All Mine

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Appreciating Rui for how fucking adorable he is has PLAGUED MY MIND so here we are :33


"Come cuddle me," you demanded softly, making grabby hands for your boyfriend as he walked out of your bathroom. He smiled and walked over to the bed, lifting the blankets off of you and slipping under them. He cozied in on top of you, nuzzling into your chest and stuffing his arms under you. Meanwhile, you wrapped your arms around his head and squeezed him close, smooshing your face into the top of his head with a happy whine.

"Yayyyyyy, my Rui!" You cheered quietly, earning a chuckle from the boy in question. "My sweet boy. My favorite." You began babbling on, pressing your lips across his head in-between your mumbling. "My Rui. All mine. I love him so, so much."

Rui couldn't respond. His mind had stalled, unable to do anything but take in your words like a sponge with water. It was almost overwhelming.

"My husband. Gonna marry him. Myyyyyyy Rui."

He could feel it getting ever so slightly harder to breathe. The burning warmth in his chest was starting to get so hot it was bittersweet, and he soon felt a knot in his throat as tears began to form in his eyes.

"The prettiest, bestest boy in the whole wide world. I love him so much. More than anything else."

He couldn't breathe now. Not without hiccuping. Not without his breath shaking. But, to be fair, it was only a matter of time until you realized his tears soaking into your shir-

He sniffled, and he knew he was done.

Your loving, appreciative rambling stopped, your hand coming up to cup the back of his head.

"Rui? You okay?"

He attempted to silently nod, but now that you knew, it was only harder to keep from quietly sobbing into your chest. You rolled him and yourself onto your sides, gently pulling Rui's head from your chest. Your heart ached to see his crying face.

"Rui, Sweetheart, what's wrong?" You asked sadly, holding his cheeks. One of his arms left from around you and reached to wipe his face. He tried hard to keep his breathing steady, occasionally hiccuping, preventing him from responding.

"Awe, was that too much? I'm sorry, Honey. Just want you to know how much I love you." You pulled his head back to your chest, sideways so he would be able to breathe, and hugged him close. Though, no matter how tight you squeezed him now, it could hardly compare to how tight his arms pulled you to him.

"Love you" he whispered out, still trying to steady his lungs. Once they were steady enough he could really speak, he stuffed his face back into your chest.

"You're perfect, Y/n. I'll never love anyone as much as I love you."

You let out a warm chuckle, stroking his head. "Love you too, Sweetheart. Shhh, deep breaths."

"You're my one and only. I'll marry you someday, I promise."

Your face grew hot, along with your chest, and you tugged your boyfriend closer. "Sh, Honey, breathe before you go on that tangent."

He sighed softly. "Love how you take care of me." He then stopped talking, focusing on his breathing, as you continued to play with his hair. After a moment, his face lifted from your chest, looking up at you with soaked skin and red eyes. You wiped his face, earning you a few more tears just from the display of gentle care. Then, you leaned in and press your lips to his, having them immediately attacked by Rui's urge to prove just how much he loved you.

"Love you," he pulled away to say, pressing back in a moment after. "Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou..." He continued to babble between kisses. You began to laugh against his lips watching a smile form on his face as another two tears trailed down his face.

"Sweetheart, please stop crying," you sighed, wiping his cheeks again. "Makes me sad."

"Can't help it. You say the sweetest things I've ever heard. One of these days, I'll do the same to you, mark my words."

"Hehe, don't make me cry, Rui."

"I will. I'll make you cry tears of joy. Just like me."

You sighed, petting his head. "Fine, I guess that wouldn't be terrible."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now