Another Star-swept Dream of Yesterday

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When you'd finally made it home, you just wanted to go to your room and roll around in embarrassment. Had you really just poured your heart out into a song in front of someone you'd just met? Yep. And it would be a lie to say it wasn't eating you up.

You were pleasantly surprised by a call from your dad when you walked into your house. Thank goodness, something to distract you.

"Hi!" You said cheerfully as you answered.

"Hey, kiddo, how are things going?"

"Eh, nothing special. How's the trip?"

"Oho, I could say the same."

You both shared a quick laugh before the conversation continued.

"So, they said I should be back in about two weeks. I'll be excited to see my daughter again!"

"Awe, I'll be excited to see you too. I miss you."

[Anyway this is all mostly mushy sweet father daughter stuff that I don't wanna write so here's a time skip :P ]

The rest of the weekend went by as normal. Boring. Just about the most fun you had was when you found out there was a convenience store down the road a bit that you could get some sweets at. It was a nice walk.

Little had you known, you'd just walked past Rui's front door. Of course, he hadn't known either, having immersed himself in his inventing for the past hour and a half. That was still what he was doing when you passed by a second time on your way back home.

So then, when Sunday came to an end, Monday began, and Rui awoke finding himself excited to see you again. You, however, seemed to have no such thoughts on your mind. Well, until you remembered singing to him at the park. That was humiliating, making him sit through that. Even just opening yourself up like that, he's practically a stranger!

Regardless, you got up that morning and got on the bus to school. When you opened your phone, you found 3 new messages. It seems they'd been sent pretty late at night. Past when you fell asleep.

Hey, sorry if I made you uncomfortable on Saturday. Your singing was beautiful!
Oh, and you guys wrote Reincarnation?? I love that song! It's one of my favorites
I'd love to hang out again sometime :)

Despite what had happened, it still warmed your heart, nearly erasing the embarrassment. You typed something back quickly before you got to school.

It's alright, no need to apologize, after all, I was the one who ran off. And yeah, that was one of our bigger songs. We had Gumi, Mafumafu, and Soraru feature in it and the crowds were crazy over it haha
And are you busy again tonight? If not, I wouldn't mind going out again

You set your phone down and waited to get to school (or Rui to text back; whichever came first). Whenever you got to school, you were surprised to find the man in question sitting outside, next to a blonde guy and a green-haired girl. As you walked into school, he waved to you with a smile, which you returned.

"Who was that?" Nene asked. Meanwhile, Tsukasa hadn't even noticed. He'd forgotten to do his homework last night and was stuck trying to get it done now.

"A girl from my math class."

"Girls?" Tsukasa overheard. He poked at Rui's cheek playfully. "Does Rui already have a crush on the second week of school?"

Rui laughed and batted Tsukasa's hand away, half-heartedly denying it and looking back at his phone.

I am going to be busy again sadly :(
But I'm more than free tomorrow


I should be too, got any idea of where we should go?
I chose last time, so you can this time

"Sounds like you two are already dating," Nene spoke from over Rui's shoulder, having no shame in staring at his messages. He was quick to yank his phone away, though that only put it in front of Tsukasa, who couldn't help but look himself.

"Hahaha, our alchemist's in loooove~!"

"Just wait til Emu hears about it!" Nene smiled maliciously and pulled out her phone.

"Why don't you bring her to practice? Or, don't you think she'd enjoy that?" Tsukasa suggested.

"No, I'm sure she'd be more than pleased. I just wanna make that nothing goes wrong beforehand."

•     •     •

"So now, I want you all to pair back up with your partner from last week blah blah blah..." the teacher spoke from the front of the classroom. Before you could comprehend it, Rui was back next to you with a smile on his face. You greeted him and pulled out your recent assignment to go over with him.

"Hey, uh, before we get into anything, um..." you started, twirling a peice of hair. "Would you mind at all if I considered you a friend? I've been talking to one of my old group mates about you and it's a lot more to keep writing 'this guy from my math class' over and over."

To hear you say that made his heart warm a bit, especially after having used the same label on you to his own group mates that morning.

"No, I wouldn't mind at all. And may I do the same for you?"

"Oh, of course you can!" You pulled your phone out of your pocket and went to your camera. "Is it alright if I take a picture with you? I promise, it's just going to Yuuki."

"Sure," Rui laughed, then placed his head next to yours and gave your phone a nice catlike smile. When you finished, you sent the image off quicker than a hawk.

It's official, he's my friend now 😼

Fwiends to Wovews? 🥺✨❤

I laughed quietly at Yuuki's quick reply and shoved my phone back in my pocket, switching my mind back to math.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now