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'Hihi :)'

That's what the blue sticky note at the corner of Rui's desk said, in your handwriting. He'd turned away to grab something from his bag and found it when he turned back. He looked over at you, who smiled at him and waved.

'Hey how are you?'

'Pretty good. You?'

'Not terrible. How're your friends?'

'Yuuki got a new puppy, idk abt Kaz and Hina'

'How're your parents?'

'Dad's still home for the week, mom's not back until next month'

'At least you're not alone'

He paused. What could you say back to that? He didn't want to awkwardly sit as the conversation went nowhere. So, in thinking of something else to add, he found himself doodling. He drew Lucky, then you petting her as she laid in your lap. Then he realized what he'd done and wondered if he should hand it back to you, his doodle on it and taking up most of the empty space your conversation had left. He shook his head softly and passed it back to you.

You looked at it a while, then the blue was slid back into his vision, now flipped to the back.

'Awe, cute! That's just like us last night :3'

He started drawing again. Under his pencil appeared your face, your hair... then a pair of horns and wings. When he gave it to you, you smiled at it once more.

'Scawy 👹'

Then, he found a small doodle of himself you'd done, with a note next to it mentioning that you weren't quite as good an artist as he was. Even with the crude depiction, his heart fluttered. He found himself folding up the note and slipping it into the front of his bag. A few moments of silence later, more blue showed up on his desk.

'I'm bored :('

'Do your work'

'But it's boring :(('

'I'm almost finished, then I can draw more for you.'

But he ended up erasing those last two words and drawing a face over it. You recieved it and sighed, returning it to say you'd do a few more problems.

You continued doing problems, waiting for a drawing to be slid onto your desk. As you waited, you found yourself getting lost in the math of your work. You jumped when you heard the bell ring, ending the period. The blue sticky note was nowhere to be found.

You turned to Rui as you packed up, frowning. "No doodle?"

"Sorry, those last few problems took a while."

As everyday went, you didn't see Rui again until lunch. You made a point to sit next to him, even offering parts of your lunch. He started to notice your odd behavior. You'd been so restrained after his confession, scared you were leading him on still, he assumed. He'd done the same, keeping a bit more to himself, because he thought that's what you had wanted. Now, when he finally started to get over you, now you wanted to be close. It made no sense.

"Just out of curiosity, do any of you have your free period after this?" Tsukasa asked. Rui half raised his hand, humming through a mouthful of food.

"Free period? You guys have those?"

"It's for testing. Some of the rooms we have class in are used, so we get out of a class."


When lunch came to a close, you and Nene both bid your friends farewell and made for your next classes. Rui and Tsukasa were left on the roof, the former watching the view through the fence as he did in middle school.

"What class do you normally have now?" He asked, hoping to make conversation. Tsukasa frowned.


"Huh, you're even luckier than Y/n thought, getting to miss out on that."

"Yeah... I wonder what class she has."

"Science, if I remember correctly."

"Hm. Whaddya think they're doing in that class?"

Rui was beginning to be a bit put off by this bombardment of questions regarding you. "I'd assume science stuff. Why do you ask?"

"Because it's Y/n! I'm always curious about what she does."

Sirens were going off in Rui's head. This can't be right. You seemed to like Tsukasa, and now he was seeming to reciprocate it. Were you two really falling in love like in your stage play? The thought made him sick.

"Isn't that a bit... obsessive?" He felt hypocritical asking that. He'd been obsessed with you all the way up until you didn't want him. Right now, he'd give anything to see the same happen to Tsukasa. To see that weight drop on him and crush his world the way it had Rui.

"I guess maybe. But she's always seemed fine with it. I'll ask her later."

Rui huffed, turning to the blonde. "Tsukasa, why are you obsessed with her?"

"Well, aha," he laughed nervously, cheeks growing pink. "Since Emu and Nene know, I guess I could tell you too. I have a massive crush on her." He hugged himself, thinking happily about how cute you were and feeling his heart flutter. Meanwhile, Rui felt sick. No. No, this wasn't right. You guys couldn't possibly be together. What made both of you think that you somehow could?

"It's just a crush. You'll get over it."

"But I've had it for as long as I've idolized her!"

"I thought so. That's how I know." Rui stood, no longer wanting to be on the roof. Maybe he'd go to the courtyard or the park next door.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You don't love her, Tsukasa. You envy her."

"I think I'd know the difference."

"You'd be surprised."


Sorry everyone for disappearing :(( I might take a break from this for a while. Unfortunately I've found a new love 😞💔 (cough kaveh cough) but I'm sure I'll come back to Rui sooner or later.

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