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You could hear Tsukasa screaming like a horror movie victim from behind you, and you jumped when you felt his arms wrap around your waist and his head shove itself into your shoulder. It made your face a little red, you'd admit, at the contact, but thankfully it didn't take anything from the fun. After a few moments of zipping left and right, the double tube shot out of the end of the slide, flipping right out from under you and plunging you into cold water. You swam up to the surface, laughing and wiping off your eyes. Tsukasa showed no such happiness, coughing when his head surfaced and gasping with wide eyes.

"You made it!" You patted his head, but he grabbed back onto you the way he had been earlier.

"Just get me to land..."

You laughed and swam over to where your feet could touch the bottom of the pool, pulling Tsukasa with you. Once he could feel with his own feet, he stood and walked over to the stairs out, where Rui was waiting.

"Seems you had fun," he cat-smirked at his friend, who glared as he sat down and wrapped himself in his towel. Rui then looked over at you as you climbed out, shivering, and handed you your towel. "Did you at least have fun?"

"Mhm!" You wrapped yourself up,  thankful that your towel had been sitting in the sun so it would warm up. "It was great. Hey, Tsukasa," you leaned around Rui to the pouting blonde. "You wanna go on a smaller one? No pressure, of course, but I'll go with you again."

"Depends, which one are we talking about? And... how much smaller?"

"You can pick."

He sighed and stood up, hugging his towel before he unwrapped himself and draped it over his seat to catch the sunlight.

"Alright, let's go!" He perked up.

You turned to Rui, but before you could ask if he wanted to come along, he waved you off.

"You two have fun!"

"Ah, okay. You have fun too!"

You ran over, oblivious to the thankful look Tsukasa was giving Rui. With that, the two of you ran off to some other slides, while Rui decided to go find Emu and Nene at the lazy river.

"What about that one?" Tsukasa pointed to a slide about half as tall as the one you'd been on before. You nodded, walking over to where the tubes were. This time, some of the two person ones were down by the normal ones too.

"Do you wanna share one again?"

Tsukasa nodded happily and you grabbed the double tube. He stopped you as you were about to carry it up.

"Y/n-san, let me get that for you!"

You awkwardly obliged, handing him the tube, then following him up the stairs to the top of the slide.

"So, Y/n, are you enjoying Phoenix Wonderland?"

"Yes, I love it here! You guys are lucky to have such a lively Sekai."

"Haha, you're joking, right?! Your Sekai was beautiful! And all the constellations? Everytime I look at any of the plushies here, I always think of those pretty deer and foxes, frolicking around the galaxy!"

You hugged yourself, recalling fondly how your Sekai had had living constellations running around. You recalled how ghostlike they were, having been discovered that one time you tried to pet one of them, and your hand phased right through it. The lovely glow your hand was left with after was nice, though.

"Yeah they were great. And what's this I hear about plushies?"

"Oh, haven't you noticed? There's living plushies all over the place here!"

"Ah, really?! How have I not seen any?"

"Well, they're smaller than people. They probably blend in too well."

"Hm, well, we'll have to see if we can find one of my favorite animal!"

You remembered the singular constellation of your favorite animal, running around the Sekai. When you could find it, that is. The thing was elusive, but you were able to find it a handful of times. Even so, you were sure you'd never had a show without it somewhere in the audience. It was the very constellation that you'd tried to pet, only to have your hand start glowing.

"I'm sure there is one."

It was about then that you reached the top, Tsukasa setting the tube down in the water and cautiously climbing on. He held it in place as you got in front of him and, with a smile, asked if you were ready. You nodded excitedly, and he sent the tube zooming down the slide.

If you were being honest, it wasn't nearly as fun as the last one, but you laughed nonetheless. When you reached the bottom, the tube didn't fly out from under you like last time, though it did hit the water fast enough to fling you and Tsukasa off. The water here was much shallower than earlier, since it didn't need to take as big of an impact.

Tsukasa stood up, water only half-way up his chest, and laughed in satisfaction, reaching out to grab the tube.

"That one is by-far my favorite slide!"

"Is it?"

"Mhm-!" He had thought your question was less... judgemental, until he saw your face. "D-did you not enjoy it?"

"Ah, no, no! It was great! I'm just a bit more of a thrill-seeker, I guess," you bashfully held your arms. The water was cold, urging you to go back to Rui and get your towel again.

"Aha, yes, I see. No wonder why you and Rui get along so well!"

"I'm not quite sure I'm into those thrills, Tsukasa."

"Well, yes, I wouldn't expect you to have such bizarre interests. Rui's can be a bit... concerning."

"Care to elaborate?" You hoisted yourself out of the water by the side of the pool, too lazy to swim over to the stairs. Tsukasa, however, took the time to do just that, as you walked along the edge next to him.

"Hm, well, I don't know how fond Rui would be of me telling you this, but I'm constantly paranoid of being here with him because of a few past incidents he had at pools."

"What sort of incidents are we talking about?"

"Waterboarding, namely," Tsukasa shuddered. "And that time he almost blew me up while I was trying to swim..."


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