And One More Thing

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"So... what are you saying?"

"I'm saying I think I somehow manifested myself into your Sekai, Rui."


There was a silence. Then Rui spoke again.

"Well, that doesn't mean you have to join us or anything. You can just use it as an easier was to see our practices and shows."

"Yeah... um... speaking of which..."


"When is your next practice?"

You could practically feel Rui smile through his voice. "Friday. You gonna be there?"

"I'll see. My mom's supposed to come home tomorrow. I don't know if she wants to go out to eat like we normally do."

"Ah, that sounds fun. Does she take you out often?"

"Whenever she comes home, yeah. And we go do something fun whenever her and Dad both come home. Last time that happened, we went to an arcade."

"My, your family sure likes spoiling you, huh?"

"Well, they're always trying to make up for how often they're gone."

"Where do your parents work anyway?"

"They're salespeople. They're going everywhere for weeks on end so they can gaslight people into buying stuff they don't need," you laughed.

"Haha, that sounds like a salesperson to me. Do miss them when they're gone so long?"

"Sort of. I guess I've been conditioned not to at this point, but..." your cat, Lucky, jumped up onto your bed with a mewl, bumping her head into your hand that stretched out to pet her. "It gets lonely."

"I can imagine. If it ever gets too lonely, you know where I live. Feel free to drop by."

"And to you as well."

You could hear the metal clinking of whatever Rui was working on through the phone, smiling at the sounds.

"Well, anyway, I should probably get to bed. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I don't see why you wouldn't."

"Eh, maybe I'll choose to go blind tonight."

The two of you shared a quick laugh before you said your goodbyes and hung up, getting ready for bed. Lucky waited patiently on your pillow, wanting more pets before you fell asleep. You were happy to give them.

The next morning when you got to school, you were pleasantly surprised to see not just Rui waiting for you, but Tsukasa and Nene as well. They smiled at you as you got off the bus, waving.

"Hey guys!"

They greeted you warmly before Tsukasa spoke up. "Y/n, would you give me the honor of escorting you to class today?" He held a hand out to you. "And maybe even the rest of the week?"

"Of course! I'd love to get to know you more!" You looked at the other two as you placed your hand in Tsukasa's. "You too Nene. And Rui, I'm sure you wanna come along too."

The four of you agreed, and began walking to class. You found yourself a little awkward with your hand in Tsukasa's, but it was oddly comforting. Soon, he seemed to notice as well.

"Ah, sorry, are you alright with me holding your hand like this?" He whispered. You let out a small chuckle.

"Yeah, it's alright, I don't mind." And oddly enough, you didn't. It was comforting, in a way you didn't quite understand. You told yourself that Tsukasa was probably just one of those people.

You led him and the group to your locker, finally letting go of his hand to put your stuff away. When you got out everything you needed, you led to your class. On the way there, Nene dropped out into her class, leaving you to walk around with the other two.

"So, Y/n, do you plan on coming to any more practices?" Tsukasa asked as you came back from putting your things on your desk.

"Well, I'm hoping to make it on Friday. No promises, though. My mom might be taking me out to dinner."

"Oh, sounds fun. Do you have a favorite place to go?" He felt so sly with his little plan. Figuring out your favorite restaurant so he could take you there. Little did he realize that Rui would be hearing about it too.

"I suppose, yeah." You explained how there was a buffet with your favorite food that you didn't go to often. Both took mental note of it for later.

Eventually, time ran short, and the friendly conversation between the three of you had to come to a close as Tsukasa too said his goodbyes and dipped into his classroom. Thus, you were left with Rui and his warm smile that you'd come to enjoy looking at.

"Tsukasa seems to like you a lot."

"As would be expected from a fan. He sorta reminds me of myself whenever I first started singing."

"Ah, really?"

"Yeah. He even has the same singing style. I must be honest, though... it's not my favorite." Rui couldn't help but feel sorry for his friend, hearing how you disliked his singing. "I mean that kindly, of course. Like I said, I used to sing like that."

"Right. And what do you think of the others?"

"Awe, Emu and Nene's voices are adorable! Emu's is always so excited in your songs and Nene has amazing pitch. Oh, and Rin and Len's are so dynamic. Len's parts in Ego Rock were amazing!"

Rui loved hearing you fan out over things like that. As you continued, his mind drifted off to something. You were technically a part of the Sekai now. Not quite a member, but... maybe you could still sing with them?

"What was that?"

He suddenly realized he had accidentally been thinking out loud and his gaze snapped to you.

"Ah, it's nothing."

"Awe, really? It feels like I'm dominating the conversation, though. You don't have anything to say?"

"Well... um..."

No time like the present.

"I think you should be in one of our shows. J-just one. Or as many as you like, if you enjoy it the first time!"

You could see how apprehensive Rui was in asking this, and it made a guilt bubble up in your chest as you answered.

"No. I'm sorry, but that would just be one step away from actually joining your Sekai. As much as I'd love to be up on stage with you all, singing those songs and dancing, I promised Yuuki and the others that Super Nova was the end of it, and I plan to stick to that."

"Ah, right, yeah. I... I figured."

The two of you made it to your class, sitting down and preparing for the start of math, unknowingly living out the start of something else.

[Yall we hit #1 in the Rui Kamishiro tag let's gooooooo]

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