Aquatic Amusement

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[Guess who just wrote 7 fucking chapters in the span of like 3 days 💯😎]

Tsukasa, hanging onto Rui so he wouldn't fall over, gasped for all the air that he lost while screaming.

"Tsukasa, I think you shouldn't go on any more big rides," Rui sighed with warm concern.

"N-nonsense! I'm perfectly fine!" His legs were still wobbling.

You yourself were getting riden-out. Maybe it was time you all calmed down.

"What do you say we go find Emu and Nene. They've been gone basically the whole time. We could go grab lunch."

"I suppose I am a bit hungry. My, all the fun really does drain you, hm?" Rui smiled as he pulled out his phone to call his childhood friend. Meanwhile, you rested your hand on Tsukasa's shoulder to try and calm him down.

"They said to meet down that way," Rui pointed. "Is Tsukasa feeling better?"

"As if I felt bad at all in the first place!" He stood proud, though you swore there was still a tremble in his limbs. "Let's go then!"

You shook your head at Tsukasa's facade and followed his lead with Rui. When you saw Emu and Nene looking around for the three of you down the road, you were quick to run over to them.

"Hey, Y/n! Are the other two with you?" Emu greeted, waving happily.

"Mhm, they're over there."

"Are you guys ready to go to the waterpark?" Nene asked in her normal quiet voice.

"We were hoping we could grab lunch first."

"Oh, right, Rui did say that."

"Well, let's go! I'm starving!" Emu ran off to the food court, dragging Nene behind her.

"Ah, Emu! Slow down!"

You grabbed Tsukasa and Rui, "C'mon!", and ran after the girls. When you made it to the food court, your mouth watered at all the different smells. You looked around for something you could stuff your face with, finding at least 5 things within the first few moments.

Meanwhile, the others went to their favorite stands and bought what they wanted. You followed Rui, eyeing up the stand he was going for.

"Ah, Y/n, do you want something from here?"

You nodded. "Not sure what yet."

He pointed out things on the menu to you, seeing if any of them got your interest. Eventually, when you'd found what you were hungry for, you told Rui.

"Oh, what's that over there?!" Rui pointed in interest. You looked, but all you saw were people going about their business, having fun. When you turned back, confused, you saw the cashier putting money into the register.

"Eh, hey! Did you pay for me again?!"

He let out a small laugh, seeing your angered face. A few moments later, you had your food handed to you and started eating, reuniting with the others.

"Oh, by the way, we saw Miku, Rin, Len, and Kaito while we were gone. They said they'd meet us at the waterpark," Emu explained as she took a bite of her hotdog. You tilted your head at the unfamiliar name she'd said.


"He's another member," Nene explained.

"Huh? Y/n hasn't met Kaito yet?" Emu placed a troubled hand on her chin. "Well, I guess you will soon!"

With that, everyone finished their food and started making their way to the waterpark. You reached the lockers and changing rooms, where you all changed into out swimsuits and put our bags away. When you walked out of the changing room to see the others, and Miku, waiting for you, Emu nearly tackled you.

"Ah, Y/n! Your swimsuit looks perfect on you!" She squealed. You bashfully turned your head away, holding your towel and bag in front of you.

"Tsukasa sure is taking his sweet time again," Nene sighed.

"When doesn't he?" Miku laughed warmly. You looked around at the others and their bathing suits, noticing how nice they all looked in the vibrant colors. It made you feel out of place in your plain suit. Even after Emu's kind comment on it.

"I hope I haven't kept you all too long!" Tsukasa bellowed as he finally walked out of the changing room. He ignored the others' answers and looked at you, the slightest of pinks dusting his cheeks at your sight. You waved shyly.

"C'mon! Let's go!"

You ran after Emu and the rest of the group into the waterpark, though you slowed down at the sight of magnificent slides and huge water-filled jungle-jims. The whole park was fenced in by a lazy river, and in the middle, catching your eye, was the wave pool.

"You seem even more excited than earlier, Y/n," Rui's voice commented from behind you. He seemed to be the only one that hadn't ran away.

"Yeah! I love swimming!"

"Aha, that's lovely to hear! I feel quite the same." He stared up at the tall and colorful slides off in the distance. "Well, we should go to the others. I think I wanna tackle those slides first. You wanna come with?"

"Let's do it!"

You and Rui ran off after the others until you found them at a food table with an umbrella, sitting around it with their stuff.

"Hey, there you two are! We were wondering where you got to!" Tsukasa greeted.

"Nene and I were gonna go swim around the lazy river for a while if you wanted to join," Emu pointed to the entrance sign, just a few feet away.

"Ah, actually, Rui and I were going to go to some of those slides over there."

"Aha, allow me to accompany you both!" Tsukasa stood.

"Tsukasa, do you even know how to swim?" Rui tilted his head, giving a playful smile. The blonde's face was immediately embarrassed and wide-eyed, and he stuttered before denying it. Rui laughed at his behavior, and you held back a snicker.

"I could help teach you, Tsukasa!" You offered, only watching his face get redder. He turned you down as Rui looked off at the path to the slides, still inviting Tsukasa, despite what he had said. He agreed, though you half felt it was just to prove he could swim.

The three of you grabbed your tubes and walked around to the line. As you did so, you looked at the pool at the end of the slides. The numbers at the edge climbed up to 7, then stopped.

"Oh, look, it goes 7 feet deep, Tsukasa!" You didn't mean to tease him the way Rui had earlier, but he was clearly scared. You could tell by the way his nose wrinkled and his face darkened. You and Rui laughed quietly as you continued. You patted Tsukasa's shoulder with an apologetic gaze.

Tsukasa only looked worse at the top of the slide, looking at how many twists and turns there were and just how long and steep it was. You looked at the wall of the top room, seeing a few two-person tubes. You pointed them out to the others, seeing Tsukasa calm down a little that the distraction.

"If you're too scared, we could get one of those, Tsukasa. I'll ride with you."

"Ah, seems fun!" He ran over and grabbed one, leaving his own in its place. "Rui, you're alright with going by yourself, right?"

Rui seemed a bit reluctant to nod, but he did nonetheless. He stepped up to the opening of the slide. "I'll go first then and see you guys at the bottom."

You sent him off with a smile and a wave, watching as he and his tube slid down and disappeared around a turn. You watched off the edge, waiting for him to come out the end. Meanwhile, Tsukasa set up the tube, holding it from zooming away as he climbed in the back spot.

"Y/n-san, are you ready?" He asked, waiting for you. You were a bit disappointed, since Rui hadn't made it out yet, but you nodded, climbing on carefully.

"Are you ready, Tsukasa?"

He gave a hesitant nod, face darkening once again. You gave a mischievous laugh, watching his hands loosen on the sides as you held on, keeping you both in place.

"Then here we go!" You pulled forward and his hands came lose, sending the two of you and your tube zooming down the slide.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now