This Isn't Right

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[Rui POV]

"Oh, hey Rui! Where are the other two?" Emu asked, seeing Rui approaching.

"Probably out on their first date," Nene groaned in disgust.

"First... date?" Rui tilted his head, confused. You two were... dating?

"She's just joking, Rui. Unless Tsukasa is planning on confessing today. Of course, that'd be a little too bold, even for him!"

"No way he'd pull it off. He hasn't even gotten to see her outside of school and practice. Not to mention, he's probably way too nervous."

"Ah, so Tsukasa likes Y/n then," Rui pieced together the situation. Even as he tried to convince himself it was fine, a dark feeling pooled in his stomach.

"Yeah. Haven't you noticed?" Nene asked.

"Well, I suppose it was all there in front of me, I just didn't quite piece it together until now."

"So, do you think they're right for each other?!" Emu bounced excitedly.

Rui thought about this question, picturing you and Tsukasa together. It made that dark feeling he had grow.

"If we're being honest, no, I don't."

Emu's smile faded at that, and her bouncing stopped. "But... why not?"

"If you really look deep into it, I don't think it's something that would last. It's just a crush, on Tsukasa's part. Nothing more."

"But he's had this crush for years now. Don't you think that means a little more?" Nene pointed out.

"I understand where you're going, but you've got one thing mixed up. Even as most people think it'd be fun to marry an idol or something like that, that's more of a yearning for recognition. I think Y/n is still more of Tsukasa's idol than she is his crush."

Rui felt a little awkward, watching the girls try and process his wording. "I guess that would make sense for how much he likes her attention," Nene nodded, placing a hand on her chin.

"Then... you're saying that his crush will go away? Like... quickly?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. As soon as he's gotten his fill of her attention."

"I guess that makes sense..." Emu frowned. "Darn, they would've made such a great couple, they're so alike!"

"Ah, yes, they are. Y/n explained to me before how Tsukasa's just like her when her Sekai first started."

"Really? I can hardly imagine her being that loud..." Nene thought to herself.

"Hm, well, I guess that's one difference."

"Hey, Rui?"

Rui's eyes searched Emu's curious gaze. "Yeah?"

"Are you just saying all of this because you like Y/n?"

He smiled bashfully, reminded of your mother's similar question the night before.

"Depends on what you'll tell her."


"Well, I think it's about time we go find the others. I still have yet to meet this 'Kaito'," you spoke as you wrapped yourself in your towel, having just climbed out of the pool of another decent waterslide. Tsukasa followed, agreeing.

"We should. Problem is, I don't know where they'd be..."

You furrowed your brows, searching your mind for a suggestion. "Well, let's hope the wave pool, cuz that's where I wanna go next!" You smiled excitedly. "Of course, maybe not without them, though."

"Well, I say we just walk in that direction and see if we come across them!"

"Good idea, let's go!"

You walked at Tsukasa's side out of the slide area, following the occasional sign pointing to the wave pool. About half-way there, you found Rin and Len, who called out to you and ran over.

"Hey! Are you having fun, Y/n?" Rin asked, walking at your side.

"Loads! I love it here!" You sighed, looking up at the somewhat cloudy sky. The sun was about 3/4 of the way across the sky, signaling that there were only a few more hours until sunset.

"That's great to hear!"

"Say, Rin, Len, have you seen Rui, Emu, and Nene?" Tsukasa asked, looking at the two blondes.

"Oh, yeah, just a couple minutes ago. They were heading back towards the lazy river. And I don't know what they were talking about, but they seemed pretty invested!" Len explained, pointing to an offshoot on the path that led to the lazy-river entrance.

"Darn, guess we aren't going to the wave pool yet," you frowned. Tsukasa gave you a reassuring smile.

"Of course we are! We just have to go fish the other three out of the river. C'mon, let's go!" Tsukasa pulled you to the side path, jogging to the entrance to the river. The three were nowhere in sight, so you both grabbed a tube and sat down in the water.

"What do you think they were talking about earlier?"

You were a bit confused at the question, until you remembered what Len had said earlier. "Oh, um... I don't really know. Do you have any guesses?"

"Well, it could've been about new show ideas Rui has. He enjoys rambling on about them."

"Does he?" You took note of that, imagining him rambling to you while playing a nice, calming game or two. Hearing all the interesting and way too complicated ideas he had for robots or new shows. Something about it seemed so warm and homey. "That sounds like the answer to me."

Just as you said that, however, three familiar voices met your ears. They were quite a bit ahead of the two of you, but you could see the lilac hair of Rui, and the two others next to him.

"Oh, hey, there they are!" You pointed, nudging Tsukasa. He perked up too upon recognizing them.

"Let's catch up to them!"

You weaved around other people in tubes floating down the river until you got to the others.

"...and after the restaurant, I wanna take her back here and to her favorite rides, if I can get them all toda-"

"Rui! Emu! Nene!"

"Y-y/n!" Rui jumped, face going red. Emu giggled quietly at his reaction and Nene even cracked a smile. "Tsukasa! Both of you, welcome back!"

"'Welcome back?' I haven't even been here yet," you chuckled, deciding to tease him for his red face. You wondered why you'd surprised him so bad in the first place.

"Ah, right, right, I mean... um..." You could practically see the error screen his brain flashing, even as Emu took over for him.

"Good to see you guys again!"

"Good to see you too."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now