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Rui sooned returned, the sound of him running back up the sidewalk being the last thing you heard before your door was flung back open. He was beaming, the way he always seemed to when it was just the two of you. He closed your door, took off his shoes, and came over to the couch. He flopped down on top of you, lightly so he wouldn't hurt you but enough to make you huff.

"It's a good thing you didn't come along." His icy hands trailed up your sides under your shirt. "It's cold out there."

"Cut it out, you're giving me goosebumps...!" You winced, shivering and pushing on his arms. He laughed playfully and obliged.

"Not that I would've minded helping you warm up," he all but whispered, eyeing you seductively. You looked away, face heating.

"You're starting to sound like my mom."

"Well, maybe she's right," he spoke, lifting up onto his hands so he could hover over you. You looked at him, mildly confused.

"About what?"

"About us." He continued staring down at you as he had before, eyes lidded in a way that made your stomach flutter. "About how I'm too gentle with you." He lowered his head down next to yours, finishing his sentence next to your ear.

"Sh-she also said not to break me... y'know," you stuttered back, hoping maybe he'd relent a little. Too much of this and you'd melt.

"I think you could take it. No doubt better than me." He lowered down to your neck, kissing up it slowly and gently. As you tried to suppress your increasing flustered stuttering, you continued the conversation.

"What makes you say th-that?"

He laughed quietly, pulling away from your neck enough that you could still feel his hot breath against it. "Which one of us has yet to pass out, hm?"

"So... i-is that the end game h-here?"

"You seem almost excited. And for your mind to go there..."

You squeezed his shoulders, eyes widening and face burning hotter. "I-it was just the way you s-said it! Don't make me the d-dirty one here!"

He laughed, licking lightly up your skin. Then he paused. You laid there, breathing less than regularly in the silence. Your face started to cool, and Rui lifted up, looking in your eyes. He kissed you softly for a moment, then smiled and got off of you, walking to your kitchen. He seemed almost... aloof then.

You sat up, draping your arm over the top of the couch to hold yourself up. You watched what he was doing curiously, until an idea came to your mind. "Maybe you have a point."

"About what?" He asked. He grabbed two bottles of water from your fridge.

"You're kinda acting like a coward right now," you commented, tilting your head. "All talk. Aren't you gonna at least attempt to live up to it? Or are you always gonna be the only one to pass out?"

You both knew you were just trying to provoke him. Your words were lighthearted, no real belief behind them. You were just extending his own idea, using it against him. His smile waned, and he gave you an almost predatory look, then turned away bashfully and opened his water. Silence. No response.

"Suit yourself. It's not like I would've stopped you." You laid back down, satisfied with your teasing. He soon came over, dropping your water bottle onto your stomach so you'd flinch. He then grabbed the clothes he'd brought and leaned over the arm of the couch you had your head resting on.

"I'm gonna go change. Feel free to join me," he whispered once more, and like last time you felt your cheeks redden again. He laughed. "Hm, what's that blush for? I thought you were the strong one."

"You're a pervert," you mumbled, holding your cheeks to try and hide their redness.

"Just proving I'm not 'all talk.' And if you're not, why not accept the invitation?" The sentence was punctuated by the sound of the bathroom door closing behind him. You subconsciously contemplated more and more if you would do just that, until it became a concious thought and you had to shake yourself. You would, in fact, NOT be joining him.

He came back out moments later, and rested his arms on the back of the couch, leaning over. "Didn't see you in there."

"Enough, I've learned by lesson," you huffed. Rui rolled his eyes.

"For how long, I wonder."

"Are we going now?"

"I suppose. You don't want a snack or anything first?" You shook your head. "Alright, then let's not delay, it's almost noon already!" Rui pulled his phone out and played the song, and soon, you were back in your favorite amusement park.

"Where to?" You turned to him, slipping your hand into his. "I've been on every ride here at least twice. Except for that one rollercoaster..."

"I have something else in mind," Rui replied, then led you down the familiar detour to the Wonder Stage. He led you onto said stage, kissed your hand and grabbed your other with his own, looking into your eyes reverently. "I wanted to dance with you."

You smiled, flustering and pressing your forehead to his chest to hide. His hands released yours and wrapped around you, running one down your hair soothingly. "Any particular song you wanna listen to?"

"Have you heard of Merry-go-round of Life?"

"I have. In fact, I learned how to play it on violin some time ago." You lifted your head quickly, hearing this. You smiled.

"I learned it on piano."

Rui, showing just as much excitement as you, grabbed your hand again and rushed backstage with you. He went to grab his (clearly underused) violin as you attempted to push the piano on-stage. You made it maybe 2 feet before Rui chuckled and came to help. You ran back to get the seat and soon, you were sitting in front of a grand piano again. How long had it been since last time...?

You placed your fingers on the keys, sighing. "Alright, let's see if I can remember..."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now