Another Last?

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Not me slaving away at a hundred chapter Rui fic for over a year just to find out there's no such thing as "that rui fic" on tiktok 😞😞
Also happy Valentines Day!! :D Rui sequel will be back soon with eulogies to my terribly filthy mind :3

The show was amazing. From start to finish, song to song and line by line, it was by far the smoothest show you'd ever done, and the excitement of it all was sickeningly sweet. After what didn't nearly feel like an hour and a half, you froze on stage, getting a sickening feeling of deja vu.

"Thank you all so much for coming!"

You were meant to cheer that with the others, but all you could do was stare at the crowd, breath suddenly shaking.

"Three whole years, this is crazy! All you fans that have been here from the start, thank you, so so much!"


"As you know, this is our last show... We're just so glad you sold it out so quickly!"


"We owe everything we have to you guys. It makes us wish we could keep performing for you."


"Thank you all, once again for all the support! We've had our ups and downs, our drama and our peace, and we appreciate everyone of you for sticking it out with us for so long!"


That left one more person...

"And, of course," Tsukasa started, "this show wouldn't be possible without our lovely guest, Y/n-san!!"

Was this... another final show for you? Were these your last moments on stage all over again?

Silence brought you out of the depths of your mind. The whole cast, Emu, Nene, Tsukasa, the virtuals... Rui... they were all staring at you. It took you several moments to find out why, but you soon felt a soft breeze blow over your dampened cheeks. You cleared your throat, not wanting this silence to continue on too much longer.

"Uhm," you stepped forward, now ignoring the saddened gazes of your friends. "I-it was an honor to be on this stage for all of you, and I would like to thank Wonderlands X Showtime wholeheartedly for giving me this opportunity." As the crowd softly clapped, you turned to your friends, eyes ultimately landing on Rui. This was all thanks to him, wasn't it?

"Thank you."

As you turned back to the crowd and took your bow, the crowd erupted, and you made a promise to yourself.

This wouldn't be your last. Not in your dreams.

The lights dimmed and turned off, and you and your friends found your way backstage. You were soon able to see again, now standing in front of the dressing rooms.

"Y/n-san!!" A scream came from behind you, making you flinch with an 'eep!' Before you could turn fully around, a pair of arms wrapped around you, and you heard a sniffle into your shoulder.

"You were amazing!!" Tsukasa cried out, making your ear ring for a moment.

"Th-thank you..."

He pulled away, now being joined by the others. You could clearly see the tears in his eyes and dripping off his jaw.


"You were crying because this reminded you of your last show with Super Nova 23, right?!"

"Ah-" you quickly wiped the tears from your face, effectively smudging small bits of your eyeliner and mascara, making you cringe. "I-I'm fine now. I'm alright."

"Ohhh, Y/n!!" Emu came over, cooing sadly before she wrapped you into a hug, followed by Tsukasa again.

"Seriously, guys-"

"Nene, c'mon!"


A third pair of arms reluctantly wrapped around you and, after an awkward moment of hesitation, a fourth. Smelling Rui, feeling his body close to yours again, you couldn't help but lean into him, feeling one more tear slip out of your eye.

"Let's get cleaned up, guys."

The group broke off at your suggestion, all giving a reassuring smile before turning to their dressing rooms. You soon followed suit, entering your room to change back into your casual clothes. Once you'd made it that far, say nothing of your face or hair, you flopped down into your chair, leaning your head back and sighing.

It was foreign and familiar at the same time, this feeling. The whole day had felt this way. You were reliving your Super Nova days. It'd seemed like a fever dream so far, and an unattainable goal before today. But here you were, taking deep breaths following a show.

And it felt great.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now