Nighty Night

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As dinner neared its end, you noticed how Rui had been picking out his broccoli the whole time. As your mom pulled the brownies out of the oven, you leaned over and scraped the little green trees off his plate and onto yours.

"Mm, they smell great. I'll just let them cool here a bit, then you two can have as many as you want."

"Yay," you smiled, eating the last bit of Rui's unwanted broccoli.

"Anyway, do the two of you have any plans for tonight or tomorrow?"

"Hm, tonight I was just planning on hanging out here. Watch some TV or play some video games or something. Nothing really. And somebody still has to tell me where we're going tomorrow."

Rui chuckled, cat-smiling. "Well, we might just be going to an amusement park. Of course, you've already seen the main attraction, but I promised you a few rides, and I have yet to take you on any."

At that, your eyes widened excitedly, and you bounced in your seat. "Really?!"

He nodded his head, and your mother gave a fond smile. "You're so spoiled, kid." She shook her head at you.

"Ah, and I never told you that there's a waterpark too, did I?"

You could hardly contain your excitement anymore, swinging back and forth in an attempt to get some of it out.

"I'm glad to see you're so excited."

"I am! Are the others gonna be there too? We can have a swim party!"

"Mhm, I made sure to invite them."

"Looks like you have a bit of packing to do, Y/n." Your mom chuckled as she tested to see if the brownies were cool enough. "If you need anything, just come ask me okay?" She cut two brownies out with a spatula and brought them over, handing them to you and Rui before patting the both of you on the head. "Now why don't you go have your fun upstairs?"

You gave your mom a quick 'love you' and made your way over to the stairs.

"You be gentle with her, okay? She's gonna need to be able to walk in the morning," her mischievous voice whispered quickly to Rui as he followed after you. Immediately, his stomach was full of butterflies and his face was hot.

"Hey, you alright? Your face is kinda red," you pointed out as he reached you. He nodded, trying to cover his face with a hand. You brushed it off and led the way upstairs.

As soon as you opened the door, Lucky was there, rubbing against Rui's legs. You lifted her up, offering her to him, but before he could even take her from you, she was clinging onto him. You could see how his face melted as she nuzzled into him.

"So, you wanna play some Mario Kart or something?"

"Sure, sounds fun."

You grabbed two controllers from your TV stand and brought them over to Rui, beckoning him to come sit on your bed. He followed, sitting down next to you with Lucky in his lap. You flicked onto Mario Kart, but not before your eyes landed on something else.

"Oh, I forgot, I just got this new horror game! Are you into that kinda stuff?"

"Ah, yes, I love this game!"

"Great! Let's play that then." You opened it and selected multiplayer. "So, you know how to play?"


"What kinda settings should we do then?"

He explained how the game worked and how to set it up the right way. Then, you pressed play.

"Ooh, the music alone is scary."

"Mhm. Just wait until you see the monsters."


Rui chuckled warmly at you. There was silence in the game for a few moments until things started ramping up. Soon, you walked around a corner and were face to face with a monster, making you jump. You squealed for Rui, seeing as you had yet to find a weapon. He was quick to run to your aid and down the ghoul.

"You alright? You need any heals?" His character turned to you, crouching and uncrouching.

"Uh, no, it surprisingly didn't touch me, haha. Wow, that was crazy."

"Yeah. Maybe we should stick together until you get a gun or something. At least a knife."

"Ok, lead the way, monster hunter."

You followed Rui's character throughout the map, hiding when he instructed and collecting things for later. Eventually you found a shotgun.

"Ohoho, sweet," you equipped it and loaded the little ammo you had for it.

"Oh, here, I think I have some ammo for that," Rui spoke, searching his inventory and dropping the box when he found it. You gave him some of the pistol ammo you'd found earlier when he didn't have enough inventory space to get it himself.

From there you continued the game until you beat it, jumping, screaming, laughing all the way. [Merry late Christmas ;)]

When the game win screen appeared, you exhaled in relief. You took a quick look at your phone clock. 9:17. You yawned, noticing how tired you were. This was the time when you usually went to bed. You looked over at Rui, who seemed wider awake than even at practice.

"Aren't you tired?"

"Mm, no. Are you?"

"Well, I normally go to sleep around this time. When do you go to sleep?"

He gave you a nervous smile, and you seemed to realize the sort of sleep schedule he had.

"Oh. Do you... do you want some melatonin or something?"

"Well, I guess we can't exactly sleep-in tomorrow, so maybe it's best that I do, hm?"

"I'll go get you some quick. Ah, feel free to look for something to watch." You handed Rui the remote to your TV and left to go downstairs. Your mom could hear your footsteps from the livingroom.

"Y/n, sweetheart, could you get me some water?" You grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and brought it to her. "You two sound like you're having fun," she commented. You returned to the fridge to grab two more bottles for you and Rui.


"Surprised you could make it downstairs." She took a casual sip of her water.

"It wasn't that scary."

"Did he know what he was doing?" It was about then that you found the bottle of melatonin and pulled it from the medicine cabinet.

"Mhm. We were playing his favorite game."

"Ah, so he thinks of it as a game?"

You were a bit confused by that, until you pieced together what she was saying, her side of the conversation being on a completely different topic.

"Wha- Mom, you're not saying you thought we...?!"

"Ah, wait, you meant video games. My bad, sweetie, they often sound quite similar, don't they?"

"No they don't!" You shook the idea from your head and clutched the bottles closer to your chest. "We're going to bed. Separately."

"Awe, okay. Sleep well. Oh, and tell Rui I said goodnight."

"Will do. Goodnight, Mom."

[Lmao here's this :P]

[Lmao here's this :P]

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