Taking Care of the Silly

973 17 19

Ruru gets sick 😱😱

Requested by K-K4M1SH1R0_RU1


"Y/nnn," your boyfriend's voice called through your bedroom door, his knocks accompanying it. You could tell by how he sounded that something was wrong, and since you'd never once even heard of him crying, that meant he had to be sick.

You quickly got up from your bed and ran to the door, opening it. Rui's eyes had light bags under them, and were glided with tiredness. He also looked paler. Your hands found his cheeks.

"Awe, Love, are you sick?"

"Barely. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come over." He walked in, as he usually would, and cozied up in your bed.

"Take a nap."

"Noooo, I came to spend time with you."

"You can sleep first. I'll wake you in an hour or so and we can do some gaming."

"Where are you going?" His nasily voice whined, seeing you reach for your door's handle.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back, promise."

He made a sad noise, but closed his eyes and curled up. He figured the sooner he napped slept, the sooner he'd be awake to play something with you. And you'd probably be happier, knowing he didn't put up much of a resistance to caring for himself. At least he wouldn't be burdening you this way.

With that, you left your room and went to the kitchen. You were sure you had some chicken noodle soup around somewhere. Your mom would have to get more next time she was home though. After a bit of searching, you were able to find some. As it heated on the stove, you grabbed some water from the fridge, as well as some decongestants from one of your cabinets. Once everything was ready, you went back upstairs carefully, trying not to drop anything. You were able to open your door and set everything down on your dresser, and Rui stirred, clearly not having slept a wink.

"Time to get up already? That was quick," he yawned. You shook your head.

"Not unless you're hungry or thirsty. It's barely been ten minutes."

He huffed, laying back down. No, he didn't want you cooking for him or getting him things. He could do all that himself. Well, that's what he thought until he smelled something mouth watering, and his eyes reopened.

"Do you smell soup?"

You chuckled. "Why yes, I do."

He sat back up, brows furrowed. "You didn't... you didn't make soup, did you?"

"I might've. Why? Want some?" You grabbed the bowl, still steaming, off the top of your dresser and carefully brought it over to him. He sighed in disdain as you sat it in his lap.


"Why doesn't matter. Eat it or my last can of chicken noodle soup goes to waste." You crossed your arms, speaking dramatically.

"Why would you make your last one for me?"

"Who's sick here, Rui?"

"Yeah, but what if you get sick?"

"Mom'll be back by the end of the month. I'll be fine. Now," you sat down next to his legs, grabbing the fork in his bowl and stabbing it into a piece of chicken. "Time to eat. Say ahh!"

As you blew on the chicken to cool it off, Rui gave you a reluctant look. "I can feed mysel... ah."

"Hm, deja vu? Let me think, where have I heard that before?"

"Yes, yes, it's only fair. Ahh."

With a warm laugh at your victory, you slipped the chicken into his mouth, then pulled the fork away. With his paler skin, it wasn't hard to see his cheeks grow the slightest shade of red as he chewed.

"Is it good?"

He nodded silently, and reached for the fork as he finished his bite, but you pulled away.

"Ah! Three more bites."

"Can I do it?"

"No, three more bites, then you feed yourself as much or as little as you want. And then you can take some meds and go to sleep.

He sighed, a sad look on his face, as he watched you twist a few noodles around his fork. You held it out to him again, and again, until he'd had his few bites. When he reached for the fork now, you let him have it.

"Finish it before it's cold, okay?"


As he ate a bit more, you looked at your medicine bottle for how many to pull out. You poured the specified amount and handed it to Rui, along with the water you'd brought.

"This should help. Wanted to make sure you had something to eat first, though. Medicine on an empty stomach isn't exactly a good idea."

He thanked you and took them, then finished off his soup and sat the empty bowl on your nightstand.

"Can you come here now?" He asked, giving you puppy eyes as he laid down and lifted some of the blanket next to him. You contemplated for a moment, then crawled into his arms and pulled his head to your chest.

"Fine, as long as you get some sleep."

"Hehe, okay."

You played with his hair softly until he'd fallen asleep in your arms. A while later, a mew sounded from behind you, and you felt paws walking over your waist. You looked down and watched as Lucky stepped onto Rui and started kneading into his side. You shooed her off, scolding her, and she let out a loud, angered meow.

"Shaddup," you huffed, roughly petting her head. She surrendered and curled up under your hand, which you then retracted and brought back to Rui's head. Looking back at him, you flinched at the sight of his open eyes.

"Oh, awake already?"

"Your cat's loud."

You sighed in frustration. "Yeah, she is." You glared at said cat, though she wasn't looking.

"It's okay." He was sounding better. "Wanna play those games now?"

"You aren't still tired?"

He averted his eyes, and you lat out another sigh.

"We can, but then you're going back to sleep."


Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now