
600 16 9

Yes yes gimme the fluffy >:)

Requested by himariobsession

Two updates in a day 😱😱 this totally isn't compensating for however long itll take for the next update


You hummed out a whine against Rui's arm, tugging harshly on it. In fact, his shoulder was starting to hurt, as well as his hand from holding his book while you occupied his other. He huffed quietly, but jumped when you whined even louder, shushing you.

"I'm almost done, Dearest. Just be patient."

"You said that an hour ago," you pouted.

"That was two minutes ago..."

You were about to make another loud and obnoxious noise when he dropped his book, hand rushing to cover your mouth. He grumbled, now having lost his page, and glared down at you.

"Shush. You can be as loud as you want when we're not in a library."

"But you're taking forever..."

"I'll take longer if you keep this up. I already have to find my page again."

"Wan' cuddles," you murmured against his sleeve. He sighed. Despite how you were acting, that didn't sound like a bad idea. It never did.

"I promise you, it won't be much longer. Then we can cuddle so hard we merge into one person or something."

"And eat junk food?"


"Ugh, fine."

You waited. Sure enough, another few minutes passed and just as your patience was waning, he closed his book, setting it on the table.

"Can I have my arm back?" He tugged on his limb. You made a sad face as you let go, but his hand reached up and patted your head. He took his book and returned it to the shelf he'd gotten it from and returned to you. You reached for his arm again, but he winced and lightly pushed you to let go.

"Other arm? Please?" You apologized and grabbed his other arm, walking with him back home. Once there, just inside the door, you reached up and kissed his cheek. Smiling happily.

He took his arm back from you, rolling his shoulder that was still sore from the library. Then, he reached for your hand, pulling you close and kissing your forehead.


He made a mischievous face. "Junk food first."

So, you both grabbed a bunch of snacks and sat on the couch. You patted your lap, trying to get Rui to lay his head in it, but he gave you an innocent smile and instead sat his whole body on your legs, curling up to try and fit. He nuzzled against every part of your cheek to your neck and shoulder, cooing out your name mockingly.


"What, don't want my affection anymore? That's too bad, I still have to get back at you for earlier."

"Oh, is that what this is?"

He hugged your head tight to his chest, nearly suffocating you. "No, I'm not petty like that. I just want to love my Darling. Is that too much to ask?"

You tried to mumble something into his shirt, but he chuckled.

"Shh, no need. No sense in fighting back. I'm gonna love my Dearest so, so much. Give her all of my affection. Never let go of her. Even if she gets sore from me tugging on her arms or annoyed by me."

You sighed, and he smiled triumphantly to himself. He held you only a moment longer, then pulled back to see your deadpan face.

"I said I couldn't eat like that. In case you were wondering." You fed yourself one last bite of your snack, then closed it up. Rui left your lap, then sliding his arms under you and pulling you to him.

"C'mon, it's cuddle time."

"Weren't we just...?"

He ignored you and brought you to the cabinet you got your snack from so you could put it away. Then, he ran you up to your room, dropped you on your bed, and crawled on top of you. He curled up around you, sliding his knees under you and stuffing his face into your neck. You felt him start kissing against your skin, turning it damp. His hands gripped your shoulders firmly, and you felt his teeth press to your skin.

"Rui, no biting."

"You're not my mom."

He pressed his teeth a little deeper into your skin, then rested like that, sucking lightly. You could already feel the skin marking.

"Hey, hey, calm yourself," you sighed, pushing on his shoulder. He didn't budge, hands on your shoulders just barely tightening. He continued sucking on your neck, keeping you trapped under him. Some mark this was gonna end up being...

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now