mans are big pwetty

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I had this idea forever ago and then forgor about it and now I rember :D

Because I like Tsukasa and I REALLY like Rui, what if they were poly 😍😍

This is kinda a headcanon-scenario setup instead of an actual fic. You'll see what I mean when you start reading :))


• Tsukasa's love language being gift giving and Rui being awkward because he doesn't have anything to give back

"Rui~! I have a surprise for you!"

"Hm?" He looked at the box in Tsukasa's hands.

"You said one of your screwdrivers broke and it's been hard trying to machine things without it, right?"

"I... did." He suddenly realized what this was, taking the box into his hands with furrowed brows.

"Well, I got you a new one! It's dynamic too, so you can bend it and use it kinda like a... uh... ratchet? Is that what it's called?"

"Yes, it is." Rui opened the box. Sure enough, a new screwdriver stared back at him. "It's lovely, 'Kasa. Just like the person gifting it."

• Rui's love language being words of affirmation and Tsukasa easily getting flustered by it. You can return it until you slowly start to melt

"Aha, it's nothing, Rui."

"You're always so thoughtful," he purred, closing the box.

"Y-you really don't h-have to mention it..." Tsukasa looked away, face growing red.

"You deserve nice things, Rui." You chimed in.

"Just how you deserve the world, hm?"

"Hah, goodness, not this again," you sighed.

• Your love language being physical touch (sorry if it's not actually this is just me being self indulgent) and the boys constantly cuddling you to death

Tsukasa ran into the room cheering loudly, several pillows in one hand and several blankets draped over the other. He threw everything onto you and Rui where you laid on the bare air mattress, then laid down in the spot you'd left for him and helped situate everything. Once your shared bed was made, you felt your boyfriends cuddle into either side of you, hands wrapping around your waist and legs all intertwined like a twister game.

"Nigh nigh," Tsukasa hummed out, nuzzling against your shoulder.

"Goodnight my loves," Rui followed.

You placed a kiss on both their heads, Tsukasa giggling and Rui sighing blissfully. "Goodnight. Sleep well."

• Tsukasa being hella scared of homophobic people and using you to prove he's not gay

"Tsukasa, are you gay?" Some random kid from school cringed.

"Why of course not!" He wrapped a hand around your waist and tugged you to his side. "I have the world's best girlfriend right here!"

"And they share me," Rui chimed in, hands holding you and Tsukasa's shoulder and head dipping between both of yours. Tsukasa froze, face going pink as he waited for this person to say some kind of slur or something.

"Thats... kinda cool. Congrats you guys."

"Hahaha... thank you," Tsukasa sighed awkwardly as the person walked away.

"You don't have to lie to make friends, 'Kasa," Rui teased, roughly kissing his cheek as revenge for not mentioning him. Tsukasa swatted him away, face going red.

"L-let's just get to class before an actual homophobe comes over and beats us up!"

• Rui will sometimes sneak into places Tsukasa doesn't expect, like under his desk.

You and Tsukasa walked into his first class, weaving between the desks as you continued your conversation. He got to the desk that was his and placed his stuff down on it. As he sat down, he noticed you'd started staring at something under his desk.

Please don't be a bug...

He looked down hesitantly and found two amber eyes staring up at him. He jumped, nearly screaming.


"Hi, Tsukasa," he purred as he crawled out from under the desk.

As you laughed, Tsukasa yelled at Rui for scaring him, though he was easily shut up with a quick kiss.

• Tsukasa really likes attention, but both you and Rui get jealous if he gets all the attention.

"Tsukasaaa," you cooed as you pulled on his cheeks. He laughed lightly, face going pink in your hands. You could sense out of the corner of your eye that Rui was staring at you, and you had a mischievous idea.

"My favorite Tsukasa," you continued cooing as you nuzzled into his shoulder and flopped him down. He laughed more at that, trying to kiss your head, but your hand turned his face away so you could litter his cheek with them. He squirmed a little, saying he was going to melt if you didn't cut it out. You weren't going to, until you felt two hands on your waist lift you up and drop you on top of Rui. You squeaked in surprise when you felt him kissing warmly up your neck.

"Is someone jealous?" You purred out teasingly. He simply hummed darkly against your skin and found a nice spot to sink his teeth in. Meanwhile, Tsukasa whined and pawed at Rui's arm.

"What about me?"

He let that arm leave your waist and wrap around Tsukasa. Once he'd left a decent mark on your neck, he smiled at the blonde.

"You're next."


I was hoping to add more to this but I'm out of ideas for the time being. I'll check back if I have anything to add to this :3

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