning."

"And I missed you," you laughed, before you sat your bag down next to the couch and flopping down in one of the seats. Once Rui had cleaned (moreso rearranged) his desk, he came over to sit next to you.

"So, I'm not sure what you had in mind to do while you were here, but we can do pretty much the same things we did at your house."

"Awe, I was hoping I could watch you mess around with robots for a while," you frowned, but Rui's eyes immediately went wide.

"Really? You'd really want to see that?"

"Yeah. And I can even hold screws and stuff for you, so you don't have your pockets full all the time," you chuckled. "I help my dad fix our cars sometimes, and it's really fun to hear him explain stuff."

Rui seemed overjoyed. He was clearly at a loss for words, so he said nothing as he pulled out a chair next to his desk and pointed to it, basically vibrating with happiness. You laughed at his behaviour and came to sit in the chair, with him sitting in the one next to you.

You eyed a can that seemed out of place at the nearest corner of the desk. You grabbed it and looked over it. 'Mixed Nuts.'

"You eat these?"

"No, it's one of those gag things with the snakes inside," he said as he grabbed a piece of... something off one of the piles on his desk. You cracked it open in anticipation, only for no snakes to come out. When you looked inside, there were actual nuts.


Rui laughed. "Well, I've never had someone actually fall for the reverse joke."

You huffed, grabbing out a cashew and munching on it.

"Tsukasa often comes to hear about new show drones and stuff whenever I rope him into testing them out. He gets hungry sometimes, so I keep those handy for him."

"Ah, I see." You grabbed out a good handful of just cashews and closed the lid, setting the can back as you snacked and watched Rui work on his bots.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now