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First class went by, then second. Eventually it was lunch. As you were on your way to the roof, just half-way up the last set of steps, you were stopped by a familiar voice.

"Y/n, wait!" Rui. His voice sounded different.

You turned around. "Yeah?"

"Why don't we eat outside? It's going to be nice."

"It's still winter. It's not going to be nice."

"Well, I can assure you, you won't be getting cold."

You stood there in indecision. Maybe asking him to walk around alone this morning was too much. Something about his manner seemed dark. It hardly felt like Rui anymore.

"Fine, I will, but only after you answer my question."

He tilted his head at you as you came down to him, setting your lunch on top of a trashcan next to you and crossing your arms.

"What happened last night?"

He was uneased. "What do you mean?" Now that sounded like Rui.

"I mean you're acting different. You haven't felt genuine since before first period. What happened to you?"

You were one to talk about acting different. Somehow, it felt like you were towering over him right now, with how stern you were. He thought he could even feel a bit of anger wafting off of you. You never got angry, at least not at him. So perfect...

"It's nothing, Y/n. Sorry if I've scared yo-"

"No, Rui." Your gaze hardened. It made his heart sink. "You're not lying to me. Tell me. Now."

His mind raced. What kind of excuse could he possibly have for this? He hadn't even noticed he'd been acting different in the first place. At this rate, his plan would be ruined.

"Hey." He felt your hand cup his cheek, and he withdrew from his mind. "Please don't try to just come up with an excuse. I just wanna know the truth."

"...I wish you hadn't gone to Tsukasa's last night." He sighed out, before he even knew what he was doing. Damn you, always finding a way to get what you want out of him.

"Why? Jealous?"

"Always. But..." he averted his gaze. "When you're up late like that, it feels like you're having fun without me. And the fact that it was with Tsukasa..."

"Does it bother you when I'm around him?"


You laughed fondly. "You could've just told me. Not that I'll stop hanging out with him, but..."

Why won't you stop?

"Anyway, he asked if I could come over again tonight. I said no."

That sank in as slowly as Rui wrapped his arms around you, gently holding you. He rested his face in the top of your head. Thank God for you.

"Do you still want to eat outside?"

"Maybe not. My way of keeping you warm would've been a bit... unorthodox. As friends, that is."

"That's fine. We aren't exactly friends, remember?"

Yes he remembered. He slid his hand into yours and walked to the courtyard with you. Unbeknownst to you, you could've easily been spotted by Tsukasa, had Nene not saw you two and kept lookout. Now you owed her double. She'd be sure to tell you.

You soon found yourself in the courtyard, shivering softly. Rui noticed immediately and sat down on a bench, then patted his lap and beckoned you over. Ah, that was his way of keeping you warm. You obliged regardless, sitting sideways so you could still look at him.

"Hey, where's your lunch?" You asked, setting your tray down in your lap.

"I figured I'd just share yours," he grinned, reaching for a bite. You slapped his hand.

"Touch my food and I'll make you eat your hands."

"Ah. Suppose I'll just starve then," he sighed dramatically. Maybe he should've gotten lunch. Missing last night's supper was really starting to effect him.

"Here." You handed him one of the smaller foods on your tray. "Have that for now. I'll eat quick, then as soon as we're inside, you'll go get yourself something to eat."

"Okay. Thank you."

That made you pause. Only for a moment. It was odd... he never really verbally thanked you. He always showed appreciation, but never like that. You shook it off and continued stuffing your face. The food was decent at best. Flavorless.

"Okay," you spoke, chewing your last bite. "Let's go."

"Now, now, no need to rush."

"Yes there is!" You got up, hands on your hips. "You need food. Now c'mon."

"Haha. Okay, Y/n."

You pulled him to his feet and back into the school, rushing back to the cafeteria. As he ran with you down the halls, he couldn't help but feel more alive than he ever had, laughing happily. In a half thought out decision, he pulled you into an empty classroom, much how he had that morning. You gave him a confused look when your back was pressed against the wall next to the door, but it was kissed off you in an instant. You almost let yourself melt into his lips, but then you remembered how you'd gotten there. You pushed on his chest.

"Hey, what about getting you lunch?"

"I have it right here," he murmured, then returned to your lips. You were getting increasingly flustered, pushing on his chest in hopes that maybe he'd calm down. He did the opposite, slipping his tongue into your mouth and hearing you whimper. His hands slid up your sides, dipping under your shirt, and you pulled away frantically.

"Rui, this is still a public place!" You laughed nervously, he looked at the still open door, where people walked by.

"Ah. Right."

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. You huffed.

"You're coming to my place for a good supper, got that?"

"Of course. Can't wait."

You drug him to class by his hand, him smiling all the way.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now