What it Means to Live the Dream

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"I-it was about the ferris wheel. Y'know, what h-happened on Saturday?"

"Really? Interesting..."

"C-can we get going now? I don't want to be l-late..."

"Now, now, surely you don't think that little bit will be enough, do you?" The hand he had had on the air mattress next to you now snaked it's way up your other arm to your free hand, pulling it up to where your pinned hand sat. He held both hands there with one arm, and his other slid down the side of your body to your ribs.

"Are you perhaps ticklish, Y/n dear?"

"N-no, don't-! No!"

"Ahaha," Rui laughed warmly. "Then go on, spill the details! I can't spend another night losing sleep over this, I'll wither away!"

"Y-you lost sleep over this...?"

Rui's eyes narrowed. It was a simple question he wanted to answer, but he couldn't have you stalling by changing the subject.

"Come now, I want to know. What was so different about this dream than what actually happened?"

His fingers gently pushed into your ribs, giving off that familiar feeling you got when someone tickled you there. It felt like the answers were being ripped out of your lungs, much how he'd drained them in your dream.

"W-we were dating... a-and the ferris wheel was taking forever..."

"Mhm...?" Even as Rui continued to press you for answers, there was still his warm demeanor about him that was oddly comforting to you, but this was Rui after all. Why would you need to be afraid?

"I asked if I should kiss you a-and..."

"And I grabbed you and pulled you close...?" Rui sighed warmly, speaking for you suggestively, trying to see if he could get the story for himself.

"N-not quite, but I guess you're not wrong..."

"Hm, and then what happened?"

"You... uhm..." a near silent whimper sounded behind where you bit your bottom lip, doing absolutely everything to avoid Rui's gaze.

"Calm down, Darling. You don't have anything to lose." His hand left your ribs and gently held your chin, turning you to face him. "What did I do?"

"Y-you, uh... you pushed me back and..."

Rui was patient with you, piecing the story together as slowly as you were able to stutter it out. He imagined the scene in his mind, and it doubled the amount of butterflies inside him. To even just be in the position he was right now, it took everything to keep up his facade - to not back down red-faced and run somewhere he could let the embarrassment wear off before apologizing.

"And you started kissing down my neck... a-and then I woke up."

"Did you now?" Rui knew you were telling the truth now, but the chance to tease you was always a sweet one.

"Y-yeah, yes! Really, I did...!"

"I believe you, take it easy."

You calmed at that, now that the worst part of it was over. The peak of the humiliation had ended, now you just had to have the courage to ever look him in the eye again.

Turns out, that wasn't a lot of courage, as long as you were being forced. The hand on your chin made sure you held his gaze, and it barely registered to you when the hand he had your arms pinned with removed itself. Both of his arms slid down underneath your shoulder blades, bringing Rui's chest flush to yours. Your heart and breathing raced, and you swore you could feel how fast Rui's heart was beating out of his chest too.

"You just say the word when you want me to stop, Y/n. I promise I will."

All it took was a nod from you before Rui's lips were on yours. It wasn't like either of your ferris wheel kisses, sitting somewhere in between. It was definitely rougher than the first, but gentler than your dream. Instead of draining your lungs with no remorse, he'd suck a part of them empty, just to fill them back up again, breathing for you, but it didn't help. Hearing his soft sighs was enough to make it hard to breath.

He pulled away for a moment, panting slightly and looking down at your heat-covered face. His cheeks had nearly grown to the same bright red. He gave you another quick kiss, then another. He wanted to continue on the way he had in your dream, but your lips were just so addicting to him. You started to find Rui himself a bit addicting as well, stomach fluttering with every small sound that fell from his mouth into yours.

"Hah- Y/n-" he sighed out in between kisses as they slowly got more heated. He was basically pressing your head into the mattress at this point, clearly getting excited if the force and sounds were anything to go by. Rather than feeling things get real, snapping out of the fantasy and getting overwhelmed, you felt yourself getting excited too, hands gripping onto the back of his sweater as you felt yourself getting as vocal as the man on top of you. A quick sigh of his name was all it took for everything to pause in place.

Rui's eyes were wide, staring down at you as he caught his breath. His face was the reddest you've ever seen it, no doubt hot enough to rival yours. Once he'd taken in your expression and finally caught his breath, he smiled, leaning down to plant a soft kiss to your forehead.

"Do you want me to keep going?"

You choked on air at that. Did he mean...?! The thought made your head foggy.

"Ah, no, wait, I mean the dream. We don't have time for that," he corrected, all to casually. You overheated at that, hearing how he downplayed what was being implied. He let out a gentle laugh at your wide eyes.

"You can say no. It's not like I'll break down crying or anything," he chuckled. The feeling of heat on your lips lingered, and you knew what had happened wouldn't be enough. The real question was, would anything else be too much?

Rui waited patiently, though the faint expectation lining his gorgeous eyes still made you anxious. "Um... you can... You can keep going."

"Whatever you want, Darling."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now