And Now, the Consequence

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"Awe, darn, I don't wanna go," you whined, looking around at the others where you all stood by the entrance. Emu gave you a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry! We'll see you again tomorrow, remember?"

"Oh, right, yeah. But I'm gonna miss this place..."

"What's keeping you from coming back?" Rui asked, pointing out how you could get there freely.

"Nothing, I guess..." you mumbled. You suddenly remembered how Rui had gotten there today. "Oh, wait, you're still at my house," you turned to him. It seemed as if he had forgotten too, eyes widening a fraction.

"Ah, you're right. I guess that'll be two farewells again."

Only the other two girls seemed to notice Tsukasa's troubled expression at hearing that. And while they wanted to giggle over Rui's crush the way they had his, they wanted to sympathize with him more.

"Well," you let out a short yawn, "I'm getting tired. I'll see you two tomorrow?" You looked at Emu and Nene, who nodded happily.

"Sleep well, Y/n-san!" Tsukasa bid in his usual boisterous voice. You waved to him and the others, before leaving the park with Rui. Within a few moments, you were back in your room with him next to you and Lucky bumping her head against you insistently. You scratched her ears for only a few seconds until she turned to Rui, proving once again who was her favorite.

"So, you enjoyed yourself?" Rui tilted his head, flashing a warm smile as he grabbed his bag.

"Absolutely! I miss it already," you whined as you flopped back onto your bed, sighing.

"You'll be there again soon, y'know. Do you have any favorites out of all the rides we went on today?"

"Hm," you sat up, retracing the day through your head. "The wave pool, definitely. Though, that might've just been because you were there," you giggled playfully.

"Well, in that case, I'd imagine the ferris wheel is no exception."

The way he smirked at you from across your room made that familiar heat blossom in your chest. The snare was back, faintly. Had he been any closer, you might've accidentally reached for another taste

"Ah, sorry, was that too bold of me to say?" Rui asked, having analyzed your red-faced stare. You shook your head, looking away.

"N-no, it's alright. ...can I ask you something?"

He looked at you curiously. "Of course."

"Did... did I overstep... or anything? I'm just a little scared I forced something on you that you didn't want." You played with your hands, avoiding the confrontation of meeting his eyes.

"No, not really. I mean, I didn't particularly dislike it or anything. And like I said... if you hadn't, it wouldn't have been long until I did."

"R-right..." you mumbled, twirling a strand of your hair aimlessly. Recalling it, there was one thing that stuck in your head. No matter how warm, sweet, or enjoyable it was, it wasn't something that was right. You were friends, after all. And as far as you knew, neither of you wanted more than that.

"This won't make things weird between us, will it?"

Rui could see the concern on your face, glad you didn't want to lose him or drift apart the same way he hoped you wouldn't. He gave a reassuring smile.

"Only if we let it, and I don't intend to."

He saw the worry melt from your expression and felt his happiness rise with it.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For... just caring. Wanting to be around for me and stuff."

"I don't see why I wouldn't. I'd just be missing out, then!" He came to sit next to you, and you laughed, turning to face a bit away from him.

"Careful what you say, now. I don't want anything to happen with my mom in the house, just waiting to walk in on something she can tease me about."

"I guess goodbyes will have to be short, then."

At that, you felt sadness bubble up among the many other emotions swimming around inside you. You turned to face Rui finally, looking over his face before he'd be gone. His arms stretched out at his sides, and he smiled welcomingly. You accepted the hug, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on his collarbone.

Withing just a few short moments of embracing Rui, your door burst open, your mother standing wide-eyed behind it. As soon as she laid eyes on you and Rui, however, her face turned to a pout.

"Awe, darn, I thought you two were making out."

"No, no, no, it's not like that!"

"Not this time."

Every part of you froze at his words, slowly turning to look at the boy at your side. Meanwhile, your mom gawked at the two of you.

"Y/n M/n, have you been sucking face?!" She gasped, and your face fell into your hands in embarrassment while Rui laughed at what your mom had said. You denied it, not that it would sway her much.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna leave now! Be sure to tell me all about it later, Kiddo!" With that, she closed your door, leaving you in the silence between you and Rui, which you spent part of trying to wipe the warmth from your face.

"Good going, Kamishiro."

"She has just the best reactions, doesn't she? My, I wish my mother was like that sometimes."

You frowned at how he ignored the topic, not that there was much to be said. There'd be a speech's worth from your mom though.

"Welp, you're not allowed to leave now."

"Oh? Great! I'd just be lonely as soon as I walk out the door."

You flashed him a look, and he let out a small chuckle.

"Ah, was I supposed to ask why?"

"Because as soon as you're out that door, my mom's gonna sit me down at the table and rip every detail of it out of me," you sighed. "Expect her to tease you about it too."

"Rightfully so, I suppose."

With that, Rui pulled his bag up over his shoulder and stood, looking almost somberly at you.

"I should be going though, as much as I would love staying. Sleep well, Y/n."

"You too, Rui."

He turned and stepped out of your room, closing your door behind him. The room immediately felt less cozy, especially with Lucky's sad cries from where she stood by the door. As soon as you heard Rui reach the bottom of the stairs, your mom's voice came, loud enough to fill the house. Loud enough it scared Lucky away from the door and over to your side.

"Have a good night, Romeo~!"

You groaned, awaiting for the sound of the front door closing that would signal the last few seconds of solitude you'd have as your mother ran up the stairs and into your room to interrogate you.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now