No Bullies Allowed

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I feel like imma get bullied for this but I'm imagining catboy and puppyboy Rui and wanted to write about them :3


Catboy Rui who nibbles on your neck and kneads his hands against your shoulders.

Catboy Rui who's either looking for your undivided attention, or sleeping. And no sleep is allowed without his skin touching yours, whether it's just his shoulder against your thigh or his chest pressed against your back, cradling you.

Catboy Rui who's so in love with the way you scratch behind his ears that he starts drooling. Of course, it embarrasses him and he immediately apologizes, even though you think it's cute.

Catboy Rui whose mischievous and catlike smile is even stronger, and whose tail lashes back and forth when he's lying to you.
"Rui, did you break my phone charger?"
"No, no, why would I ever do that?" Meanwhile his tail swings back and forth behind him.

Catboy Rui whose nails are long and almost sharp. Enough that he has to be careful, because tickling you could hurt more than anything and holding you too tight might leave scratches.

Catboy Rui who can purr. You hear it most when he's sitting in your lap, head shoved into your neck and hand holding your shoulder and kneading against it.

Catboy Rui whose fangs are sharp. Somehow, he always has enough control to leave marks, but not draw blood. He's a biter, though, often biting and sucking on your hand while cuddling you.

Catboy Rui who blinks slowly at you, rather than telling you he loves you. He's much less of a talker, and much more of a listener and shower. He'll also give you affection by licking your cheek with his rough tongue, or kneading against you with his hands.

Catboy Rui who's much more focused on his bots when he has you in his lap at his desk, or petting his head.

Catboy Rui who becomes the clingiest thing in the world when you give him catnip, curling into a ball on top of you, clamping his jaws around the nearest patch of your skin, and dozing off for goodness knows how long. His words are slurred and his voice low, asking you to hold him and pet him, even going as far as to carefully set your hand on his head, just where he wants to feel it.

Puppyboy Rui whose tail is constantly wagging at maximum speed whenever you're around. It does when someone brings you up, or he thinks about you, but not nearly as much as when he sees you walk in the door.

Puppyboy Rui who comes up to you and takes a deep breath of your scent, then covers your face in kisses and muses about how much he's missed you. It feels like you've been gone for years.

Puppyboy Rui who wants nothing more than something to chew on and his head in your lap. There, you can rub his ears in that way that feels so heavenly.

Puppyboy Rui who is much too affectionate for one person to handle. The moment you call his name, he's quickly calling you everything in existence.
"Is that my precious world and starlight, love of my life, Y/n?!"

Puppyboy Rui who's so energetic he can't keep quiet, even if you ask. Though, he's easily speechless and relaxed when you rake your nails through his hair and scratch at the top of his head, tail wagging contentedly behind him.

Puppyboy Rui who's constantly thanking you for all you do for him, especially when you bring one of his favorite snacks home or buy him a new toy after he ripped his favorite to shreds.

Speaking of which, Puppyboy Rui who gets noticeably guilty when he does something wrong. Whether he breaks something of yours, makes a mess, anything of the sort, he'll walk up to you with his head down, tail drooping, and tell you exactly what he did and apologize. At least he cleans up when it happens to be that he ripped up a toy or a plushy of yours. But his favorite toy makes him sad to destroy every time :(

Puppyboy Rui, who can barely ever work on his bots because he's either thinking about how much he wants to be cuddling and playing with you while you sit across the room, or how much he misses you because you aren't there. Poor thing can never get a break :(

Puppyboy Rui who memorized the exact times you get home and is always sitting on the couch, staring at the door when you get there.


Idk which one I want more, I love him sm 😭😭❤

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