i felt like writing a oneshot so i wrote a oneshot

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Theme: nail biting (guilty hehe)

It'd been a quiet day. Nothing particularly hard to work on at school, and no practice that evening. Frankly, you were bored out of your skull, scrolling through miscellaneous social medias to pass the time. Rui was doing about the same, watching one of his favorite streamers on your TV while comfortably silent.



"Wanna watch something?"

"You thought for a moment. Since he was on YouTube, you supposed it'd been a while since you watched your favorite streamer. He handed you the remote and you flipped to one of their newest videos.

Now that you were actually entertained, you set your phone aside. The only problem you had now was that your hands weren't occupied, and they subconsciously found themselves growing nearer and nearer to your face.

After a few moments, you realized this when a finger started to hurt. You realized you'd been chewing your nails again and pulled them from your lips, sure enough, one had begun to bleed.



"It's nothing." But he'd already seen the red pooling at your fingertip.

"You're bleeding." He came closer, grabbing your hand.


"You started chewing again?"


He swiped the blood away with his thumb and covered the spot it came from to momentarily stop it. "C'mon, let's get you a bandaid."

"It's not bleeding that bad."

"It will be if I let you keep messing with it."


He took you out to your kitchen, still holding your finger. With his free hand, be reached into one of your cabinets, grabbing a box of bandaids. You helped him open it and grab one, then walked back to the livingroom with him.

He released your finger, wiping it again, then wrapping the bandaid around it carefully. "Too tight?"

You shook your head. He smiled, then kissed your finger and held your hand. "Kiss it aaaaall better."

"I'm not 5."

"But it's working!" He spoke dramatically. He squeezed up and down the rest of your finger. "It's magical~!"

You giggled at his antics, then pulled your hand away. He laughed at himself with you.

"Do you need something to keep your hands busy?"


He went up to your room quick as you fiddled with the foreign object now on your stinging finger. He came back with an infinity cube, playing with it as he walked over to you.

"You said you like these a lot, right?"

You nodded happily, making grabby-hands for the toy. He handed it over to you and you were quick to start flipping it inside-out.

"All good now?"


"Good." He leaned over and kissed you softly on the cheek. "Love you, Darling."

"Love you too!"

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now